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    Duskrider 880 597 Posts Joined 06/25/2019
    Posted 3 years, 11 months ago

    As a big fan of Da Undatakah and N'Zoth, the Corruptor, this card is probably gonna be net on my shelf. I frankly think this one is gonna be great for a lot of Deathrattle decks, but of all sorts, on the contrast of the other afromentioned cards. You don't exactly need to play this in a big Deathrattle deck - you can play a more aggressive deck with cheaper Deathrattles and play this on curve on the similar manner of Silver Hand Knight. There aren't as many cheap aggro decks that use Deathrattles, but you can certainly slap him into tons of decks, even in ones not exactly focused on the whole Deathrattle synergy.

    Also a great card for Highlander decks. Most of them have some sort of a value-oriented Deathrattle minion like [Hearthstone Card (Astromancer Solariam) Not Found] or [Hearthstone Card (Zixor, Apex Hunter) Not Found]. This can give you even more value. I can imagine some dirty stuff with shuffling more copies of Kargath Prime for Big Warrior.

    Let's not forget some truly Wild stuff like getting more copies of Immortal Prelate, getting a small Hadronox, creating a small Anub'arak etc.

    Even without any Deathrattles, this can serve in token decks as a way to generate 3 minions. Can be nice with Acornbearer to generate even more tokens.

    5/5 (as a fan of Deathrattle synergies)

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    Duskrider 880 597 Posts Joined 06/25/2019
    Posted 3 years, 11 months ago

    This starts to get sweaty, but I'm not raging, and well I shouldn't. This is a sort of combo disruption. It can definitely cause some middle finger moments, but because it's Discover, it's harder to get the card you want to shuffle into their deck. It's similarly statted to Madame Lazul, with +1 in every stat and a slightly different effect of causing disruption instead of getting a copy of the card.

    I still remember a Reddit post about card advantage in HS and why it's not as important. Nice, but not meta defining. If gathering intel was huge, Lazul and Chameleos would've been metawarping. But because of how combat resolves in HS, hand knowledge is less impactful.

    And let's not forget DH is driven by tempo. This can give you some through disruption, but it's unreliable this way. You want consistency.

    Also, Glide into this to make your opponent have 4 cards next turn? xd


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    Duskrider 880 597 Posts Joined 06/25/2019
    Posted 3 years, 11 months ago

    Hard to evaluate. This can either be broken or not as bad. You can get refill, but if your hand has good cards, you may not be as tempted to play this. And while it is a pretty great way to reduce options for greedier decks, don't forget drawing is rng, and your opponent can draw poorly just as often as they could draw better thanks to this card.

    It will obviously feel frustrating when you get unlucky, as it is natural for humankind to feel worse when something doesn't go their way. But this may be important in the future to disrupt certain decks. And don't forget not every DH will run this card on your ladder nor will you meet DH every match, although Illidan remains a popular class.

    And also some potential for Augmented Elekk Demon Hunter in Wild, tho Odd DH will reign supreme among the class.


  • Neoguli's Avatar
    Duskrider 880 597 Posts Joined 06/25/2019
    Posted 3 years, 11 months ago

    This can either be good or just flop. Playing this on curve does allow to stof taunt your opponent, but it reduces the potential consistency of the Spellburst effect. And not many classes can wipe a lot of boards on turn 10 alongside Kel AND benefit from him. The only that come to my mind are him + Soul Mirror or - surprisingly - Starfall in Quest Druid. Sometimes Rolling Fireball. Playing him on curve is a mild play and you could've done better, but the Cost makes it hard to use the effect in one turn.

    However, I assume he summons plain copies of them, so if you finish off high-health minions, you can summon big lads.

    I wonder how Kel would work with Puzzle Box.

    Also, maybe in Wild with Deathspeaker to actually ensure Kel sticks when the spell ends? Obviously harder to find fitting spells to have the ensurance policy effect work, but Wild is used to stuff like Emperor Thaurissan.

    Oh, and a fun interaction with BEEEES!!!! Kill one unit, summon it and all the dead bees.

    Overall, a good card, but extremely niche. He's handcuffed by his Cost and how Spellburst works. He can definitely screw up stuff like DH and Spell Druid later on, though.


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    Duskrider 880 597 Posts Joined 06/25/2019
    Posted 3 years, 11 months ago

    Imprisoned Satyr -> hits Malygos -> Swipe -> this card -> another Swipe -> 2x Moonfire = 30 damage OTK

    You just can't ingore how much potential stuff you can do with this.


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    Duskrider 880 597 Posts Joined 06/25/2019
    Posted 3 years, 11 months ago

    Look! Shaman got a new counter to King Togwaggle! Much better at that than Krag'wa, the Frog.

