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  • sinti's Avatar
    Senior Writer Chocolate Cake 2070 2785 Posts Joined 10/20/2018
    Posted 3 years, 9 months ago

    Yeah, you can swap between desktop and mobile HS app right after the combat starts to force it resolve immediately and buy yourself a few (dozen) seconds in your tavern phase. The match is decided the second it starts, so watching it resolve is just watching the motions, nothing that happen after is random, it has already been predetermined. You can easily tell this by seeing an achievement fire right when the combat starts, meaning the game already know if you've lost/won.

    In reply to Too short timer!
  • sinti's Avatar
    Senior Writer Chocolate Cake 2070 2785 Posts Joined 10/20/2018
    Posted 3 years, 9 months ago

    Arena and Duels are still a pretty different game modes, even tho the reward system might make you think otherwise.

  • sinti's Avatar
    Senior Writer Chocolate Cake 2070 2785 Posts Joined 10/20/2018
    Posted 3 years, 9 months ago
    Quote From clawz161

    I think this would be solved if you could click on the number and see who upvoted or downvoted your post. When i upvote myself in a thread i usually try to do it only once at the first time, because people are more likely to read my WALL OF TEXT if it looks like someone else has read it and agreed with my point. After that i don't really care. Fake internet points don't really matter. I upvote my own decks if i make descriptions and think people should see them and leave my ones i am testing or don't care about to die at 0 or below. But even then it's better to put a comment on them saying "Hope you like it" or something like that because they'll appear on the forum section(or at least they used to) on the front page.

    It could be used in some cases to harass the users by the person who was the target of the downvote. Also it could create a feeling to "trade upvotes", or "being mentally pressured into upvoting a comment for the same person who upvoted you so they dont take offense", we've had that before. There are reasons both to display and not display it.

  • sinti's Avatar
    Senior Writer Chocolate Cake 2070 2785 Posts Joined 10/20/2018
    Posted 3 years, 9 months ago

    Nekkid Orc Bundle!

  • sinti's Avatar
    Senior Writer Chocolate Cake 2070 2785 Posts Joined 10/20/2018
    Posted 3 years, 9 months ago

    She is going to be as annoying in LOR as she is in LOL :D

  • sinti's Avatar
    Senior Writer Chocolate Cake 2070 2785 Posts Joined 10/20/2018
    Posted 3 years, 9 months ago

    This is gonna feel great when it works for you, and abysmally bad when it doesnt. Seems like another way to highroll. Guess we'll see how it goes, 4 will probably be pretty important, so heroes that can smoothly transition there to take advantage first might be even stronger.

  • sinti's Avatar
    Senior Writer Chocolate Cake 2070 2785 Posts Joined 10/20/2018
    Posted 3 years, 9 months ago
    Quote From h0lysatan

    I had these questions a while back about these custom Hearthstone, I meant no offense, I respect anyone decision about arts. I would even encourage them to keep pursuing this.

    The thing is, up until now, after 6+ years, I haven't seen yet a single custom made Hearthstone being used by the Hearthstone team (please correct me If I'm wrong), since they always made their own arts (or new keywords) from their own team, maybe some arts from outside source, but never about the gameplay design or keywords.

    This is incorrect, while, ofc, we cannot with 100% certainty tell, if some real cards were inspired by Custom cards from community, there have been numerous instances over the years where cards from Custom expansions/classes and/or individual cards from various competitions have made it into the game in very similar, or literally the same, form (barring the art/name) as those made by community.

    While some ideas one could argue would make it into the game sooner or later, so it wasnt really that much of "prediction", it could have influenced devs to finally put them in the game, if they were repeating among community a lot, this is also a way to give them feedback and "tell" them, what cards would we want to see in the game.

    And as Demon said, it is a hobby as any other, so yes, we design cards for fun just for ourselves, or others to share them with :)

  • sinti's Avatar
    Senior Writer Chocolate Cake 2070 2785 Posts Joined 10/20/2018
    Posted 3 years, 9 months ago
    Quote From anchorm4n

    Well, that was a tough one. I eventually got frustrated enough to sit down and write a short analysis of what could be done with a 1 Durability Weapon. That finally wielded 2 interesting ideas. I've put the more straight forward one to use but had to do with mediocre art. Maybe I'll try to go with the rational method for the next weeks instead of following my first gut feeling as I usually do. 

    If someone's interested: I've submitted Cedar Wand. It was tempting to go full Harry Potter crossover and make it a legendary Druid "Lifestick" that restores all friendly characters to full Health via Spellburst, but cards like this are hard to balance and rarely do well.

    The second interesting idea was to make a 0/1 Weapon with a strong Deathrattle for a class that has no easy access to weapons. This would have required more time to thoroughly think through which I don't have right now. That's a shame because using Deathrattles would have been a nice idea this week.

