I like it except for the curve and lack of card draw, but I don't really see of any clear way to improve either. Maybe Shadow Assassin instead of the Keepers? Maybe a Trifarian Shieldbreaker or Kato The Arm?
Finally: Swim would argue for removing both Darius and just playing additional Decimate & Might. It feels wrong to me, but the logic goes that both the aforementioned happen faster: Darius needs to be played and to attack which gives your opponent a chance to respond with anything (e.g., Ruination), whereas the Decimate and Might would limit him to only be able to respond with Fast & Burst spells before the Nexus damage is applied.
I feel bad for anyone who wanted to play Teemo / shroom decks: he seemed fairly balanced in the closed beta, but he's pretty much a non-factor now as its almost impossible for him to get a nexus strike.
Then again, they did want to play TEEMO, so I don't feel toooo bad...
I think you want to commit to either beatdown or control.
If you want beatdown, you're cutting your AoEs (Ruination and Box) and adding Mark of the Isles and Zed--Zed is always a good tempo play, and he synergizes great with your Soul ShepardBADCARDNAME, Death Mark, Phantom Prankster, and Hecarim. That's probably the better way. If you want control, I think you're removing either your value-adders (Pranksters and Soul Shepherds) or some of your aggro followers in favor of Glimpse Beyond, Vile Feast, and Rhasa the Sunderer.
So Riot has stated we're going to get our first real balance patch on Feb-18, and my question is: what do you think their policy will be do for nerfed cards? E.g.: for Hearthstone, for 2 weeks after a patch that changes a particular card to have less power, players can refund that card for 100% of its crafting dust (roughly equivalent to converting it into LoR shards equivalent to its wildcard rarity). Significantly, it's ONLY the cards that were changed--many times, a single card out of a multiple-card synergy will be nerfed leaving players angry that the other cards now have no place in the meta yet can only be dusted for the standard 25% refund. I'm not as familiar with MtG:Arena, but I saw in the recent Oko/etc nerf that they banned the cards from the popular formats and everyone automatically received wildcards of equal quantity and rarity.
For the closed LoR betas Riot didn't do anything, but I'm discounting that because the collections weren't "real" then--all collections were planned to be reset and all coins were refunded. Now, if you go and buy wildcards with cash to craft specific cards, that's effectively permanently spent.
My personal guess: they won't refund anything. Unlike MtG, they can actively tweak cards after publishing and unlike Blizzard, Riot seems to be committed to balancing rather than just hindering cards until they cease to be relevant. This seems to be their design philosophy with League of Legends: they want all champions to be relevant, so they will buff and nerf a particular champions over and over until they find equilibrium--and as such, they don't give refunds. (At least not as far as I can tell; I'm not a big LoL player so please tell me if I'm wrong here.) I could potentially see them giving out some shards in LoR just to placate players who are used to the other systems--especially if complaints get too vocal--but I don't think there will be any consequential.
Then you are a god and I humbly bow before your feat.
I don't know anything, but my personal theory: they will reset the roads either every expansion or every season. I say that because they've stated somewhere (can't find exact quote right now) something like "for each expansion, we want active players to get ~75% of the collection without spending money" and the only way I can see that happening is if you get new roads that give cards from that particular expansion. Most players will probably get every region to Level 8 for the 1st champion capsule and then either max out their favorite region or develop-but-not-max multiple regions; a few like yourself will get every region to max and then effectively stall out until the next reset. (I actually prefer your idea of letting players still get random cards from a designated region--I just don't think they'll implement that this year.)
You gentlemen are correct; I was thinking it was 3000 but am at work so I double-checked online and found what I presume to be a stale article stating quoting 4000. XD
You should expect aggro to be the dominant strategy for the first month or two for any CCG. First off: aggro is always the most budget friendly offering to a new player at any stage of the game's life: the cards tend to be more common and the deckbuilding is very direct. Second, not many people have the cards to pull off combo or control yet, and even if they did, those decks usually need some refinement and customization for the current meta. Finally: there's a positive feedback loop right now where aggro finishes games quicker -> gets more XP -> gets better cards -> gets even more wins per hour.
Give it some time; I think things will settle down once the community discovers some good tempo and control archetypes.
