I think King Phaoris is too weak as highend wincon, since for the rest you are basically relying on board clears and mildly buffed imps as your main strategy.
I think you should find room for more big drops, and/or go harder with the token scheme. Maybe some of both with Jumbo Imp and some other imps.
I know mage excels in AOE, but sometimes you need a real board clear. Now the question is, why does mage has no board clear while other classes do. I can create some 2/3 card combo which should clear the board, say a 6 damage to all minions. But his does not clear a board of mountain giants for instance, or one 24/24 mech.
Indeed, the vulnerability of Highlander to Bombs is such a bummer, that it may raise more complaints than Blizz may want to receive (for an archetype that is known not to be a threat for the meta anyway).
I am glad Bomb Warrior is marginal in Wild, but i maintain Bomb is an awful design.
Is there any possible strategy to maximise the profit? Is a 2-2 run better to be saved for the reset then a 7-2 for example? Both have Pros and cons...
Probably not worth the thought but how do you approach it?
I tried to mathematicly solve this but it‘s more complexe then i thought. Guessed winrate, average profit per win and stuff
It's easier than you think.
The only definitive factor towards the choice of risking beyond x-2 is your knowledge of your average Arena skills, compared with the value of x.
But there is no final maths of a better bet, simply because variance is too great for the single case.
If so, then Sir Finley of the Sands would have the most potential among the new highlander class cards.
Again, it depends on the gameplan.
If you go for Midrange, Dinotamer Brann is far superior to Finley, who can only provide some HP-based survival/delay, waiting for a better wincondition to be drawn (ie Combo/OTK).
Ideally, one could even conceive an Aggro Highlander Paladin (considering Hunter, Rogue or Paladin upgrades), but in that role Baku is just immensely more reliable than Finley, especially considering the arsenal of game-warping synergies of Paladin with Dudes.
It would be weird to change their ticket policy without a proper announcement.
They know the procedure of leaving one run open is established, it would be extremely rude and superficial on their customers to change that without any proper notification.
Solid enough, but the Quest itself requires no fast Tempo/Token deck in the meta, in order to survive in the top tier - and that is unlikely.
The only place where i can see Shaman being seriously OP is Wild, with Totemic Surge being given to Even Shaman, while the deck is already t1. I am not even sure the meta can properly adjust to such a powerlevel...
I'd love buildings and/or environments as new types.
Conditional (deckbuilding and/or game status) cards that are permanently dormant (occupying slots) but offer small steady bonuses.
They could start in hand (environment) and then offer a minor bonus, or cost some more mana and be drawn (building), and then offer a slightly stronger bonus.
I'd love buildings and/or environments as new types.
Conditional (deckbuilding and/or game status) cards that are permanently dormant (occupying slots) but offer small steady bonuses.
They could start in hand (environment) and then offer a minor bonus, or cost some more mana and be drawn (building), and then offer a slightly stronger bonus.
A Tempo/Midrange Rogue. It may not be as solid as Odd Rogue, but i'm quite confident, considering the number of powerhouses in the class arsenal.
And then maybe Hunter too, with similar setup.
I'd love to say Even Shaman as well, but i'm afraid it's impossible to replicate the consistency of the already established non-Singleton deck (same thing with Reno Evenlock btw, which is worse than just Evenlock, without OTK package).
The other classes have a harder time at getting a Singleton Midrange deck going, and would be forced to Combo/OTK to survive the meta, which is not really my cup of tea.
All the above because I believe Control archetypes don't have enough tools for the Wild meta (and/or i'm too bad for tryharding). Yet.
Seems like a hit and miss card. If reduction was better.
Exactly this.
It is an interesting card, but what she does is diminishing the Tempo loss of a Discovery...
But if your deck has so many discovery as to make this card consistent, it means you are playing a pretty slow game, and so you're probably better off with bigger, more significant cards than this one in your list.
Kazakus and now Zephrys the Great and the two older ones are pure value card that are terrible tempo playes.
I disagree with this. Kazakus is an immediate Tempo loss, but overall he provides a huge Tempo swing in the form of the potion (including face damage).
The only pure value card there is Reno, hence my point.
