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Grand Crusader
Joined 05/30/2019 Achieve Points 780 Posts 985

Sykomyke's Comments

  • Sykomyke's Avatar
    Grand Crusader 780 985 Posts Joined 05/30/2019
    Posted 3 years, 11 months ago

    Update: List updated with NEW dual class cards!

    Here's a list of all the dual-class SPELLS with my own rankings on how they would be used if discovered with Rogue or Mage

    • Adorable Infestation - Druid/Hunter - 5/5 Easy to use and plug into any turn where needed.
    • Guardian Animals - Druid/Hunter - 0/5 Hard to use effectively and rogue/mage run very little if any beast synergy.
    • NEW! Resizing Pouch - Druid/Hunter - 6/5 This card is insane.  This is essentially going to be zephyrs in that it will give you some very specific cards at certain mana costs. Namely King Crush.
    • Demon Companion - Hunter/Demon Hunter - 5/5 Easy to use and fill any turn.
    • Soul Shear - Demon Hunter/Warlock - 4/5 Easy to use, could cause small issues with highlander synergy or spell synergy.
    • Felosophy - Demon Hunter/Warlock - 1/5 Poor synergy, the 1 point is purely in the favor of Astromancer's Prime version.
    • Raise Dead - Warlock/Priest - 3/5 - Easy to use and value, however both rogue and mage don't have many healing sources.
    • NEW! Hysteria - Warlock/Priest - 4/5 - Depends on the minion used but this card will definitely see play.
    • NEW! Rally! - Priest/Paladin - 3/5 - 4 cost card that revives your first 3 turns (if played on curve).  Not bad, but worse later on in the game.  Probably not an include in rez/big priests, but otherwise a good curve/tempo card.
    • Gift of Luminance - Priest/Paladin - 3/5 Moderately usable, not a ton of good passive/deathrattle synergies in Rogue/Mage.
    • Wave of Apathy - Priest/Paladin - 5/5 Easy to use, and a good card to discover mid-game to slow enemy boards down.
    • NEW! Barricade - Paladin/Warrior - 3/5 Decent synergy for spell/large decks but could be hard to use for max value.
    • Commencement - Paladin/Warrior - 1/5 Hard to use, many rogue/mage decks don't usually run non-battlecry high cost cards.
    • Shield of Honor - Paladin/Warrior - 3/5 Easy to use, but hard to guarantee a damaged target on board that can attack.
    • Cutting Class - Warrior/Rogue - 4/5 for Rogue.  0/5 for Mage.  Weapon synergy is not prevalent in mage.
    • Coerce - Warrior/Rogue - 3/5 Decent discover card for removal.  Both classes would benefit from easy 3 cost removal.
    • NEW! Nitroboost Poison - Warrior/Rogue  - 4/5 - Easily corruptable, super strong.  Should see play.
    • Potion of Illusion - Rogue/Mage 3/5 - Hard to use effectively at 4 mana, but tons of value if so.
    • Brain Freeze - Rogue/Mage - 5/5 Stall and damage is never bad.  Easy to use for both classes.
    • Devolving Missiles - Mage/Shaman - 5/5 Soft removal, buff removal and 1 cost makes this a superb discover.
    • Primordial Studies - Mage/Shaman - 5/5 Easy to use for extra hand value if low on cards.
    • Lightning Bloom - Shaman/Druid - 4/5 Only reason this isn't 5/5 is simple because mage/rogue don't generally benefit from overload.
    • NEW! Guidance - Shaman/Druid - 5/5 Easy to use, value generation not as constrained by keywords like Primordial Studies.
    • Runic Carvings - Shaman/Druid 2/5 - Decent value but generally a panic choice.

    This is a current list (May not be up to date if more get added with mini-set expansion, but I'll try to keep it updated)


    In reply to Keywarden Ivory
  • Sykomyke's Avatar
    Grand Crusader 780 985 Posts Joined 05/30/2019
    Posted 3 years, 11 months ago

    Update: List updated with NEW dual class cards!