Getting an Expedition entry instead of a Legendary is really good when you're just trying to grow your collection, since the Legendary will cost you less than 3000 shards guaranteed. Ofc if you want a specific one, crafting it is probably going to be the best (not counting wild cards)
You're assuming you get at least 5 wins; for 3 or less, you only get the random champion and a small refund on your shards. Specifically, its either 40003000 shards to craft a specific champion or 3000 shards for a run with the following payouts:
0 Win: Champion Card and 100 XP
1 Wins: Champion Card, 150 Shards, 300 XP
2 Wins: Champion Card, 350 Shards, 500 XP
3 Wins: Champion Card, 600 Shards, 700 XP
4 Wins: Champion Card, Bronze Chest, 600 Shards, 900 XP = at least 1 random Champion, 2 Common
5 Wins: Champion Card, Silver Chest, 600 Shards, 1200 XP = at least 1 random Champion, 1 Rare, 2 Common
6 Wins: Champion Card, Golden Chest, 1000 Shards, 1500 XP = at least 1 random Champion, 1 Rare, 4 Common
7 Wins: Champion Capsule, 3500 Shards, 2000 XP = at least 1 random Champion, 1 Epic, 3 Rare
I think a big reason why Jarraxus is so low is because demons have become so popular plus Nightmare Amalgams were removed, and you are only getting value from his hero power if your lineup has multiple demons. Compare against Tirion, who on paper has much weaker tribals but in practice is much more successful as no one else in the lobby wants to take his tribals.
you don't go to the store silly, you go to your collection, select "show unowned" and then you can craft any card you like
Legendaries cost 3000 for example (although that amount of shards is better spent on expeditions tbh)
This. Or even if you own the card but want additional copies. Just right click on the card you want to craft. While you're there: click on the eye at the bottom right: you'll see the card's full artwork, which is usually really cool but so big that the card face only has room from a small cropped version. (My personal fav is Shark Chariot: did you know there's actually 3 sharks, and they're pulling Hecarim along?)
I would also argue that buying a specific Legendary could be better than buying an Expedition run and getting a random Legendary. All depends on your situation: how good you are at Expeditions, what constructed decks you want to play, what's in your existing collection, etc.
Spells have more priority when calculating the winner of the game. If a nexus were to die from spell damage before the opposing died from the minions on the board, the spell nexus would 'die first' and the winner would be declared.
Sort of? That's a slightly awkward way to phrase it, though. A better way would be that when you announce an attack, you're creating a "stack" of events that will fire in a certain sequence: any special effects go first (e.g., Legion Saboteur), then your left-most minion's attack, 2nd-from-left, etc. Then your opponent has opportunities to declare blockers, add a fast spell to the top of the stack meaning it happens before all the aforementioned, and/or play a burst spell (happens immediately)--and if he does any of those options, it goes back to you to cast any fast and/or burst spells, etc. But spells don't have innate priority over everything: if I summon a Ravenous Butcher off a Cursed Keeper with a Phantom Prankster on board, you take that 1 damage and I get my abomination both instantaneously--you don't get an opportunity to snipe or Purify anything first because none of that creates a stack. If I tried that same trick using a Glimpse Beyond, you would because that only happens at fast speed and it does create a stack. Make sense?
Quote From <a href=
I wonder then if that is the only way to achieve a tie. Because every other scenario has a predetermined order. And if that is the only way to achieve a tie in this game, I gotta say that they made some pretty robust systems. It aggravated me in the moment, but it makes sense once you put it into words
Maybe if I have 1 HP and attack you with a big overwhelm, and you have a chump blocker and either Phantom Prankster and/or the chump blocker is Legion Grenadier: I could see the game logic applying the special effects to damage my nexus should be applied simultaneously as the carry-over damage to your nexus from my overwhelm and ruling that game a tie. I've thought about this a lot actually, but I haven't actually had the opportunity to confirm.
Given the provocative language and relatively new account, I'm entirely unconvinced that this isn't just a bait-thread. But for the sake of argument, I'd note that the mechanic is entirely intuitive once you understand and accept the premise. It also ensures that Overwhelm is appropriately powerful - it'd be a lot less impactful as a keyword if the same effect could be reproduced by basically any targeted removal spell.
