Thanks! I agree since over half of Stormwind cards are yet to be revealed you should definitely wait, for me Gahzrilla was a legendary I kind of wanted to craft for years even though it’s not the most competitive and I finally gave in and crafted it just a few weeks ago.
Card draw is good fo hunter.
This will be useful in some deck idk which yet.
Support for Rat King?
Good one.
Too slow.
In wild most classes are aggro but if you turn into a priest this is great to mess with the mulligan.
It's good tempo, vilespine was a good card at 5 mana.
This can be strong. 4 mana 7/7 or higher?
This is so cool, finally control hunter can be a good deck in wild.
I wouldn't play this over Tomb Pillager.
In wild: the 6 mana 4/4 mech that deals 1 damage to all characters at the end of each turn, plus give it poisonous, and permanent stealth.
It feels pretty strong actually especially with the reduce elementals cost legendary.
Great for new N'zoth.
Feels very weak.
It's ok maybe I'll put it in a reno rogue.
Good with Immune or Poison.
That actually sounds really catchy.
Thanks Echo, this was a fun read!
I would suggest trying Unstable Shadow Blast and Entitled Customer in this sort of deck. Maybe replace Twilight Drake and Encumbered Pack Mule. I would also suggest trying out Brittlebone Destroyer.
Thanks! I agree since over half of Stormwind cards are yet to be revealed you should definitely wait, for me Gahzrilla was a legendary I kind of wanted to craft for years even though it’s not the most competitive and I finally gave in and crafted it just a few weeks ago.