Do tri-class cards count? Also, any other feedback on this would be nice. :)
We're fine with Tri-class cards, as they are technically class cards despite their Neutral coloring and location in your Collection. Slight bending of the prompt's intent, maybe, but still within the barriers of the competition.
As for feedback, wouldn't you accomplish something similar by just summoning another Jade? This is technically worse than that, because you don't gain another body like you do with Aya Blackpaw. The flavor overlap is significant, as well, considering there already is a Tri-class card focusing on Jades.
Can we submit token legendaries like Thaddius or VOLTRON?
As in, make a class card out of VOLTRON? I would say no, because they are not collectible. For the same reason I would say no to Chromie, even though she is technically a Neutral Legendary card.
On the subject of people voting way too harshly... How in the hell are Incendiary Chicken and Grand Apothecary Putress worthy of 13 1 star ratings?!?! I'm curious to know how any of the cards in the final were worthy of a 1 star rating? Are people not voting on a 5 star basis in the finals, but marking them by "favorite to least favorite"? If so, we should change the voting of the finalist cards to rating from 1-8 instead of a 5 star system.
Don't know about anyone else, but when it comes to the finals I basically always give out 5-stars or 1-star. 5-stars for the card I want to win, and 1-star for everyone else. At that point we're looking for a sole winner, so I give the card I want to win the maximum chance of victory. This is especially true if I'm one of the finalists: frankly, how else should I vote? I would be shooting myself in the foot and jeopardizing my chances to win by giving someone else more than 1-star. I don't do this during the regular voting period, but I absolutely do so if I'm in the finals.
On a side note, we (the moderators) have been discussing the possibility of removing the ability to vote for finalists if you yourself are a finalist. That would remove the situation I just described, wherein the meta way to "play the game" is to vote 5-stars for yourself and 1-star to everyone else.
Here we go; let me start things off :) I'm pretty happy with this one:
It's a reference to The Lich King, of course. Being a Pure Paladin card represents Arthas' zealotry, while the effect represents the Culling of Stratholme, a major moment in his character development (i.e: his descent into madness).
Not really. We know it's a linear story (so not a Dungeon Run), and we know that it won't include any new cards for classes. We know nothing about its release date.
Hopefully we should be seeing something for it soon, 'cause this has been a really long wait.
I despise Murlocs in all forms, but especially Murloc Paladin. My reasons are two-fold:
Murlocs embody aggressive/Aggro techniques, and as a Mid-range/Control player I don't like such decks.
Murlocs being a Paladin thing is frankly insulting. They have nothing to do with Paladins thematically; Murloc Knight was a one-off joke that has gone way too far. Dragons make more sense, Mechs make more sense: stick with them, please, and finally ditch these stupid fish bastards.
Edit: It upsets me a lot that Murloc Paladin is doing fine, whereas an actually interesting archetype like Libram Paladin is such a failure.
I want to ask for more feedback for my card. What did you vote and why? What could I have done better? And what should I do better next time?
In the interest of honesty I gave the card a three, although it could have been a four I suppose. There's nothing inherently wrong with the card, I would say, but I didn't find it particularly novel or exciting. It's alright, in just about every aspect. Alright flavor, alright balance (maybe a little strong), and alright creativity. I imagine some would find it un-fun, though, as I said originally, so that might have hurt the vote.
Thinking back I noticed I've been pretty harsh in my votes lately. Something I need to think about/fix on my end.
I would say the card is underpowered, given that you have to spend at least 6-10 mana to accomplish anything. All of this to only provide a 3/3 on the table; I think you could drop it down to 4 or maybe even 3 cost. I know it could probably be abused with Shadowstep and the like but you're still using up your entire turn for this.
That being said, "Coins" needs to be capitalized :P Better hurry!
The shadow-assassin is Zed, and the guy wielding the big axe is Darius (who is not above villainous behavior himself). Zed comes from Ionia while Darius comes from Noxus, two regions of Runeterra (which function to partition the game, like Magic's colors or Hearthstone's classes). The battle at the end appears to be an Ionia + Shadow Isles deck versus a Noxus + Demacia one.
It's definitely hard to juggle multiple card games, but I would suggest giving it a shot anyway if you're up to it :D They're handing out freebies to get people started, and there's bonus XP for leveling up certain regions to get you going even faster.
This is the first time I am trying to make a custom card. Is it balanced/makes sense?
