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Joined 06/25/2019 Achieve Points 880 Posts 596

Neoguli's Comments

  • Neoguli's Avatar
    Duskrider 880 596 Posts Joined 06/25/2019
    Posted 4 years, 1 month ago

    Maybe if people catch onto that Regis Quest Paladin deck. It seems pretty decent and could give the class a much needed viable deck that is not on meme tier status like Murloc Paladin.

  • Neoguli's Avatar
    Duskrider 880 596 Posts Joined 06/25/2019
    Posted 4 years, 1 month ago

    I personally thought they will nerf Raging Felscreamer to a 5 mana 5/5 instead of Priestess of Fury, because I thought the latter was alright, but broken by Felscreamer and the ability to cheat the card on turn 5.

    Also no nerfs to Altruis the Outcast where he should never damage your opponent's face? And no change to Kayn Sunfury where he either only has Rush or only he can avoid Taunts?

    I also don't think there was anything wrong with Crimson Sigil Runner.

    But buffs are nice. And other nerfs are decent too. But I was disappointed with DH nerfs, though nerfing Priestess is not a bad move.

  • Neoguli's Avatar
    Duskrider 880 596 Posts Joined 06/25/2019
    Posted 4 years, 1 month ago
    Quote From sinti

    I must concur, i dont like many of those custom cards, Bleeding Blade is probably even worse than Assassin's Blade for example, that is saying something. Hail of Blades is a relatively big AOE, not something Rogue should have in their core kit. Pick Lock does not correspond with how Rogue burgle cards work, that looks more like a Priest card if anything. Sonic Speed, probably little too easy to make gigantic Edwin, and restricts design space in general, bad card to put in Classic.

    I like Shadow Poison and Ruthless Tracker tho, those are great.

    Thanks. I thought Shadow Poison would be also limiting design, but maybe it's not. May change Pick Lock in near future. Hail of Blades is honestly an RNG fiesta, because you can always have a chance to kill a minion that would die from 3 damage anyway.

    Quote From KANSAS
    I don't like Pick Lock because stealing cards from your opponent's hand/deck is a Priest thing. Rogue just takes random cards from another class.  I also don't like Mimic Pod because it feels weird and memey. I would get rid of those and keep SI:7 Agent and Cold Blood in the classic set.

    Well... no. I don't plan on returning those two cards back to the Classic Set, because Rogue has been historically a bit difficult to balance when they got big minions in early stages. Some are Neutral, and that will never change, but some other minions with incredibly good stats in early game did make it albeit a bit too easy for Rogue to transition into other parts of the game.

    Quote From Alfi
    You removed 7 minions and only added 3

    It's part of my plan of shifting Rogue identity a bit. As I mentioned earlier, Rogue has been historically dominant when they had early game minions.

  • Neoguli's Avatar
    Duskrider 880 596 Posts Joined 06/25/2019
    Posted 4 years, 1 month ago

    I'm honestly not as proud of this set as of my other ones. Feels messy and sometimes rushed, as I usually do them within a span of 3-4 hours. Maybe your feedback will help me with tidying up this mess.

  • Neoguli's Avatar
    Duskrider 880 596 Posts Joined 06/25/2019
    Posted 4 years, 1 month ago

    Greetings there! I'm here to present you my version of how I would change Rogue's Core Sets. I'm jumping the bandwagon a bit with the changes after seeing some other people trying their reworks and generally accepting classes may need some updates.

    This time, I've put crossfire onto Rogue. The reason being they have some of the worst cards in the entire game, and they have a lot of them actually. On the other side of the coin though, they also have cards that warp the entire class around. I'm trying to modify their set to include more cards that can see play whilst retaining the combo playstyle in a healthier way - mainly trying to avoid mana cheating in form of cards like Preparation.

    TL;DR Welcome Songhai to Hearthstone. Also welcome the biggest exodus of cards you have ever seen.

    Strengths and Weaknesses

    Show Spoiler
    • Strengths
      • Burst and Face Damage - Rogues kill you without a sound.
      • Single Target Removal - The bigger they are, the easier it is to strike.
      • Weapons - So many daggers to poison…
      • Card Draw and Generation - Rogues are nimble and energetic, refilling their resources fast. They can pickpocket unaware bachelors.
    • Limitations
      • Buffs - Rogues can amplify their weapons. Not minions, though…
      • Minions - Rogue's minions are more value oriented for the most part, or require a chain of effects to exceed their base uselessness. But that doesn't mean all of their mercenaries are made of sack.
    • Weaknesses
      • Survivability - Once you catch a Rogue, they are done.
      • AoE Removal - Rogues prefer dealing with a single target.