    I must say i dont much like your design this time around, not only because i feel like its too strong, super easy to trigger and if there is no weapon removal, you literally have +2 Spell Damage for the rest of the game, but also because it feels like the effect is a weapon just to satisfy the prompt. Not to mention why is it a 2/1 weapon? Seems random.

    I liked this prompt a lot, because it had a potential to come up with some interesting ideas. The easiest one was to try and figure out how to increase the Durability of the weapon, while that was kinda a bait, some ppl did a really good job and were creative and/or added a great flavor to the effect and why it does that.

    But many ppl fell short to the fact that they just slapped their effect on a weapon, because they had to make a weapon, and the effect makes no sense, it could have been on a minion or been a spell and it would make more sense. Also giving weapons to non-weapon classes that have no reason to get a weapon in an expansion you attributed it to is weird, again, for no other than that you wanted this effect for this class and it had to have been a weapon.

    Maybe im too strict and i do want everyone to have fun when designing their cards, i just wish these were some factors that ppl would consider more in the process, thats all :)

    GL everyone!

  • sinti's Avatar
    Senior Writer Chocolate Cake 2070 2785 Posts Joined 10/20/2018
    Posted 3 years, 9 months ago

    Yeah, i cant count games, where i highroll Nomi only to see 1 elemental in next three turns total and lose because i couldnt scale. Elementals are strong and they have really high highroll potential, but it does take time to get going and Divine Shield and/or Poison is a counter to them as anything.

    What im more bothered by is, how most compositions live or die by if you go first or second. I really dont have a good way to "fix" this, maybe at least be guaranteed to alternate going first, if you fight against the same opponent in a row, like battling for 1st spot if only two ppl remain and have to fight several times etc.

    Imagine Alakir going 1st or 2nd, HUGE difference. Or if we stick to elementals, imagine going 1st with your Wildfire or Cyclone, and snipe 2 or 3 (or more) enemy minions before they can act, or go second.

    I really wish going 1st or 2nd didnt dictate the outcomes of majority of the games, especially in the late game, you can prep all you want, but a coin toss, literally, decides the outcome. I would hope for more.

  • sinti's Avatar
    Senior Writer Chocolate Cake 2070 2785 Posts Joined 10/20/2018
    Posted 3 years, 9 months ago
    Quote From Tetsuo

    I sure hope the level 50 portraits will be made available in the upcoming expansions. It would suck to only be able to obtain 1 out of those 10, even though I don't really like most of them. 

    Right now, I'm torn between the Gul'dan and Valeera. I'm leaning towards Gul'dan even though I don't really play much Warlock because the portrait just looks so cool, while Valeera is an option simply because there's a scarcity of Rogue portraits. 

    It would really be a strange decision, if they didnt ride these portraits for a few years now, since 10 portraits covers at least 3 years worth of expansions, if you get one per.

  • sinti's Avatar
    Senior Writer Chocolate Cake 2070 2785 Posts Joined 10/20/2018
    Posted 3 years, 9 months ago

    Dont think Nomi or Majordomo are the problem, Elementals do need a way to scale and getting to Rag is pretty hard. Pushing Nomi and/or Majordomo even higher would make elementals almost unplayable imho.

    Problem is Cyclone and Wildfire Elemental. They basically have cleave, so they trade for more than one minion most of the time, or even more. Those should probably get to a higher tier, so you cant start buffing them so early.

  • sinti's Avatar
    Senior Writer Chocolate Cake 2070 2785 Posts Joined 10/20/2018
    Posted 3 years, 9 months ago
    Quote From Pezman

    I want to know what the deal is with Infinite Arcane. It doesn't say where the cards it offers you come from, but I faced an opponent playing C'Thun, the Shattered who cast this (before casting all 4 of C'Thun's spells), then discovered a playable C'Thun, the Shattered 2 turns in a row! That card was NOT in his deck! But if it offers you random cards out of the entire pool of thousands (as its text implies), how could he get C'Thun 2 out of 2 times? I lost obviously, which was pretty frustrating. But I am also frustrated because this card does not clearly state what it does. My best guess is that it offers you cards that STARTED in your deck, which would include C'Thun, in my example. But it doesn't say that!

    Dont know the answer to your question, sorry, but i have another one: how does the discover work? I mean, if you play the spell, do you get to discover a card on the turn you played it? And if not, do you just lose your next draw, because your deck is empty and you discover a card to put on top? Do you take fatigue damage? Or do you discover a card before the turn starts, before you draw, so you discover and then draw the discovered card?:o

  • sinti's Avatar
    Senior Writer Chocolate Cake 2070 2785 Posts Joined 10/20/2018
    Posted 3 years, 9 months ago
    Quote From JackJimson

     Sorry if I have missed something, but doesn't the track last the entire expansion? So it isn't it only 3 skins per year (1 per expo)?