It also give you a level of complexity: if you start a round with a Mystic Shot, a 4/3 on board, and the attack token, and all I have on board is a 1/1: do you open attack and force the chump-block, or do you shoot the 1/1 and pass? It's a simple question, but the "best" answer will depend on what additional threats I can play on my turn, what additional threats you can play into your attack if you don't open attack, how much health we both have, etc. What if I my unit is 3/2 instead of a 1/1? What if you instead have a 7/7? Does your unit have first strike, overwhelm, or regen? And that's all assuming you're playing the Mystic Shot this turn--you might want to save it for a bigger threat, or rather spend that mana on something else this turn. There's a whole lot of nuance behind your decision whether or not to open attack that would be lost if Mystic Shot was a burst spell.
I started this thread because I'm a big believer in the Golden Rule. That doesn't mean prescribing how others should act me or even expecting them to respond in kind, it just means making a little effort on my part to make the world a better place--or in this case, a short game of chance with an anonymous stranger a little more cordial. If they reciprocate, that's great, if they don't, that's OK too. If they want to be rude: that's disappointing but as others have pointed out it is just a game and there is a convenient Squelch feature. I just didn't recognize the Shen emote so I wanted to ensure what I was emoting was being received as intended.
40D, I confess: I'm shocked that someone who uses an avatar from a show obsessed with Immanuel Kant’s categorical imperative would find a mild-mannered discussion about etiquette so hackle-raising. Then again, you did pick Bad Janet over Good Janet, so maybe it is sort of on-brand. :-P I realize you find this whole topic childish and irrelevant; please do not take it so personally. This thread was intended as a fact-finding discussion, not an attack.
so all the downvoters are happy that games played after the first 3 wins per day are practically worthless..? xd
I didn't downvote you as I didn't think you did anything wrong besides perhaps poorly word your thread title, but yes: I personally am very happy that I only need to play ~6 games every day to get a lion's share of XP. There are days when I do want to play more but there are also days when I don't have time to play at all, so I've found this model very accommodating to my lifestyle.
For what its worth, I do sympathize with your feelings--you clearly have a dedication for this game if you are routinely getting past the 20-wins-per-day rolloff and understandably feel you aren't being rewarded proportionately to your level of involvement--I just don't share them. :-)
I'm guessing when you lost it had the Fiora Duelist Dance animation?
My understanding is that mechanically she actually works like "If any unique Level 2 Fiora kills 2+ minions, win the game", despite the text. If you right click on her, you can see her progression: as I recall, a newly-played Level 2 Fiora will show 0/2 instead of 0/4 or 2/4. Assuming that's true, Fiora would have won the game the instant she killed the 2nd minion--i.e., before the Savage Reckoner applied its overwhelm damage. You should have attacked with him on the left--its possible that could have given you a win. :-P
In other words, if your opponent had first Fiora out, she got 2 kills and level'ed before you killed it, then he played a 2nd Fiora that comes into play as Level 2 with 0/2 progression and it kills 2 things, then the game essentially counts it as 4 total. I think if the first Fiora only kills one thing, then the second comes out as Level 1 with 0/2 progression and has to kill 4 more things to satisfy the win condition. (I've only played her a little in Expedition mode, so don't quote me here.)
I like it except for the curve and lack of card draw, but I don't really see of any clear way to improve either. Maybe Shadow Assassin instead of the Keepers? Maybe a Trifarian Shieldbreaker or Kato The Arm?
Finally: Swim would argue for removing both Darius and just playing additional Decimate & Might. It feels wrong to me, but the logic goes that both the aforementioned happen faster: Darius needs to be played and to attack which gives your opponent a chance to respond with anything (e.g., Ruination), whereas the Decimate and Might would limit him to only be able to respond with Fast & Burst spells before the Nexus damage is applied.
I feel bad for anyone who wanted to play Teemo / shroom decks: he seemed fairly balanced in the closed beta, but he's pretty much a non-factor now as its almost impossible for him to get a nexus strike.
Then again, they did want to play TEEMO, so I don't feel toooo bad...
I think you want to commit to either beatdown or control.
If you want beatdown, you're cutting your AoEs (Ruination and Box) and adding Mark of the Isles and Zed--Zed is always a good tempo play, and he synergizes great with your Soul ShepardBADCARDNAME, Death Mark, Phantom Prankster, and Hecarim. That's probably the better way. If you want control, I think you're removing either your value-adders (Pranksters and Soul Shepherds) or some of your aggro followers in favor of Glimpse Beyond, Vile Feast, and Rhasa the Sunderer.
Good luck!