    New Sets

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    Basic Set

    Classic Set


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    WANTED! - a simple card that adds some removal and a Coin for future combos.

    Bloodsail Flybooter - is not that great of an early drop, as her early board presence is limited to spamming 1/1s over two turns. However, she still provides with a lot of tokens to use.

    Plague Scientist - somebody mentioned they were glad Blizzard added Plaguebringer. And so there he is… except it's his KotFT counterpart. Ultimately a little more balanced, because while cheaper, you need to play something to give Poisonous. It's Combo effect also synergises with the remaining cards.

    Interrogate - added as part of my revisory to my Core Set, where I increase the Classic Set to 16 cards and add necessary changes. A simple early game tool that can easily deal with a larger threat for a decently cheap Cost, which should happen most of the time due to your Hero Power.

    Hooked Scimitar - adds a strong weapon to pressure damage.

    Ruthless Tracker - has an Edwin-esuqe effect, except it's much healthier, as the minion doesn't get big.

    Burgle - showcases the thievery side of the class with a simple effect.

    Town Plunderer - added as part of my revisory to my Core Set, where I increase the Classic Set to 16 cards and add necessary changes. A very aggressive minion for Pirate decks and a potential refill for Combo decks. A 5 Mana 6/6 is not bad, and the added flexibility from the Combo effect adds to its value as either a Cobra Shot-esque card or a Bladed Lady-esque one.

    Whirlkick Master - a huge value generator and keeps Combos going.

    Voracity - the highlight of these changes. Allows you to dig for a Combo card that you may need.

    Sabotage - added as part of my revisory to my Core Set, where I increase the Classic Set to 16 cards and add necessary changes. I initially excluded this weapon due to it's awkardness with Voracity, but then that card can help you fish for Sabotage, thus give you a minion removal tool in a pinch. Also, due to the Combo effect, Whirlkick Master can give you more tools to fight for the board.

    Xaril, Poisoned Mind - a simple and versatile minion.

    Hall of Fame

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    Some cards that were considered, but didn't make the cut

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    Counterfeit Coin - was meant to be a Basic card, but thought it was hanging on the knife's edge.

    Daring Escape - nah, it was bad and uninteresting.

    Doomerang - not sure if it belongs to the Classic set. Could say the same about Shadow Poison though…

    [Hearthstone Card (Necrium Apothecaryl) Not Found] - a bit too dangerous to be evergreen. Also not sure if Deathrattle synergy would feel right for the Classic set.

    Poisoned Blade - was thinking of adding it to the set, as it feels just about right. The issue is that even if I left it in it's hillarous spot, it still has a threat of uninteractive gameplay, as Rogue players would sometimes stack the weapon. The process is slow, but possibly not optimal.

    Sabotage - feels good to be added. Ultimately pulled it off, because it feels so wrong with Sonic Speed.

    Shadow Strike - could find a place, but there's no space left.

    Thistle Tea - was meant to be instead of Mimic Pod, but maybe copying one card two times is overkill and not as healthy for future sets.

    Among many, many, MANY other cards…

    Deck Recipes

  • Neoguli's Avatar
    Duskrider 880 596 Posts Joined 06/25/2019
    Posted 4 years, 1 month ago

    Enhance-o Mechano - my old time favorite. I loved the feeling of getting tons of Divine Shields.

  • Neoguli's Avatar
    Duskrider 880 596 Posts Joined 06/25/2019
    Posted 4 years, 1 month ago

    Listening to some feedback, I removed Revenge in place of a differend card. I think it serves a similar purpose of controlling the board and softening stuff to be Plagued on, but does not overlap with Whirlwind.

    Also expect me to do Rogue next time.

  • Neoguli's Avatar
    Duskrider 880 596 Posts Joined 06/25/2019
    Posted 4 years, 1 month ago
    Quote From sinti
    Quote From Neoguli

    I think it's actually perfectly balanced. 8 Armor equals roughly 3 mana, and the Attack reduction effect is worth 1 mana (see that Warlock Echo card, which has that effect for 2 mana because of Echo, and Echo cards usually have effects that cost 1 less than the cards themselves). 

