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Grand Crusader
Joined 05/30/2019 Achieve Points 780 Posts 985

Sykomyke's Comments

  • Sykomyke's Avatar
    Grand Crusader 780 985 Posts Joined 05/30/2019
    Posted 3 years, 11 months ago
    • Quote From Author
      • They like cards that have a low power level but can have some devastating effects. (Tickatus)
      • If Mindrender Illucia is the top card in the meta, they've screwed up at the power level aspect of fun.

    This makes little sense to me. I disagree that Tickatus has a low power level.  The only reason it's low is because the meta (i.e. the game health/status dicated by players) is currently aggro oriented preventing tickatus from being a top tier deck.  If for whatever reason the meta shifted to control, Tickatus would undoubtedly be the #1 deck.  Technically IT ALREADY WAS.  For a period of 1-2 weeks prior to the latest VS report, Galakrond warlock was a top tier deck (which included tickatus).  Yes, the people running Y'shaarj Tickatus were super greedy and no-one runs that anymore.  But Galakrond warlock was still super strong, included Tickatus (purely as an instant iWin card against other control decks) but could hold it's own against some of the meta aggro/tempo decks.

    Also, don't understand the comment regarding Illucia.  Are they saying that if Illucia ever became top tier, then they screwed up her design?  So she is intentionally awkward to use/badly designed so she isn't powerful?  Because that's what it sounds like they are saying.  That's EXTREMLY disheartening to hear from a player perspective:  "Hi we created a card that looks powerful, but really isn't.  To trick you into using it in your decks.  Ha ha, having fun yet?  Guess what if this ever becomes too powerful we'll nerf it, so enjoy your meme deck!". 

    That's NOT what a playerbase wants, to have cards designed by developers who are intentionally tricking players into using or crafting that card.


    • Quote From Author
      Dean doesn't think they should make so many changes that players won't want to build new decks. "Blizzard will just change it soon anyway".

    Said no-one ever.  Literally if there's one thing I constantly see is that Blizzard takes far too long to actually make adjustments to cards that are problematic.  Legends of Runeterra is not shy on making balance updates, don't know why Blizzard thinks they are "above" making balance changes.  Yes, they were quick to nerf some DH cards last year, but then they take forever to made adjustments to other problematic cards.  

    Don't even get me started on the mentality of the playerbase when they DO decided to nerf cards though...

    Blizzard: We nerfed cards X,Y,Z to be more fair. 

    Playerbase:  *Flips table*.  Guess these cards are trash, even though they were fairly balanced.  I can't use X,Y, or Z cards cause they cost 1 more mana now!  Better stop playing this deck immediately, and switch to another deck instead of TRYING to adapt to the newly balanced cards powerlevel.

  • Sykomyke's Avatar
    Grand Crusader 780 985 Posts Joined 05/30/2019
    Posted 3 years, 11 months ago
    Quote From Fluxflashor

    Though one could certainly argue how positive or healthy OTK is, it is a fact of life for card games =D

  • Sykomyke's Avatar
    Grand Crusader 780 985 Posts Joined 05/30/2019
    Posted 3 years, 11 months ago
    Quote From Me0203

    It's the obvious first step towards getting the casual player excited about competitive Hearthstone,

    These two things are generally mutually exclusive.  By definition casual players don't generally want to play competitively.  Yes, occasionally someone gets better, gets more vested in the game, or wants to improve and they become competitive but making this analogy is like saying:

    "This is the first obvious step towards getting WC3 Custom Map players excited about Tournament WC3 mode."

    Generally speaking people who play custom wc3 maps want nothing to do with ladder/tournament mode.  Please don't cite the oddball example. 

    To put it yet ANOTHER way...

    Spikes generally don't want to compete against Timmy, and Timmy doesn't want to compete against Spikes.  They are fundamentally at odds with their goals in the game.

  • Sykomyke's Avatar
    Grand Crusader 780 985 Posts Joined 05/30/2019
    Posted 3 years, 11 months ago

    The problem is they've diluted the arena playerbase with duels.  Duels and arena are very similar.  (anyone who claims otherwise is ....well needs to re-evaluate).  They both have 'draft' similar styles.  They both provide performance based rewards (more wins=more rewards).  The difference is that arena is purely random draft with single draft cards.  Duels is semi-crafted with bucket rewards after every game and imbalanced treasures.

    Both systems have their flaws.  I feel like arena would do better with the bucket draft system from the start (no starter deck like duels though).  And I feel like duels would do better by I dunno. limiting the starter deck?  Duels seems insanely hard to balance, and they dont appear to be providing the mode with much love at the moment.

  • Sykomyke's Avatar
    Grand Crusader 780 985 Posts Joined 05/30/2019
    Posted 3 years, 11 months ago

    I really like this deck, it got me to legend this season, however I do not like Desperate Measures in this deck.  So many times it would give me eye for an eye, which is by far the worst secret.  When it doesn't give you "Oh my Yogg" it's almost better to just put oh my yogg in your deck instead.