    Here's a list of all the dual-class SPELLS with my own rankings on how they would be used if discovered with Rogue or Mage

    • Adorable Infestation - Druid/Hunter - 5/5 Easy to use and plug into any turn where needed.
    • Guardian Animals - Druid/Hunter - 0/5 Hard to use effectively and rogue/mage run very little if any beast synergy.
    • NEW! Resizing Pouch - Druid/Hunter - 6/5 This card is insane.  This is essentially going to be zephyrs in that it will give you some very specific cards at certain mana costs. Namely King Crush.
    • Demon Companion - Hunter/Demon Hunter - 5/5 Easy to use and fill any turn.
    • Soul Shear - Demon Hunter/Warlock - 4/5 Easy to use, could cause small issues with highlander synergy or spell synergy.
    • Felosophy - Demon Hunter/Warlock - 1/5 Poor synergy, the 1 point is purely in the favor of Astromancer's Prime version.
    • Raise Dead - Warlock/Priest - 3/5 - Easy to use and value, however both rogue and mage don't have many healing sources.
    • NEW! Hysteria - Warlock/Priest - 4/5 - Depends on the minion used but this card will definitely see play.
    • NEW! Rally! - Priest/Paladin - 3/5 - 4 cost card that revives your first 3 turns (if played on curve).  Not bad, but worse later on in the game.  Probably not an include in rez/big priests, but otherwise a good curve/tempo card.
    • Gift of Luminance - Priest/Paladin - 3/5 Moderately usable, not a ton of good passive/deathrattle synergies in Rogue/Mage.
    • Wave of Apathy - Priest/Paladin - 5/5 Easy to use, and a good card to discover mid-game to slow enemy boards down.
    • NEW! Barricade - Paladin/Warrior - 3/5 Decent synergy for spell/large decks but could be hard to use for max value.
    • Commencement - Paladin/Warrior - 1/5 Hard to use, many rogue/mage decks don't usually run non-battlecry high cost cards.
    • Shield of Honor - Paladin/Warrior - 3/5 Easy to use, but hard to guarantee a damaged target on board that can attack.
    • Cutting Class - Warrior/Rogue - 4/5 for Rogue.  0/5 for Mage.  Weapon synergy is not prevalent in mage.
    • Coerce - Warrior/Rogue - 3/5 Decent discover card for removal.  Both classes would benefit from easy 3 cost removal.
    • NEW! Nitroboost Poison - Warrior/Rogue  - 4/5 - Easily corruptable, super strong.  Should see play.
    • Potion of Illusion - Rogue/Mage 3/5 - Hard to use effectively at 4 mana, but tons of value if so.
    • Brain Freeze - Rogue/Mage - 5/5 Stall and damage is never bad.  Easy to use for both classes.
    • Devolving Missiles - Mage/Shaman - 5/5 Soft removal, buff removal and 1 cost makes this a superb discover.
    • Primordial Studies - Mage/Shaman - 5/5 Easy to use for extra hand value if low on cards.
    • Lightning Bloom - Shaman/Druid - 4/5 Only reason this isn't 5/5 is simple because mage/rogue don't generally benefit from overload.
    • NEW! Guidance - Shaman/Druid - 5/5 Easy to use, value generation not as constrained by keywords like Primordial Studies.
    • Runic Carvings - Shaman/Druid 2/5 - Decent value but generally a panic choice.

    This is a current list (May not be up to date if more get added with mini-set expansion, but I'll try to keep it updated)


  • Sykomyke's Avatar
    Grand Crusader 780 985 Posts Joined 05/30/2019
    Posted 3 years, 11 months ago

    Mini-earthquake.  Scales decently with spell damage.  Good synergy with lightning bloom.

    In reply to Landslide
  • Sykomyke's Avatar
    Grand Crusader 780 985 Posts Joined 05/30/2019
    Posted 3 years, 11 months ago

    Scales well with spell power, maybe a bit clunky to use, but then again with Lightning bloom it could be a decent combo to pre-activate the overload and guarantee a both parts of the spell.  Mini-Earthquake, we'll see how good it actually is.

  • Sykomyke's Avatar
    Grand Crusader 780 985 Posts Joined 05/30/2019
    Posted 3 years, 11 months ago

    Fun card.  Guess warlock is gonna reign supreme in fatigue with this card to reduce their own fatigue count+Tickatus to accelerate their opponents.

  • Sykomyke's Avatar
    Grand Crusader 780 985 Posts Joined 05/30/2019
    Posted 3 years, 11 months ago

    Seems decent enough.  Should be fun to find off any discovers.  Seems par for the course, last expansion of a standard year usually has the strongest cards (so they are in standard the least)

    In reply to Envoy Rustwix
  • Sykomyke's Avatar
    Grand Crusader 780 985 Posts Joined 05/30/2019
    Posted 3 years, 11 months ago
    Quote From bananaMurloc

    The flavour of "adjacent" classes is excellent, and they really highlighted the common synergies between those classes.

    I love dual classes cards in general, especially that feeling when you open a powerful legendary that is potentially usable in two decks!

    I wished for and got Ras as my first one: whilst it was never a top meta card, it is very powerful and I had a lot of fun playing with it in both Mage and Shaman!