    I would agree had that card been judged in a vacuum, you need to take into consideration this card is in a Classic set and all the other Armor gain cards for Warrior in the game. Just because it is balanced on its own does not mean it wouldnt be oppressive in the class when mixed in with all the other cards.

    It's always a challenge to actually design a card tbh, because we do not have the luxury of a test server like Blizzard HQ has. It's always hard to say if a card will be actually playable - we can only assume so. Just look at card reveals and see how many times we got cards wrong.

    On the other hand, I do own a fandom centered around Custom Hearthstone. It's abandoned as fuck (I created it around 2016 or 2017 (EDIT: actually 2015 based on date of my blogs)), but there's a seperate forum category to create threads that are meant to emulate a game of Hearthstone to some extent. We could go there and try out some of the new cards like the Howl. Now if only I knew how it was called... (it's Polish btw, but I could translate it to English no problem)... nvm got the link below.

    Quote From Theodrinus
    The only thing I disagree with is the inclusion of Revenge. It just feels too similar to Whirlwind, already included in the evergreen set. I'd swap back Fiery War Axe for it, so Warrior can have an early game weapon, and it is another target for Upgrade!.

    Decided to add Revenge to add more ways to trigger Plague of Wrath, but if needed, I can try and find a replacement - most likely in a form of a custom card.

  • Neoguli's Avatar
    Duskrider 880 596 Posts Joined 06/25/2019
    Posted 4 years, 1 month ago

    I think it's actually perfectly balanced. 8 Armor equals roughly 3 mana, and the Attack reduction effect is worth 1 mana (see that Warlock Echo card, which has that effect for 2 mana because of Echo, and Echo cards usually have effects that cost 1 less than the cards themselves). 

  • Neoguli's Avatar
    Duskrider 880 596 Posts Joined 06/25/2019
    Posted 4 years, 1 month ago

    Greetings there! I'm here to present you my version of how I would change Paladins's Core Sets. I'm jumping the bandwagon a bit with the changes after seeing some other people trying their reworks and generally accepting classes may need some updates.

    This time, I've put crossfire onto Warrior. While it's very hard to actually do them, please don't think I'm going to make changes for literally every class, altough if I get bored, I might do in near future. Also chose Warrior this time because they have some of the worst cards in the entire game at their disposal (hello, Warsong Commander), aswell as invigorating the class with some new tools.

    Strengths and Weaknesses

    Show Spoiler
    • Strengths
      • Aggression - Warriors are relentless and will cut you like a guillotine.
      • AoE Removal - Warrios can easily deal with gropus of enemies as if they were insects.
      • Survivability - Durability is the name of duelers.
      • Card Draw - Blood rushes inside Warriors, increasing their endurance and speed.
    • Limitations
      • Buffs - Warriors benefit from pain.
      • Single Target Removal - Warriors fight brutal, but they prefer to cut your wounds instead of execution.
    • Weaknesses
      • Spell Face Damage - Warriors prefer melee duels.
      • Card Generation - Warriors prefer taking matters into their own hands.

    New Sets

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    Basic Set

    Classic Set


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    Gilneas Defender - a cheaper Lord of the Arena. Simple yet very effective at defending your board and pressuring your opponent if left unchecked.

    Clefthoof Rider - adds a nice midrange card to give you removal and card draw.

    Exhausting Howl - a new control tool. Gives you Armor while simultaneously weakineing enemy minions, and that effect could be even used to trade efficiently.

    Revenge - Another AoE tool that still shows some of that shallow 12-Health strategy.

    Plague of Wrath - the center of this change. While Brawl is strong, over time, it has become a bit unhealthy through the RNG aspect. I wanted to replace it with the Plague to add a healthier and usually more consistent removal option, it also emphisizes how much Warrior cares about wounding enemies. Also that sick animation for new players to amaze with. *u*

    Gladiator's Sword - a cheap weapon to deal with early boards or to soften enemy minions.

    Crush - simple card, adds some single target removal and further bolsters the aspect of having damaged characters. But if deemed useless or thrown away because of my tendencies to add cards from various expansions to the Core set a bit too much, I can replace it.

    Hall of Fame

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    Some cards that were considered, but didn't make the cut

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    Drywhisker Armorer - seemed to be a very good control tool. Maybe a bit too good to be evergreen.

    Death's Bite - it's a very interesting card to add, but I couldn't find much room for.

    I Know a Guy - card generation weakness, duh. But it was still something I felt wasn't painful to hvae in the Core set.