    Yes, my bad, i wrote each month, but i meant each expansion cycle 😅

    This means they are set for at least 3 years in advance. 

  • sinti's Avatar
    Senior Writer Chocolate Cake 2070 2785 Posts Joined 10/20/2018
    Posted 3 years, 9 months ago

    Making Wild Only set sounds like an interesting idea, but there are so many cards now, that if you dont play the format actively, it will require quite a lot of backtracking with every new idea looking if it would break anything or not, or a lot of feedback from others. I mean, i suppose that is true for regular sets as well, i guess :D

  • sinti's Avatar
    Senior Writer Chocolate Cake 2070 2785 Posts Joined 10/20/2018
    Posted 3 years, 9 months ago

    Most likely you will be able to get all of them eventually, picking up one each month expansion cycle. If they add new ones in the future, that is another question.

  • sinti's Avatar
    Senior Writer Chocolate Cake 2070 2785 Posts Joined 10/20/2018
    Posted 3 years, 9 months ago
    Quote From FieselFitz
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    Quote From Demonxz95
    Quote From FieselFitz

    Here's my first Idea.

    Not realy satisfied with the Name tough … 

    The art is already taken by Aluneth.

    But not only that, it's a Legendary weapon which did not exist until K&C and for a class that doesn't use weapons (which also didn't exist until K&C), so you should change the watermark.

    Oh ok ... never knew it wasn't allowed to use old arts - i mean the primer even gets you to an art gallery full of old art from Hearthstone cards ... and is every art used in every competition new ?  or at least not from Hearthstone?

    Sure Mage does not have lot`s of Weapons but still got some :) - i decided to go with the Whisper of the Old Gods Watermark because of the Yogg Theme from the Weapon.

    Guess i have to think of something else.

    It is generally frowned upon to use card from existing (collectible) cards when designing a custom card. Using art from PVE content can sometimes pass, but if you want to be sure, avoid that too.

    Especially in competitions like ours, where the goal is to kinda create a card that could exist in the game, it wouldnt make sense if two cards shared the same art :)

  • sinti's Avatar
    Senior Writer Chocolate Cake 2070 2785 Posts Joined 10/20/2018
    Posted 3 years, 9 months ago
    Quote From Demonxz95
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    Quote From clawz161
    Quote From Demonxz95
    Quote From clawz161


    Do you need to say "this turn" on the card when launch only happens once?

    Technically you could give it Windfury somehow and it would have that slight difference

    I mean it says one time.

    The Launch itself only triggers one time, but the effect will still last until the end of the turn.

    To be fair, the keyword, or rather its description, does not translate this fact well. It does seem that it should trigger once, on the first minion attack and then fizzle out, something like Spellburst, not that it can stay on the minion and act as an aura effect for the reminder of the turn, for example.

  • sinti's Avatar
    Senior Writer Chocolate Cake 2070 2785 Posts Joined 10/20/2018
    Posted 3 years, 9 months ago

    Let me start off by saying: Excellent work guys! I will try to give you some feedback to each class, since you worked on this hard, so let's see what i do and do not like :)

    • Launch: nice flavor and offers a broad design space all while also the counter-play, good job
    • Observe: scry mechanic, is it? feels super powerful for HS, kinda will have to be careful with the cards you make for it, probably

    Demon Hunter
    • I want to say that Glaiveship might be kinda OP, but i guess, ironically, it would be too slow of a card for DH, which makes it … ok?:)
    • Overall, decently designed cards.

    • I like Sproutification, Marked Shot was always an amazing card and making an iteration of it for Druid seems like a good idea, i actually like 4-cost Discover spell with an additional effect a lot, feels like a proper cost for that.
    • Nice overall flavor of the cards.

    • I cant believe im saying this, but Swarm of Drones is actually one of my favorites of the set because of the flavor and the implementation. It is still a dirty Secret, especially pretty annoying one, but you did good here :)
    • Dont feel all the mechs in the class, but you did good job with overall setting.

    • Sunspot Shaper - this one i feel like it could be abused heavily, there are already strong turns with Mana Cyclone where you go through multiple spells, add getting a few elementals reduced to 0 to make the turn not a tempo loss and it might be over the top. I feel like at least it should reduce just by 1.
    • Enigma Comet - fuck no :D
    • Overall pretty cool flavor and implementation of said flavor into cards.

    • Solarforged Crystallite - reskinned Stasis Elemental, eh?:D
    • Prismite seems like it would be brutally broken in Libram Paladin, not gonna lie …
    • Not too excited by the Paladin set with what individual cards do, but good execution.

