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Joined 03/17/2019 Achieve Points 1255 Posts 744

randomfan's Comments

  • randomfan's Avatar
    Elemental 1255 744 Posts Joined 03/17/2019
    Posted 3 years, 11 months ago

    I gave this three stars because, while I think the dormant/spellburst pairing is powerful, I can't think of how best to play it. Is it for an aggro deck to give your turn 5 minions an extra layer of removal resistance?

  • randomfan's Avatar
    Elemental 1255 744 Posts Joined 03/17/2019
    Posted 3 years, 11 months ago

    Is this where we get to say 'Inner Fire died for this effect'?

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    Elemental 1255 744 Posts Joined 03/17/2019
    Posted 3 years, 11 months ago

    Early anti-aggro tools will always be playable somewhere. I think this will see play in some kind of mid-range shaman deck. Maybe spell power rises up?

  • randomfan's Avatar
    Elemental 1255 744 Posts Joined 03/17/2019
    Posted 3 years, 11 months ago

    I think this will be a great card. Discovering from a limited pool makes the good turns far more consistent.

  • randomfan's Avatar
    Elemental 1255 744 Posts Joined 03/17/2019
    Posted 3 years, 11 months ago

    I think this will fit into a control Warlock archetype. Although the minion does not do much to further the control gameplan, the payoff most certainly will. Almost all of the primes will contribute towards controlling the board, especailly since they will most llikely be a fresh burst of value once the planned interactions of either deck have started to dwindle.

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    Elemental 1255 744 Posts Joined 03/17/2019
    Posted 4 years ago

    I did the same as you with my initial DMF pack opening. I did just enough to get the commons and rares, which netted me 4 legendary and 10 epic cards. I've saved my ladder rewards packs from December, will be saving the five compensation packs, and will be saving the January ladder rewards to hopeully fill the commons and rares from the min-expansion. I do have some gold remaining that I did not spend on this expansion to buy a few more packs if I end up close to the pity timer or just need another one or two to finish things off. I"m trying not to spend any gold that was acquired from the rewards track so that I know exactly what my income has been when it comes to the next full expansion.

    In reply to mini expansion
  • randomfan's Avatar
    Elemental 1255 744 Posts Joined 03/17/2019
    Posted 4 years ago

    Kripp has done some videos recently featuring private lobby BG runs. They did some homemade rules like minion limits or level limits. Looked kind of interesting. You would just need seven friends who were all willing to self enforce some fun rules.

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    Elemental 1255 744 Posts Joined 03/17/2019
    Posted 4 years ago
    Quote From GoddammitDontShootMe

    I'm glad they're fixing the tavern brawl quest issue. I'd thought that was a bug, but I think they removed mention of completing quests in tavern brawl from the loading screen text.

    I had the play three tavern brawl quest yesterday. While queuing one up I saw that exact tip and chuckled to myself. On one hand I was completing a quest by playing, but it wasn't counting towards my play three games as X class quest.

  • randomfan's Avatar
    Elemental 1255 744 Posts Joined 03/17/2019
    Posted 4 years ago

    I was already on the 'wait and see' train for the rewards track, but I have also gotten to the point where progress has slowed down considerably, so this is a nice change already. My biggest takeaway from this is that if you have already opened the packs you planned on getting from the Darkmoon Faire, you should hold on to those bonus packs (I'm also holding the monthly rewards ones) for when the 35 card mini expansion is released. If the new cards are distributed in a similar ratio to the previous Galakrond set, it will be 15 common, 12 rare, 4 epic and 4 legendary. You should not need more than 12 packs to get all the commons and at least one copy of the rares. If you can continue to be patient, climbing the ladder will reward you enough bonus rares at the start of the next month to finish off what you need. Legendary and epic cards will just come as the lottery dictates. This will be my approach for now, any pack rewards just go to the mini expansion and all gold goes to the next full expansion. I'm also taking this approach with any classic card packs. I'm expecting a partial classic set revamp at the next year rotation. Holding onto weekly tavern brawl packs and whatever else trickles out should help fill in any newly released cards. (I'm still crossing my fingers for Whizbang to be put in the classic set at some point.)

  • randomfan's Avatar
    Elemental 1255 744 Posts Joined 03/17/2019
    Posted 4 years ago

    I'm wondering if the warrior chapter will come in today's Battle.net maintenance or if they will skip December.

  • randomfan's Avatar
    Elemental 1255 744 Posts Joined 03/17/2019
    Posted 4 years ago

    My best guess is 12 per day. I've done some significant browsing today doing site achievements and 12 is the last number I remember seeing. It also fits the theme of 12 Days of Christmas.

  • randomfan's Avatar
    Elemental 1255 744 Posts Joined 03/17/2019
    Posted 4 years ago

    Doing some achievement hunting today and it makes me chuckle seeing the initial reaction to this card. This one turned out to be a staple invoke card.

    In reply to Devoted Maniac
  • randomfan's Avatar
    Elemental 1255 744 Posts Joined 03/17/2019
    Posted 4 years ago
    Quote From OmarComing

    Based on their starry attributes, XiaoT is like Bo Jackson in Tecmo Bowl. So I guess I'll pick him?

    Plus, he's a basketball fan and I'm a basketball fan too. It is only logical that I vote for him.

  • randomfan's Avatar
    Elemental 1255 744 Posts Joined 03/17/2019
    Posted 4 years, 1 month ago

    I don't see this as being a useful card. Anyone that wants some reach damage will have better burst options. Playing it not for lethal has too much of a penalty attached.

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    Elemental 1255 744 Posts Joined 03/17/2019
    Posted 4 years, 1 month ago

    More had buff mechanics. If it doesn't hit your three or four drop, it will be a feels bad play. I don't think it carries enough stats of its own to make sense in an aggro style deck.

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    Elemental 1255 744 Posts Joined 03/17/2019
    Posted 4 years, 1 month ago

    Annoying taunt to set up a turn three minion that you want to stick around. I don't know if it makes sense in most cases.

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    Elemental 1255 744 Posts Joined 03/17/2019
    Posted 4 years, 1 month ago

    This is decent, but I think DH has better than decent options for weapons. This probably doesn't make the cut.

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    Elemental 1255 744 Posts Joined 03/17/2019
    Posted 4 years, 1 month ago

    I guess this is a good weapon on a token/totem Shaman deck. Stats alone might make it worth playing.

  • randomfan's Avatar
    Elemental 1255 744 Posts Joined 03/17/2019
    Posted 4 years, 1 month ago

    How many druid decks want to play a 4/4 minion on the turns that it will be before discounting this to a reasonable number? I don't see this as being very viable.

  • randomfan's Avatar
    Elemental 1255 744 Posts Joined 03/17/2019
    Posted 4 years, 1 month ago

    Feels like a tough condition to meet. 4/1 on a turn when you hope to play a drawn card won't mean much on a board.