    All Wild stuff aside, this can give you a copy of a spell. Seems solid for Control Shaman, and becomes a budget, but more common Electra Stormsurge for spells that cost (4) or less. Grabbing something like another Witch's Brew or Earthquake is great value. My only concern is that this is in Shaman, and they are not doing so hot after the aftermath of Galakrond nerfs. Maybe Dekkster's Burn Shaman can help out the class, aswell as Control Shaman. Both archetypes can use this card.


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    Duskrider 880 597 Posts Joined 06/25/2019
    Posted 3 years, 11 months ago

    Literally screams Highlander Hunter for me. It helps you create a finishing blow with Dinotamer Brann by copying a King Krush. In a more board oriented game, this can also copy Zixor, Apex Predator OR buff Zixor Prime. Also not a beast itself, so you can still tutor important Beasts with Scavenger's Ingenuity.

    Will be hard for Druid to find a place for this card. It seems better in Jungle Giants Druid to copy a big lad for a cheap cost. Maybe in decks that utilize Winged Guardian or Marsh Hydra? That could create for a solid late game defense line or a proactive board clear and value generation. MAYBE to buff a Crystal Stag, but Heal Druid is meme status, so no.

    5/5 in Hunter, 3/5 in Druid

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    Duskrider 880 597 Posts Joined 06/25/2019
    Posted 3 years, 11 months ago

    Hmn... contrary to what people suggest of taking this card towards a Burgle package, I see it having more potential in Galakrond Rogue actually. It could take the spot of Pharaoh Cat as the 1-Cost unit in the deck. The archetype may get ripped due to nerfs to Galakrond, the Nightmare himself, but cards like these can help the archetype due to access to tools Rogues normally can't afford consistently. Mage spells are nothing to scuff at.

    Hard to think of any Mage deck that would run this card. Maybe Tempo, but that archetype isn't as hot as Highlander. In Highlander, there is a bit of hurdle to trigger the Combo effect, but having some more spells is nothing of ashameful.


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    Duskrider 880 597 Posts Joined 06/25/2019
    Posted 3 years, 11 months ago

    Not really that good as people seem to make it out to be. It's deck dependant, as not many minions can benefit as much from additional Rush, but in decks that can sacrifice a card slot for this, it can rpove useful. Something like Siamat with Divine Shield and Windfury. Also Shudderwock is nutty with this card, as every copy will be actually useful to reset board states. But in standard, it will be hard to find a place for this card. At least it is somewhat useful by itself.

    I just don't think it can be warranted a deck slot, at least in Standard. As I mentioned, this will probably be a staple for Shudderwock decks. Maybe also in Hadronox Druid. And MAYBE with Immortal Prelate to actually turn these infinite value girls into decent plays.

    4/5 in Wild, 3/5 in Standard

  • Neoguli's Avatar
    Duskrider 880 597 Posts Joined 06/25/2019
    Posted 3 years, 11 months ago

    I... don't see this being played much. The primary deck for this should be Spell Druid, and while it gives value generation and lets you curve out Fungal Fortunes on turn 2, I frankly don't believe the current version of Spell Druid will have a place to replace this card.

    The main problem of this card is actually Discover. In Spell Druid, you actually want to use card draw to increase the odss of getting Glowfly Swarm. Rising Winds currently fills the similar niche of filling your hand with two more cards, but Winds has versatility of summoning a minion in a pinch, and because of Twinspell, it adds a guaranteed spell to hand.

    Maybe after the next rotation, this one could see play in Spell Druid. But now, it's not there yet.

    And we obviously don't know the rest of the set, so this could be better as time goes by.


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    Duskrider 880 597 Posts Joined 06/25/2019
    Posted 3 years, 11 months ago

    Having Elusive turrets is necessary imo, but the Cost should be changed, because due to Flash of Brilliance, Heimer can generate so many Elusive units with ease. Could maybe move it to 4 or 5 mana threshhold.

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    Duskrider 880 597 Posts Joined 06/25/2019
    Posted 4 years ago

    Yeah... I actually have autism. No wonder why I'm particularly fond of infinite value decks like Shudderwock Shaman and Galakrond Priest, which are my main decks when I play Hearthstone, but that happens rarely nowadays. I enjoy playing the war of attrition and giving your opponent less nad less opportunity to get me once I start rolling. This card exemplifies that with its infinite value effect. Also, my classic attention to aesthetics when it comes to formatting the cards - I don't like having to place two keywords in one line close to each other and having to seperate them with a comma. It looks ugly.

    EDIT: Fun trivia. I've been using Hearthcards for more than 6 years. Yes, I've been active there since 2015. I've seen it all. Especially times when your cards would still be in gallery even as 1.8 of rating. Or when the highest rated cards was 4.9 stars.

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    Duskrider 880 597 Posts Joined 06/25/2019
    Posted 4 years ago

    Tell me guys. How many times have you seen Heroic Strike being played? Not much. I bet this change will make the card be played on a similar level to Heroic Strike, albeit a bit more due to added flexibility.