But i agree about your consistency point for Tempo/Midrange. The hope is that Wild growing larger + more Swing Highlanders (like Zephrys the Great) may actually make the whole thing real. Like, not top tier, but viable.
If that's wrong, then Highlander decks can only really hope in a huge meta revolution (ie. the wipeout of BP, QMage, Secret Mage), external factors that are honestly unlikely.
Hard to predict, in the same way it was hard to predict that Reno decks would have been pushed to bottom tiers in Wild.
If things won't change, if Wild meta keeps being squeezed between Aggro/Tempo and Midrange/OTK, i think the old Reno decks are bound to stay marginal.
However, with Zephrys the Great, and Kazakus for Kabalists, we could finally conceive Highlander decks as something that is not constricted to the Control archetype.
Reno has always warped Highlander towards a slow style, because basically all he does is delaying the game (and that used to be enough in the past, not now) but that is not necessarily the case anymore: what if Zephrys could finally seal the availability of Tempo or Midrange for the Highlander scheme? Maybe not for all classes, but some?
Afterall, both Zephrys and Kazakus provide versatile Tempo swings. That's not necessarily a Control thing. The only game delayer is/was Reno. But he's not the Highlander definer anymore...
I don't like the card either, in the same way I dislike Pilfer, but he's one of the few cards that grants you a Quest-useful non-Rogue card. I'll replace him as well, as soon as I see Rogue is not so frequent in the incoming Wild meta. At that point I will also introduce more of the old Thief cards, Blink Fox, Swashburglar, and maybe Shaku, the Collector too.
I just updated the guide. Reno Jackson is not (or should not be) necessary, since this is meant to be a Tempo/Midrange deck.
Ancient Blades further improves your defenses, so that you can press on with better cards, instead of just resetting your health.
I may get him back to the crew in case the Quest proves to be too slow for Wild purposes, but I'll try with more Thief cards first.
It also depends on the meta anyway. As it is, with a conspicuous presence of Big Priests and Quest Mages, you can't afford a very slow plan anyway, or at least Rogue cannot do that without sacrificing too much of its survivability (at that point a Mecha'thun with Anka, the Buried would be preferable).
I think King Phaoris is too weak as highend wincon, since for the rest you are basically relying on board clears and mildly buffed imps as your main strategy.
I think you should find room for more big drops, and/or go harder with the token scheme. Maybe some of both with Jumbo Imp and some other imps.
You freeze them repeatedly.
For once i totally agree with you. ;P
It also makes sense that Mage plays differently with spells and AoE btw. Otherwise it'd be too similar to Warlock.
Indeed, the vulnerability of Highlander to Bombs is such a bummer, that it may raise more complaints than Blizz may want to receive (for an archetype that is known not to be a threat for the meta anyway).
I am glad Bomb Warrior is marginal in Wild, but i maintain Bomb is an awful design.
It's easier than you think.
The only definitive factor towards the choice of risking beyond x-2 is your knowledge of your average Arena skills, compared with the value of x.
But there is no final maths of a better bet, simply because variance is too great for the single case.
Again, it depends on the gameplan.
If you go for Midrange, Dinotamer Brann is far superior to Finley, who can only provide some HP-based survival/delay, waiting for a better wincondition to be drawn (ie Combo/OTK).
Ideally, one could even conceive an Aggro Highlander Paladin (considering Hunter, Rogue or Paladin upgrades), but in that role Baku is just immensely more reliable than Finley, especially considering the arsenal of game-warping synergies of Paladin with Dudes.
It would be weird to change their ticket policy without a proper announcement.
They know the procedure of leaving one run open is established, it would be extremely rude and superficial on their customers to change that without any proper notification.
Solid enough, but the Quest itself requires no fast Tempo/Token deck in the meta, in order to survive in the top tier - and that is unlikely.
The only place where i can see Shaman being seriously OP is Wild, with Totemic Surge being given to Even Shaman, while the deck is already t1. I am not even sure the meta can properly adjust to such a powerlevel...
IE has been abandoned by their very developers (Microsoft), in favor of Edge.
As harsh as this may sound (it is not, really), there is no reason to use and support IE in 2019.
Quest Priest is the only really innovative deck that i think will pass the meta test (in Standard). To be seen if more Reborn or Combo oriented.