  • Sykomyke's Avatar
    Grand Crusader 780 985 Posts Joined 05/30/2019
    Posted 3 years, 11 months ago
    Quote From UVE

    The card only discovers spells, not minions

  • Sykomyke's Avatar
    Grand Crusader 780 985 Posts Joined 05/30/2019
    Posted 3 years, 11 months ago
    Quote From AngryShuckie

    I was very strongly against Tickatus in the thread calling for its nerf earlier, so I go into this answer trying to carefully sidestep hypocrisy. Here goes...

    I think it is always a question of scale, i.e. how many cards are you disrupting? Oh My Yogg!, Counterspell, Gnomeferatu, Dirty Rat etc. all hit 1 card meaning they can do some work, but they only disrupt a very small fraction of the opponent's deck. That both means they won't hit a vital card most games, and they give the opponent opportunities to adapt to losing a single card.

    The issue with [Hearthstone Card (Tackatus) Not Found] and Coldlight Oracle being bounced and multiplied is that they hit LOTS of cards, meaning they don't disrupt the opponent's plan so much as completely destroy it. There is very little you can so to compensate for losing a third of your deck, meaning the only viable solution is to kill them fast enough that it doesn't matter, which is fine from a balance point of view but it blocks off entire archetypes.

    So in practice the two approaches are really very different: single card disruptions tend to be an annoyance for every deck but are rarely completely crippling, while large-scale deck destruction does nothing to aggro but completely negates control. Beyond that, everyone is entitled to their own opinions on these cards. I personally like the smaller ones but loathe the larger ones, because I like to be able to adapt during a game rather than when choosing a deck.

    So you are....agreeing with me then? 

  • Sykomyke's Avatar
    Grand Crusader 780 985 Posts Joined 05/30/2019
    Posted 3 years, 11 months ago

    Y'shaarj priest incoming?

  • Sykomyke's Avatar
    Grand Crusader 780 985 Posts Joined 05/30/2019
    Posted 3 years, 11 months ago

    Would be fun to see how it shakes out.

  • Sykomyke's Avatar
    Grand Crusader 780 985 Posts Joined 05/30/2019
    Posted 3 years, 11 months ago

    Obviously a strong anti-rattle synergy as a neutral but the only thing I can thing of that it directly impacts across the board are all of the Prime cards.  Not sure this will see any active play but who knows.

  • Sykomyke's Avatar
    Grand Crusader 780 985 Posts Joined 05/30/2019
    Posted 3 years, 11 months ago

    Obviously a strong anti-rattle synergy as a neutral but the only thing I can thing of that it directly impacts across the board are all of the Prime cards.  Not sure this will see any active play but who knows.

    In reply to Deathwarden
  • Sykomyke's Avatar
    Grand Crusader 780 985 Posts Joined 05/30/2019
    Posted 3 years, 11 months ago

    Seems like token druid is getting some new cards.

    In reply to Arbor Up
  • Sykomyke's Avatar
    Grand Crusader 780 985 Posts Joined 05/30/2019
    Posted 3 years, 11 months ago

    Seems like token druid is getting some new cards.

  • Sykomyke's Avatar
    Grand Crusader 780 985 Posts Joined 05/30/2019
    Posted 3 years, 11 months ago

    Will be nice to see frost synergy come back.  Nova will most likely be better than blizzard with this.  Though Blizzard does give you a greater aoe effect than flamestrike for the same mana cost now.

    In reply to Glacier Racer
  • Sykomyke's Avatar
    Grand Crusader 780 985 Posts Joined 05/30/2019
    Posted 3 years, 11 months ago

    Will be nice to see frost synergy come back.  Nova will most likely be better than blizzard with this.  Though Blizzard does give you a greater aoe effect than flamestrike for the same mana cost now.

  • Sykomyke's Avatar
    Grand Crusader 780 985 Posts Joined 05/30/2019
    Posted 3 years, 11 months ago

    Shooting Star's cousin.

    In reply to Bola Shot
  • Sykomyke's Avatar
    Grand Crusader 780 985 Posts Joined 05/30/2019
    Posted 3 years, 11 months ago

    Shooting Star's cousin.

  • Sykomyke's Avatar
    Grand Crusader 780 985 Posts Joined 05/30/2019
    Posted 3 years, 11 months ago

    Gets progressively easier to corrupt as the game goes on.  Will probably see some level of play.

    In reply to Libram of Judgment
  • Sykomyke's Avatar
    Grand Crusader 780 985 Posts Joined 05/30/2019
    Posted 3 years, 11 months ago

    Gets progressively easier to corrupt as the game goes on.  Will probably see some level of play.

  • Sykomyke's Avatar
    Grand Crusader 780 985 Posts Joined 05/30/2019
    Posted 3 years, 11 months ago

    Definitely a great card.  Armor is almost always up early game so this is great on curve.

    In reply to Ironclad