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    Duskrider 880 597 Posts Joined 06/25/2019
    Posted 4 years ago

    Piltover. You have potential to break the rules with that faction. They also have some cool lore, although if you do delve deeper into some stories, you can definitely see them as a more imperialist region due to massive society differences.

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    Duskrider 880 597 Posts Joined 06/25/2019
    Posted 4 years ago

    Not bad. Definitely on a strong side though, could see the nerf to a 2/3 or 3/2, as even Brightwing, which has a similar effect, is a 3/2. And Grimstone would still be a bit better due to his tutor.

  • Neoguli's Avatar
    Duskrider 880 597 Posts Joined 06/25/2019
    Posted 4 years ago

    After learning that maybe immediately sending an idea and not listening to potential feedback got a toll on me, it's time to reveal some of my ideas.

    Sazin is a good Big Shaman enabler and can combo well with Muckmorpher. Zaraam adds a bit more disruption to Thief Priest decks, as their cards that you stole are now more expensive for your opponent - for example, if you get a copy of Ysera, Unleashed, your opponent's original copy will now cost (1) more, wherever it is. Glack is a support for Poisonous and adds a Burrowing Scorpid to your hand, although that can be changed.

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    Duskrider 880 597 Posts Joined 06/25/2019
    Posted 4 years, 1 month ago

    It probably comes from the fact people want to see only their card in the finals. I'm not gonna lie that I feel a bit of a disappointment for my card to not enter the finals, but I did not drop bombshells on every card. I did rate a lot of them pretty low though mostly because of existence of cards like [Hearthstone Card (Sir Finley Mrrglton) Not Found], and some felt too bland, as they simply changed their Hero Power and nothing else - I thought people would experiment more with the Hero Power usage time like I did with Deductive Learning.

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    Duskrider 880 597 Posts Joined 06/25/2019
    Posted 4 years, 1 month ago

    I still have recent memories of Mage being busted in Wild. While I haven't played as much of HS as I'm now playing Runeterra (even instead of my dear League of Legends for some reason), the dominance of Mage was irritating - you basically were FORCED to have Loatheb or else your opponent would easily Archmage Vargoth and Time Warp you with little to no counterplay. This was mostly because I enjoy grindier decks like Galakrond Priest and Shudderwock Shaman (you can even check my profile for N'Zoth Dragon Galakrond Hybrid) that once got featured in Wild Weekend Decks). Even in Runeterra, I'm particulrly fond of quirky, truly infinite value decks that unfortunately don't seem to work well.

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    Duskrider 880 597 Posts Joined 06/25/2019
    Posted 4 years, 1 month ago

    Finally added the promised changes.

  • Neoguli's Avatar
    Duskrider 880 597 Posts Joined 06/25/2019
    Posted 4 years, 1 month ago

    Freljord saviour there. While I'm currently using a weird deck using Freljord and Piltover that is not centered around Teemo and Sejuani, I do notice value in certain cards that could see more play if they were buffed. May share the deck code for interested.

    • Catalyst of Aeons is fine at least for me, but it could use a buff late game. Maybe introduce an Enlightened effect, but with healing you for 6. Drawing a card for that also seems alright. Maybe it could even be reverted to 4 mana, but that is a controversial change.
    • Kindly Tavernkeeper also seems alright, but I'd raise his stats to 3/3 instead. That way, he no longer fears Fearsome units, which I think is actually a big think in matchups where the healing from this card matters more.
    • I don't see a need to buff Entreat. It's already one of the best tutors in the game.
    • Avarosan Marksman could be simply raised to 4/1. Still suspectible to removal like Vile Feast, but I see huge potential for this card in the current metagame, as it can kill an unbuffed Loyal Badgerbear by itself and prevent Grizzled Ranger from attacking. Buffing the Attack would let the Marksman kill an entire Ranger.
    • Troop of Elnuks could see a rework yet again, because now it's trash, but if it gets the current ability buffed, it will cause frustration like before the change. Let it pull one Elnuk and give that +1/+1 buff everywhere.
    • Warmother's Call is tricky to balance, because while Deny exists, if you aren't Ionia, you can pray your opponent doesn't have as many good stalling tools and as many finishing moves. Warmother Control with Shadow Isles may not be as popular, but it's still a decent deck that uses Warmother (so does mine with Freljord and Piltover xd). If too cheap, your opponent can easily overwhelm you. I ftoo expensive, it becomes a niche tool. I don't think this should ever be cheap enough, even if it didn't summon a minion at the time of cast, which is gating the power level of the card.
    • Probably reduce the cost of Aurora Porealis to 6. That card is hella expensive and laughable, but same could be said about Poros in general.
    • Maybe Braum to 6 Health. I also see value of him against midrange decks to tank some damage. He's not bad in that role already, but with a bit more Health, he could tank even a Badgerbear buffed by War Chefs. Wouldn't that be sweet?
    In reply to Freljord Buff Ideas
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