There may me more, but they are still variations of older archetypes. eg Quest Rogue is just a Tempo Thief Rogue, Lackeylock is just a Zoolock, etc.
Surely some of the new names will take roots nonetheless.
That's also cool, although a bit random i guess, much like Finley.
But yeah, the mutual effect concept is also interesting, as a player could deckbuild for maximum profit, hoping the opponent won't benefit as much.
I'd love buildings and/or environments as new types.
Conditional (deckbuilding and/or game status) cards that are permanently dormant (occupying slots) but offer small steady bonuses.
They could start in hand (environment) and then offer a minor bonus, or cost some more mana and be drawn (building), and then offer a slightly stronger bonus.
A Tempo/Midrange Rogue. It may not be as solid as Odd Rogue, but i'm quite confident, considering the number of powerhouses in the class arsenal.
And then maybe Hunter too, with similar setup.
I'd love to say Even Shaman as well, but i'm afraid it's impossible to replicate the consistency of the already established non-Singleton deck (same thing with Reno Evenlock btw, which is worse than just Evenlock, without OTK package).
The other classes have a harder time at getting a Singleton Midrange deck going, and would be forced to Combo/OTK to survive the meta, which is not really my cup of tea.
All the above because I believe Control archetypes don't have enough tools for the Wild meta (and/or i'm too bad for tryharding). Yet.
Exactly this.
It is an interesting card, but what she does is diminishing the Tempo loss of a Discovery...
But if your deck has so many discovery as to make this card consistent, it means you are playing a pretty slow game, and so you're probably better off with bigger, more significant cards than this one in your list.
I disagree with this. Kazakus is an immediate Tempo loss, but overall he provides a huge Tempo swing in the form of the potion (including face damage).
The only pure value card there is Reno, hence my point.
But i agree about your consistency point for Tempo/Midrange. The hope is that Wild growing larger + more Swing Highlanders (like Zephrys the Great) may actually make the whole thing real. Like, not top tier, but viable.
If that's wrong, then Highlander decks can only really hope in a huge meta revolution (ie. the wipeout of BP, QMage, Secret Mage), external factors that are honestly unlikely.
Hard to predict, in the same way it was hard to predict that Reno decks would have been pushed to bottom tiers in Wild.
If things won't change, if Wild meta keeps being squeezed between Aggro/Tempo and Midrange/OTK, i think the old Reno decks are bound to stay marginal.
However, with Zephrys the Great, and Kazakus for Kabalists, we could finally conceive Highlander decks as something that is not constricted to the Control archetype.
Reno has always warped Highlander towards a slow style, because basically all he does is delaying the game (and that used to be enough in the past, not now) but that is not necessarily the case anymore: what if Zephrys could finally seal the availability of Tempo or Midrange for the Highlander scheme? Maybe not for all classes, but some?
Afterall, both Zephrys and Kazakus provide versatile Tempo swings. That's not necessarily a Control thing. The only game delayer is/was Reno. But he's not the Highlander definer anymore...
Okok, next time i have a cool theme i'll add a full story, i pawmise.😇
I don't like the card either, in the same way I dislike Pilfer, but he's one of the few cards that grants you a Quest-useful non-Rogue card. I'll replace him as well, as soon as I see Rogue is not so frequent in the incoming Wild meta. At that point I will also introduce more of the old Thief cards, Blink Fox, Swashburglar, and maybe Shaku, the Collector too.
Not sure it's gonna work, but this is definitely a smart build towards Chef Nomi, with theme as well. So +1 from me.
I just updated the guide. Reno Jackson is not (or should not be) necessary, since this is meant to be a Tempo/Midrange deck.
Ancient Blades further improves your defenses, so that you can press on with better cards, instead of just resetting your health.
I may get him back to the crew in case the Quest proves to be too slow for Wild purposes, but I'll try with more Thief cards first.
It also depends on the meta anyway. As it is, with a conspicuous presence of Big Priests and Quest Mages, you can't afford a very slow plan anyway, or at least Rogue cannot do that without sacrificing too much of its survivability (at that point a Mecha'thun with Anka, the Buried would be preferable).