First of all: welcome to the website! And double-welcome to our side of things :D It's cool to see new faces.
Second: the card makes sense, but it is an odd duck in-that I don't know why it's a Rogue card; "Corrupting" has always been a Warlock thing. Other than that, it's a much better Recycle but Recycle is both old and bad, so maybe it's okay. Not a bad first effort at all!
However be aware of the fact that if you draw from the empty deck of the opponent YOU are going to loose because it doesnt matter from which cardless deck you drew
As for the topic at hand, I haven't played the game in a while so my resources aren't super impressive - only 23k shards. I really like Miss Fortune, and Sejuani would definitely go in my Frostbite deck, but to make three of each would be most of my shards. Doesn't leave a lot of stuff for the supporting cards...
I noted that some people find it weird that the frog can attack things other than what it pulls, so I made a variant to gauge which is better. Original on the left, new one on the right:
The new Toxic Longtongue pulls its phrasing from Wild Bloodstinger, as grumpymonk noted. It no longer has Rush because it's guaranteed to specifically attack the minion it summons, for better or worse. As-to why it has 3/1 stats...I don't know, I just picked something lol. I wanted it to have 1 Health to ensure it would die, to compensate for the Poisonous. It's the inverse of Vilebrood Skitterer.
KANSAS - It's better than Recycle, that's for sure, although Recycle was crap so I don't begrudge your card for that. I don't mind the "frustration factor" of this card because I like games that go to Fatigue, but I can understand how that's not true for everyone.
DestroyerR - You already submitted so it doesn't really matter, but thankfully you picked your best card. This is the exact kind of card something like Ambush Rogue needed.
Xarkkal - I think Xavius is interesting, but I also wonder what his use-case would look like. Void Contract gets people to Fatigue faster, but what purpose does Xavius serve besides annoying both players? I guess the answer is "combo disruption", but I still feel like people would not play Xavius because they don't want to disrupt their own deck.
grumpymonk - A little expensive for a tech card, but then again Skulking Geist also costs 6-mana. This kind of card might eventually see actual development, so we might as well get it out of the way in the custom world first haha :D A good card, all around.
Neoguli - I'm inclined to say that Niuzao would not count for this competition, much like how anchorm4n's Impatient Pit Lord doesn't work. You're not actually interacting with the opponent's deck; you're just checking to see if it's empty.
Wailor - Donathan is very disruptive, and that's not the worse thing given he's 10-mana. But as you kind of noted, I'm just not sure he's a "winner". It's really hard to say. For what it's worth, I like All-Seeing Raven, although "do nothing" is an odd second option. How would the Raven work with cards like Fandral Staghelm?
Shivershine - I must apologize for my frankness, but I legitimately hate this card. Assuming I'm reading it correctly, your opponent would lose their Hero Power and all of their class cards? Then what was the point of them playing their deck in the first place? For 5-mana you've turned the game into an RNG fiesta, where they have to hope that their now-random collection of cards is somehow better than your own.
TheHoax91 - Is this replacing your opponent's Neutral cards with crappy Paladin Secrets? That is absolutely devastating against many decks. I'm sorry but this doesn't seem fair at all: it should be at the very least more expensive so you cannot tutor it with Call to Adventure or Crystology. Otherwise you can easily tutor this card and play it on the same turn, annihilating your opponent's strategy with a reliable combo.
Thez - I take it the card you've replaced with a Coin is gone forever? That seems a little harsh, but then again this is otherwise a 3-mana "do nothing" so I guess you can get away with it.
meisterz39 - I'm inclined to say that it does not meet the requirements of the theme.
dembro - I like Horrific Visions more than Nether Ritualist, although giving a minion a Deathrattle does not allow it to be resummoned by N'Zoth. He cannot resummon Da Undatakah, for example. In that way, you would have to get lucky and actually pull a natural Deathrattle minion from your opponent's deck.
MenacingBagel - Seems particularly evil, but yes it would count.
Dermostatic - Considering that the Rogue often manages to shuffle 10-14 times with their Togwaggle's Scheme, I think "5 Imps" is potentially underselling it. I don't know if it needs to cost more considering it doesn't do anything right away, but I know for sure that I would despise this card being played on me.
Burning Chainwhip is good, although it looks like you forgot to give it a class. Toxic Longtongue is alright, but 3/1 is a really weird statline for a Poisonous minion. Switch Teams just feels like "ghetto Duel" to me. Not really feeling this one.