    Ravaging Ghoul - this card put me into conflict to whether add this or Revenge to the set. Ultimately went for the latter, as I secretly wanted to add an even-cost AoE that Odd Warriors will never abuse with Plague of Wrath.

    Vicious Scraphound - felt a little weird. Also a mech.

    Alley Armorsmith - thought she was a bit too limiting to be evergreen.

    Heavy Metal! - feels odd to have. I guess it can also slightly limit design space for cheap cards that give a lot of Armor.

    Reckless Flurry - wasn't sold on giving such huge AoE. It's Armor removing mechanic also contradicts with what I think newer players should be teached about Armor.

    Among many, many, MANY other cards…

  • Neoguli's Avatar
    Duskrider 880 596 Posts Joined 06/25/2019
    Posted 4 years, 1 month ago
    1. Strike six times with Greenglade Lookout if Zephyr Sage is the most expensive unit in your hand
    2. Play three Mobilize while you have a leveled up Karma on board
    3. Trigger the Plunder effect of three Smooth Soloists

    That's how you can make them cost no mana.

  • Neoguli's Avatar
    Duskrider 880 596 Posts Joined 06/25/2019
    Posted 4 years, 1 month ago

    Oh wait... You can exploit this with [Hearthstone Card (Zephyr Sage) Not Found] that cost no mana. You just summon them constantly on top of ones you already have. A very rare scenario I imagine, but when it happens, your opponent will be disturbed for sure.

  • Neoguli's Avatar
    Duskrider 880 596 Posts Joined 06/25/2019
    Posted 4 years, 1 month ago

    I assume this design is eligible, am I right? If not, then I'll try to find something else. If yes, then thanks for ensuring me. Onto the card itself, it's a big chunk of burst to finish off pesky Mecha'thun Warlocks (assuming they draw inefficiently to the point their deck is empty on the turn you want to play Niuzao) or Nomi decks, or even decks using Myra's Unstable Element.

    @Wailor - The card is alright. Pretty decent body and can cause chaos. Nothing mindblowing in terms of design, but a stable one.

    @shaveyou - I'd stick with Roaring Inferno. While it's more obvious in terms of criteria, I have a feeling Incitus will be abused in some combo decks despite the card also benefitting your opponent.

    @Xarkkal - Also a fine card, because it disrupts the pace overall, but it's not the most consistent disruption. Just make sure to add a way to track which cards are corrupted in the actual game.

    @Demonzx85 - Please no. I think we don't want that many bombs in our decks.

  • Neoguli's Avatar
    Duskrider 880 596 Posts Joined 06/25/2019
    Posted 4 years, 1 month ago

    Well this is another idea. My previous one was using Demacia and Ionia, reducing the Cost of Zephyr through Mobilize. Tons of survivability, but this one has a lot more speed.

    In reply to BP Zephyr Oil Tank
  • Neoguli's Avatar
    Duskrider 880 596 Posts Joined 06/25/2019
    Posted 4 years, 1 month ago

    Imprison used to destroy a minion and resummon it once you have no minions, but the current version makes more sense thematically and mechanically. Prison is to keep people locked, not to kill them - so triggering Deathrattles wouldn't make sense. Also makes sense to keep it dormant for easier tracking of when it will break free.

  • Neoguli's Avatar
    Duskrider 880 596 Posts Joined 06/25/2019
    Posted 4 years, 1 month ago

    With my weird [Hearthstone Card (Zephyr Sage) Not Found] shenanigans, you can get to less than 15 cards pretty fast and on a pretty consistent basis. Naut will give my Zpehyrs +3/+3 and also add some that were Tossed. Also with [Hearthstone Card (Smooth Soloist) Not Found], they can cost up to (0) mana.

    I'm sorry for being so obsessed with that Sage, but I guess I really enjoy the idea of this late game win codition that cannot be countered once you pull it off.

  • Neoguli's Avatar
    Duskrider 880 596 Posts Joined 06/25/2019
    Posted 4 years, 1 month ago

    They do. When you play copy a Zephyr Sage with another Zephyr Sage, the buffs transfer to the rest of Zephyr Sages. You can do stuff like 3-mana 7/7 Barrier Zephyr Sages in late game. And the thing is that there is no counter to the strat. The drawback is that it's very slow and forces you to build weird stuff.