That he should find 3 cards to cut to make room? ;-)
That mistwraith deck splashing Ionia just to play Deny and Shadow Assassin... :-P
The Ionia is a bit awkward--you're basically just splashing it for Zed's utility and card draw. Have you considered P&Z? Professor von Yipp, Counterfeit Copies, and Parade Electrorig.
So Riot has stated we're going to get our first real balance patch on Feb-18, and my question is: what do you think their policy will be do for nerfed cards? E.g.: for Hearthstone, for 2 weeks after a patch that changes a particular card to have less power, players can refund that card for 100% of its crafting dust (roughly equivalent to converting it into LoR shards equivalent to its wildcard rarity). Significantly, it's ONLY the cards that were changed--many times, a single card out of a multiple-card synergy will be nerfed leaving players angry that the other cards now have no place in the meta yet can only be dusted for the standard 25% refund. I'm not as familiar with MtG:Arena, but I saw in the recent Oko/etc nerf that they banned the cards from the popular formats and everyone automatically received wildcards of equal quantity and rarity.
For the closed LoR betas Riot didn't do anything, but I'm discounting that because the collections weren't "real" then--all collections were planned to be reset and all coins were refunded. Now, if you go and buy wildcards with cash to craft specific cards, that's effectively permanently spent.
My personal guess: they won't refund anything. Unlike MtG, they can actively tweak cards after publishing and unlike Blizzard, Riot seems to be committed to balancing rather than just hindering cards until they cease to be relevant. This seems to be their design philosophy with League of Legends: they want all champions to be relevant, so they will buff and nerf a particular champions over and over until they find equilibrium--and as such, they don't give refunds. (At least not as far as I can tell; I'm not a big LoL player so please tell me if I'm wrong here.) I could potentially see them giving out some shards in LoR just to placate players who are used to the other systems--especially if complaints get too vocal--but I don't think there will be any consequential.
What is your guess?
Then you are a god and I humbly bow before your feat.
I don't know anything, but my personal theory: they will reset the roads either every expansion or every season. I say that because they've stated somewhere (can't find exact quote right now) something like "for each expansion, we want active players to get ~75% of the collection without spending money" and the only way I can see that happening is if you get new roads that give cards from that particular expansion. Most players will probably get every region to Level 8 for the 1st champion capsule and then either max out their favorite region or develop-but-not-max multiple regions; a few like yourself will get every region to max and then effectively stall out until the next reset. (I actually prefer your idea of letting players still get random cards from a designated region--I just don't think they'll implement that this year.)
If you mean the "Super Zed" deck you created on this site 2 hours before you made this post: I see it under your profile.
You gentlemen are correct; I was thinking it was 3000 but am at work so I double-checked online and found what I presume to be a stale article stating quoting 4000. XD
I think the Thresh is a threaten--like: your soul is about to go into my lamp...because you'll be dead. Get it?
You should expect aggro to be the dominant strategy for the first month or two for any CCG. First off: aggro is always the most budget friendly offering to a new player at any stage of the game's life: the cards tend to be more common and the deckbuilding is very direct. Second, not many people have the cards to pull off combo or control yet, and even if they did, those decks usually need some refinement and customization for the current meta. Finally: there's a positive feedback loop right now where aggro finishes games quicker -> gets more XP -> gets better cards -> gets even more wins per hour.
Give it some time; I think things will settle down once the community discovers some good tempo and control archetypes.
You're assuming you get at least 5 wins; for 3 or less, you only get the random champion and a small refund on your shards. Specifically, its either 4000 3000 shards to craft a specific champion or 3000 shards for a run with the following payouts:
I think a big reason why Jarraxus is so low is because demons have become so popular plus Nightmare Amalgams were removed, and you are only getting value from his hero power if your lineup has multiple demons. Compare against Tirion, who on paper has much weaker tribals but in practice is much more successful as no one else in the lobby wants to take his tribals.
This. Or even if you own the card but want additional copies. Just right click on the card you want to craft. While you're there: click on the eye at the bottom right: you'll see the card's full artwork, which is usually really cool but so big that the card face only has room from a small cropped version. (My personal fav is Shark Chariot: did you know there's actually 3 sharks, and they're pulling Hecarim along?)
I would also argue that buying a specific Legendary could be better than buying an Expedition run and getting a random Legendary. All depends on your situation: how good you are at Expeditions, what constructed decks you want to play, what's in your existing collection, etc.