The class for Burning Chainwhip is supposed to be Demon Hunter. It just isn't very noticeable. I chose correctly; it's Hearthcard's fault, not mine XD
Fairly irrelevant overall, because according to feedback I think I'll stick with Toxic Longtongue. Thanks everyone who sent some words my way <3 I'll provide some more feedback to the people who came later....later.
We're fine with Tri-class cards, as they are technically class cards despite their Neutral coloring and location in your Collection. Slight bending of the prompt's intent, maybe, but still within the barriers of the competition.
As for feedback, wouldn't you accomplish something similar by just summoning another Jade? This is technically worse than that, because you don't gain another body like you do with Aya Blackpaw. The flavor overlap is significant, as well, considering there already is a Tri-class card focusing on Jades.
As in, make a class card out of VOLTRON? I would say no, because they are not collectible. For the same reason I would say no to Chromie, even though she is technically a Neutral Legendary card.
Don't know about anyone else, but when it comes to the finals I basically always give out 5-stars or 1-star. 5-stars for the card I want to win, and 1-star for everyone else. At that point we're looking for a sole winner, so I give the card I want to win the maximum chance of victory. This is especially true if I'm one of the finalists: frankly, how else should I vote? I would be shooting myself in the foot and jeopardizing my chances to win by giving someone else more than 1-star. I don't do this during the regular voting period, but I absolutely do so if I'm in the finals.
On a side note, we (the moderators) have been discussing the possibility of removing the ability to vote for finalists if you yourself are a finalist. That would remove the situation I just described, wherein the meta way to "play the game" is to vote 5-stars for yourself and 1-star to everyone else.
Here we go; let me start things off :) I'm pretty happy with this one:
It's a reference to The Lich King, of course. Being a Pure Paladin card represents Arthas' zealotry, while the effect represents the Culling of Stratholme, a major moment in his character development (i.e: his descent into madness).
Congratulations DestroyerR! Your card was my favorite of the prompt.
Not really. We know it's a linear story (so not a Dungeon Run), and we know that it won't include any new cards for classes. We know nothing about its release date.
Hopefully we should be seeing something for it soon, 'cause this has been a really long wait.
Mt. Targon means my beloved Leona is coming :D
I despise Murlocs in all forms, but especially Murloc Paladin. My reasons are two-fold:
Edit: It upsets me a lot that Murloc Paladin is doing fine, whereas an actually interesting archetype like Libram Paladin is such a failure.
In the interest of honesty I gave the card a three, although it could have been a four I suppose. There's nothing inherently wrong with the card, I would say, but I didn't find it particularly novel or exciting. It's alright, in just about every aspect. Alright flavor, alright balance (maybe a little strong), and alright creativity. I imagine some would find it un-fun, though, as I said originally, so that might have hurt the vote.
Thinking back I noticed I've been pretty harsh in my votes lately. Something I need to think about/fix on my end.
My finalist streak has come to an end :( All well. I'll admit it wasn't the best this time around.
Anyway, good luck to our finalists!
Submissions are now closed; best of luck to everyone :)
My prompt is next...what could it be?
I would say the card is underpowered, given that you have to spend at least 6-10 mana to accomplish anything. All of this to only provide a 3/3 on the table; I think you could drop it down to 4 or maybe even 3 cost. I know it could probably be abused with Shadowstep and the like but you're still using up your entire turn for this.
That being said, "Coins" needs to be capitalized :P Better hurry!
Edit: Didn't you submit the Warlock card already?
The shadow-assassin is Zed, and the guy wielding the big axe is Darius (who is not above villainous behavior himself). Zed comes from Ionia while Darius comes from Noxus, two regions of Runeterra (which function to partition the game, like Magic's colors or Hearthstone's classes). The battle at the end appears to be an Ionia + Shadow Isles deck versus a Noxus + Demacia one.
It's definitely hard to juggle multiple card games, but I would suggest giving it a shot anyway if you're up to it :D They're handing out freebies to get people started, and there's bonus XP for leveling up certain regions to get you going even faster.
First of all: welcome to the website! And double-welcome to our side of things :D It's cool to see new faces.
Second: the card makes sense, but it is an odd duck in-that I don't know why it's a Rogue card; "Corrupting" has always been a Warlock thing. Other than that, it's a much better Recycle but Recycle is both old and bad, so maybe it's okay. Not a bad first effort at all!
Finally got around to watching them all, and this is definitely the best one.