    • Pillars of Creation - kinda reverse Lorekeeper Polkelt? Might be extremely strong, if you can get it in mulligan, can be pretty bad, if you get it later. Cant decide if i like it or not.
    • Space Jam - not sure how playable would it actually be, but deck attacks are hard no for me.
    • Shadowarper Xenia - that is a cool and interesting mechanic, kinda surprised i never seen this before.
    • I think the Priest set is quite ok overall.

    • Space Pirates? I mean … ok :D
    • Devious Deckhand - how exactly does this work? Do you randomly get the Discover or the Coin? or is the Coin a 4th discover option, always?
    • Im more inclined to say i like Rogue set than not, but eh.

    • Solarflare Hawk - not sure if this is intended, or was overlooked, but by resurrecting this, you activate the ability, this can be heavily abused in Shaman. I dont think i like that.
    • Electric Boogaloo - ehm, what? I like the flavor, the effect and all … but how is this 2 mana? 2 Overload isnt enough, you get to discover 2 spells and deal 2damage, 2+2 is a pretty small price for that. It should probably cost 4 mana, compared to likes of Marked Shot, you get less damage, but you can go face, and you get one more discover. It could overload 1 at that point, possibly. Yes, it would ruin the 2-2-2 flavor, but really, 2 mana is way too low here.
    • Totem Rocket - just ROFL :D but in a good way.
    • Gamma-ray Burst - not sure i like "Pyroblast" on a stick for Shaman, actually, no, i dont :/
    • King Grond - that is a pretty cool mechanic, really nice card.
    • Murmur - your jaws that bite, here we go again :D
    • Hm, surprisingly i had a lot to say about Shaman cards :D pretty good flavor for them overall.

    • Chaos Ray feels a little too good for 4 mana imho, but i guess just slightly. It could definitely be a good card while at 5 still, i think.
    • Void in Bottle - kinda too similar to Shadow Council, you can have more control over it, but feels too same-y.
    • Probably the least favorite set of cards for a class to me, mechanic wise, art+flavor wise.

    • Three, Two, One - cool flavor and implementation, gj :)
    • Hm, ok, i guess Warrior moves to the number 1 spot of classes i dont like here, Warlock to 2nd. I really dont like the Warrior set as a whole, seems like you are trying to go in multiple directions with it and also the "characters" and some of the art is kinda of poor quality, compared to the rest of the classes. Also dont like you are basically just spelling out Magnetic to not use it, but get its effect, since it is a Boomsday specific keyword.

    • Astronaut Food - cute card, nice flavor (or is it?:d)
    • Cosmic Corsair - :D oh yes, this is the perfect set to put this art in, i wouldnt be surprised if you made this entire set just so you could use this art for a card hehe :D iv been sitting on this one myself for a long time, not knowing when to use it :D
    • Strange Spacecraft - i wonder if this was just random art you found, or if you actually know what this is, but im kinda missing a Dr. Who reference here :o
    • Astronomer - way too good for elemental decks, waaaay too good.
    • The legendaries are pretty powerful, but i guess they have to be, overall the neutral cards are quite fine.

    Overall, you did an amazing job, the set feels great and there are a lot of interesting mechanics and ideas, one thing i do have to say is, while the theme of the set is cool, it feels very strange to have mixed in art/characters that are actual spacecrafts etc and then some are regular WOW and fantasy stuff. I get that it was probably very hard to find an appropriate art and this is something you decided to do, you did a great execution of the flavor, mechanics and so on, just it feels kinda weird to have it mixed like that, thats all.

    You can be proud on the set tho, gj and gl in your future endeavors :)

  • sinti's Avatar
    Senior Writer Chocolate Cake 2070 2785 Posts Joined 10/20/2018
    Posted 3 years, 9 months ago

    Honestly, i question why have "low tier" quests to begin with, lowering the difference to 100xp from 200xp compared to the regular 1k xp quests is nice, but it is such a small amount, why even bother?

    Runeterra does this right, they have a baseline xp and "highroll" quests you can roll into, or simply just reroll a quest you dont feel like doing without a fear of getting a one with inferior reward.

    I dont want to keep on the complain train, these announced changes are good, just some things seem like they r there for no real reason, thats all.

  • sinti's Avatar
    Senior Writer Chocolate Cake 2070 2785 Posts Joined 10/20/2018
    Posted 3 years, 9 months ago
    Quote From DestroyerR

    Yay, finalist at last! Good luck everyone

    BTW, since I don’t think anyone answered when I last asked, are people still doing the “rate 5 for one”/“rate 1 for rest” thing?

    You better not, because that would be considered vote manipulation. It is completely fine to rate some submissions a 1, i do it as well, but rating 90% as 1 and a few a 5 is not ok.