  • Neoguli's Avatar
    Duskrider 880 596 Posts Joined 06/25/2019
    Posted 4 years, 1 month ago

    So you're telling me Smooth Soloist can reduce the cost of my boy [Hearthstone Card (Zephyr Sage) Not Found] up to (0)? Omg I'm so happy, can't wait to craft that card and check if Ionia and Bilgewater work together.

  • Neoguli's Avatar
    Duskrider 880 596 Posts Joined 06/25/2019
    Posted 4 years, 1 month ago

    Greetings there! I'm here to present you my version of how I would change Paladins's Core Sets. I'm jumping the bandwagon a bit with the changes after seeing some other people trying their reworks and generally accepting classes may need some updates.

    This time, I've put crossfire onto Paladin. You thought enough clases got facelifts from me? Well, you are wrong. Maybe I should start making an enitre rework of Core sets and release them as an expansion on Hearthcards Class Creator section?

    Strengths and Weaknesses

    Show Spoiler
    • Strengths
      • Minions - Paladins lead a huge army of troopers.
      • Secrets - Paladins can punish the unworthy.
      • Survivablity - Soldiers are meant to survive on the battlefield.
      • Buffs - Light smiles upon the righteous and empowers them.
    • Limitations
      • Card Draw - Paladins have time to call the Gods when they are desperately needed. They don't call them for mere situations…
      • Card Generation - Paladins may not directly receive help, but they pray for the lost to return. TL;DR Paladins will be the premiere class for shuffling cards into your deck or fatigue style decks.
    • Weaknesses
      • Spell Face Damage - Paladins prefer melee duels.
      • Big Removal - Paladins have some smaller, consistent tools at their disposal, but they don't have the most reliable huge board wipes or permanent effects like Assassinate, as they'd rather convince you to reconsider your past tenses. They don't want to kill you.

    New Sets

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    Basic Set

    Classic Set


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    Subdue - A bit better than Humility. New players deserve something better.

    Warhorse Trainer - a buffed version version of the original card. Teaches people about Silver Hand Recruit synergy.

    Heroes Never Die - a new card. Something to showcase Paladin as a class suited for Fatigue style of decks.

    Imprison -  a new card. A single target hard removal for Paladin, but it's not permanent, because if you have no minions, then there's nobody to watch over the prisoner.

    Rallying Blade - adds Divine Shield synergy for the evergreen set. Not too strong, but pretty decent.

    Silver Hand Enforcer - a new card. Adds a defensive body for all decks based around Secrets.

    Enter the Coliseum - returned with a change. It's probably the biggest board wipe Paladin has ever seen at their disposal. With the change, now you have higher chance to actually clean the entire board, provided your survivor is strong enough. Again, the later part makes this not as reliable, but still serves as a mass removal, especially for Highlander decks.

    Hall of Fame

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    Some cards that were considered, but didn't make the cut

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    Potion of Heroism - could've been a good replacement for Hand of Protection, but pulled it off, because I have a bit of a bad reputation of overpulling cards from expansions into Core sets. Also card draw.

    Immortal Prelate - was undecided if to include this card or not. On one hand, it introduces more of the shuffling theme and gives more synergies for future Buff cards. On the other hand, it could limit design space.

    Crystal Lion - was thinking of this card as something to include Silver Hand Recruit synergies, but went for a simpler and a bit more balanced effect. A large minion that can be cheated out pretty quickly can feel a little chaining to be evergreen.

    Autodefense Matrix - maybe a little too strong for evergreen. Also redundant with the Enforcer.

    Lightforged Blessing - probably also limiting. Also no need to add Twinspell to the Classic Set.

    Bronze Herald, Cathedral Gargoyle - yeah. Dragons were intially meant to be strengths of Paladin, but I didn't find the place for them as much as I would like to.

    Blackguard - thought of adding something to bolster Healing Paladin for future sets. I guess it's not that necessary, other aspects probably need more spotlight.

    Divine Favor - was thinking of bringing the card back with some obvious tweaks. Ultimately didn't find room for the card.

    Sand Breath - was also meant to add Dragon synergy and replace Hand of Protection. Decided the original card was alright.

    Seal of Champions - didn't find room, but maybe one time, it will replace the card I've already mentioned so much. Or maybe also ditch out Blessing of Might for something else once this card comes in.

    Seal of Light - felt a bit weird. Was meant to replace Holy Light.

    Among many, many, MANY other cards…

  • Neoguli's Avatar
    Duskrider 880 596 Posts Joined 06/25/2019
    Posted 4 years, 1 month ago

    Mill PnZ anyone?

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