Black Market Merchant, Yordle Grifter, and Pilfered Goods can steal cards from the opponent's deck. There may be more; I'm just going from what I remember off-hand.
As for the topic at hand, I haven't played the game in a while so my resources aren't super impressive - only 23k shards. I really like Miss Fortune, and Sejuani would definitely go in my Frostbite deck, but to make three of each would be most of my shards. Doesn't leave a lot of stuff for the supporting cards...
Miss Fortune and Sejuani - two of my mains from League - in the same deck together? I love it!
I noted that some people find it weird that the frog can attack things other than what it pulls, so I made a variant to gauge which is better. Original on the left, new one on the right:
The new Toxic Longtongue pulls its phrasing from Wild Bloodstinger, as grumpymonk noted. It no longer has Rush because it's guaranteed to specifically attack the minion it summons, for better or worse. As-to why it has 3/1 stats...I don't know, I just picked something lol. I wanted it to have 1 Health to ensure it would die, to compensate for the Poisonous. It's the inverse of Vilebrood Skitterer.
Edit: Should I make it a Hunter card instead?
Back with more feed...back.
KANSAS - It's better than Recycle, that's for sure, although Recycle was crap so I don't begrudge your card for that. I don't mind the "frustration factor" of this card because I like games that go to Fatigue, but I can understand how that's not true for everyone.
DestroyerR - You already submitted so it doesn't really matter, but thankfully you picked your best card. This is the exact kind of card something like Ambush Rogue needed.
Xarkkal - I think Xavius is interesting, but I also wonder what his use-case would look like. Void Contract gets people to Fatigue faster, but what purpose does Xavius serve besides annoying both players? I guess the answer is "combo disruption", but I still feel like people would not play Xavius because they don't want to disrupt their own deck.
grumpymonk - A little expensive for a tech card, but then again Skulking Geist also costs 6-mana. This kind of card might eventually see actual development, so we might as well get it out of the way in the custom world first haha :D A good card, all around.
Neoguli - I'm inclined to say that Niuzao would not count for this competition, much like how anchorm4n's Impatient Pit Lord doesn't work. You're not actually interacting with the opponent's deck; you're just checking to see if it's empty.
Wailor - Donathan is very disruptive, and that's not the worse thing given he's 10-mana. But as you kind of noted, I'm just not sure he's a "winner". It's really hard to say. For what it's worth, I like All-Seeing Raven, although "do nothing" is an odd second option. How would the Raven work with cards like Fandral Staghelm?
Shivershine - I must apologize for my frankness, but I legitimately hate this card. Assuming I'm reading it correctly, your opponent would lose their Hero Power and all of their class cards? Then what was the point of them playing their deck in the first place? For 5-mana you've turned the game into an RNG fiesta, where they have to hope that their now-random collection of cards is somehow better than your own.
TheHoax91 - Is this replacing your opponent's Neutral cards with crappy Paladin Secrets? That is absolutely devastating against many decks. I'm sorry but this doesn't seem fair at all: it should be at the very least more expensive so you cannot tutor it with Call to Adventure or Crystology. Otherwise you can easily tutor this card and play it on the same turn, annihilating your opponent's strategy with a reliable combo.
Thez - I take it the card you've replaced with a Coin is gone forever? That seems a little harsh, but then again this is otherwise a 3-mana "do nothing" so I guess you can get away with it.
meisterz39 - I'm inclined to say that it does not meet the requirements of the theme.
dembro - I like Horrific Visions more than Nether Ritualist, although giving a minion a Deathrattle does not allow it to be resummoned by N'Zoth. He cannot resummon Da Undatakah, for example. In that way, you would have to get lucky and actually pull a natural Deathrattle minion from your opponent's deck.
MenacingBagel - Seems particularly evil, but yes it would count.
Dermostatic - Considering that the Rogue often manages to shuffle 10-14 times with their Togwaggle's Scheme, I think "5 Imps" is potentially underselling it. I don't know if it needs to cost more considering it doesn't do anything right away, but I know for sure that I would despise this card being played on me.
The class for Burning Chainwhip is supposed to be Demon Hunter. It just isn't very noticeable. I chose correctly; it's Hearthcard's fault, not mine XD
Fairly irrelevant overall, because according to feedback I think I'll stick with Toxic Longtongue. Thanks everyone who sent some words my way <3 I'll provide some more feedback to the people who came later....later.