Sort of? That's a slightly awkward way to phrase it, though. A better way would be that when you announce an attack, you're creating a "stack" of events that will fire in a certain sequence: any special effects go first (e.g., Legion Saboteur), then your left-most minion's attack, 2nd-from-left, etc. Then your opponent has opportunities to declare blockers, add a fast spell to the top of the stack meaning it happens before all the aforementioned, and/or play a burst spell (happens immediately)--and if he does any of those options, it goes back to you to cast any fast and/or burst spells, etc. But spells don't have innate priority over everything: if I summon a Ravenous Butcher off a Cursed Keeper with a Phantom Prankster on board, you take that 1 damage and I get my abomination both instantaneously--you don't get an opportunity to snipe or Purify anything first because none of that creates a stack. If I tried that same trick using a Glimpse Beyond, you would because that only happens at fast speed and it does create a stack. Make sense?
Maybe if I have 1 HP and attack you with a big overwhelm, and you have a chump blocker and either Phantom Prankster and/or the chump blocker is Legion Grenadier: I could see the game logic applying the special effects to damage my nexus should be applied simultaneously as the carry-over damage to your nexus from my overwhelm and ruling that game a tie. I've thought about this a lot actually, but I haven't actually had the opportunity to confirm.
It also give you a level of complexity: if you start a round with a Mystic Shot, a 4/3 on board, and the attack token, and all I have on board is a 1/1: do you open attack and force the chump-block, or do you shoot the 1/1 and pass? It's a simple question, but the "best" answer will depend on what additional threats I can play on my turn, what additional threats you can play into your attack if you don't open attack, how much health we both have, etc. What if I my unit is 3/2 instead of a 1/1? What if you instead have a 7/7? Does your unit have first strike, overwhelm, or regen? And that's all assuming you're playing the Mystic Shot this turn--you might want to save it for a bigger threat, or rather spend that mana on something else this turn. There's a whole lot of nuance behind your decision whether or not to open attack that would be lost if Mystic Shot was a burst spell.
:-( All this negativity...
I started this thread because I'm a big believer in the Golden Rule. That doesn't mean prescribing how others should act me or even expecting them to respond in kind, it just means making a little effort on my part to make the world a better place--or in this case, a short game of chance with an anonymous stranger a little more cordial. If they reciprocate, that's great, if they don't, that's OK too. If they want to be rude: that's disappointing but as others have pointed out it is just a game and there is a convenient Squelch feature. I just didn't recognize the Shen emote so I wanted to ensure what I was emoting was being received as intended.
40D, I confess: I'm shocked that someone who uses an avatar from a show obsessed with Immanuel Kant’s categorical imperative would find a mild-mannered discussion about etiquette so hackle-raising. Then again, you did pick Bad Janet over Good Janet, so maybe it is sort of on-brand. :-P I realize you find this whole topic childish and irrelevant; please do not take it so personally. This thread was intended as a fact-finding discussion, not an attack.
I didn't downvote you as I didn't think you did anything wrong besides perhaps poorly word your thread title, but yes: I personally am very happy that I only need to play ~6 games every day to get a lion's share of XP. There are days when I do want to play more but there are also days when I don't have time to play at all, so I've found this model very accommodating to my lifestyle.
For what its worth, I do sympathize with your feelings--you clearly have a dedication for this game if you are routinely getting past the 20-wins-per-day rolloff and understandably feel you aren't being rewarded proportionately to your level of involvement--I just don't share them. :-)
I'm guessing when you lost it had the Fiora Duelist Dance animation?
My understanding is that mechanically she actually works like "If any unique Level 2 Fiora kills 2+ minions, win the game", despite the text. If you right click on her, you can see her progression: as I recall, a newly-played Level 2 Fiora will show 0/2 instead of 0/4 or 2/4. Assuming that's true, Fiora would have won the game the instant she killed the 2nd minion--i.e., before the Savage Reckoner applied its overwhelm damage. You should have attacked with him on the left--its possible that could have given you a win. :-P
In other words, if your opponent had first Fiora out, she got 2 kills and level'ed before you killed it, then he played a 2nd Fiora that comes into play as Level 2 with 0/2 progression and it kills 2 things, then the game essentially counts it as 4 total. I think if the first Fiora only kills one thing, then the second comes out as Level 1 with 0/2 progression and has to kill 4 more things to satisfy the win condition. (I've only played her a little in Expedition mode, so don't quote me here.)