    Agreed there.  I like how they took a moment to try and think how logically each class fit between other classes.  Like Demon Hunter shares legendaries with Warlocks (Demons) and Hunters (Hunters) i.e. Demon Hunter.  Paladin shares legendaries with Priests (holy) and warriors (uh...warrior).  Paladin= Holy Warrior.  

    I hope dual class cards stay around permanently like Discover has because 1) it will go a long way towards creating interesting deck archetypes and 2) allows people to use fun and powerful cards in 2 classes, instead of 1.

  • Sykomyke's Avatar
    Grand Crusader 780 985 Posts Joined 05/30/2019
    Posted 3 years, 11 months ago

    I agree under those circumstances.  Shadowform was a problem due to velen and smite.  Without velen and smite being able to go face, shadowform is much more tame and honestly should never have been HoF'd.  

    I get why they did it (re-vamping the class identity allowed them the chance to hall of fame cards that didn't align with their vision), and will allow them to print a shadowform-esque card in a future expansion.

    As they stated, the idea behind expansions is sometimes to explore the strengths of a class, or shore up their weakness.  But only for a time.  By keeping specific strategies in an expansion, they define a limited length of time that the class can utilize that archtype.  Shadowform being part of classic did create a design space problem of always having an alternate hero power.  Also, I imagine that with shadowform in the current darkmoon faire set, being able to discount shadowform through multiple means would allow priests to tempo themselves well.  One of the shortcomings of shadowform was that it was a "3 mana: do nothing".  

    I'll be excited to see what the mini-set brings, as well as what the "big changes" the new standard year brings as well.

  • Sykomyke's Avatar
    Grand Crusader 780 985 Posts Joined 05/30/2019
    Posted 3 years, 11 months ago
    Quote From Suchti0352

    Blizzard stated before that they don't want priest to have face burst damage, so it's probably centered about board control.

    True, but now that Velen was HoF'd and smite was changed to minion only, a "hero power deals 2 damage" isn't that big a deal.  Hunter has it as a baseline after long as they don't print other cards that somehow alter the hero power to do more damage (for priests) then it's not going to break anything down the road.  I really do miss shadowform though.  such a fun card

  • Sykomyke's Avatar
    Grand Crusader 780 985 Posts Joined 05/30/2019
    Posted 3 years, 11 months ago

    I mean to be fair, I'd be fine with warlocks having the hero power from duels (or maybe something a bit more toned down, 1 cost HP: discard 1 card at random in your hand and draw a card)  It at least does keep with the theme of warlocks "sacrificing for power"...

  • Sykomyke's Avatar
    Grand Crusader 780 985 Posts Joined 05/30/2019
    Posted 3 years, 11 months ago

    I shaman even an issue?  I'm currently between D5-D1 and all I seem to be facing currently are zoo-locks, a few tickatus locks, libram paladins (both pure and broom versions), a few combo rogues (btw edwin is still very much viable, all the nerf did was delay the combo by 1 turn. )

    I've barely seen any shamans.  I know that the nerf was just meant to bring them in line, but in typical Hearthstone playerbase fashion they see nerfs and think "sky is falling" and immediately switch decks to the next deck that a streamer tells them is "op". 

    Mainly the deck(s) that have seemed to pop up in the last week that are the most annoying are stealth rogue, and zoolock with rascal.  It's hard to compete with a deck that generates 1/1 worth of free mana on turn 2 or turn 3. 

  • Sykomyke's Avatar
    Grand Crusader 780 985 Posts Joined 05/30/2019
    Posted 3 years, 11 months ago

    Maybe this means I can finally come back to playing LoR.  I stopped playing pretty much 1 week after the KPOP event ended because the card designs/cosmetics were literally giving me cancer (really, a poro taking a selfie?) and the cards were just stupid OP.  I have high hopes that the upcoming Ruination themed event is going to be better though.

  • Sykomyke's Avatar
    Grand Crusader 780 985 Posts Joined 05/30/2019
    Posted 3 years, 11 months ago
    Quote From OldenGolden

    I've never liked the Hall of Fame at all, so I'm hoping that there will be a bit of rotation during each expansion meta, with some of the basics and classics rotating in and out, something along those lines. . . the wild meta seems just too set in its OP ways for any real meta changes, so the HoF becomes a kind of permanent exile for any cards that don't make that particular cut (which is nearly all cards that rotate into wild). I think periodic returns of cards like Sylvanas and Edwin, or even Power Overwhelming and the despicable Ice Lance can only help in keeping the meta fresh and interesting in those 4 month stretches.

    Unless those cards get changed inherently in design, there's no way that Ice Lance or Power Overwhelming being included in a set (even if for a limited time) is healthy.  The reason that cards like Ice Lance, Power Overwhelming, Ice Block, and Leeroy (just to name a few egregious examples) were Hall of Famed is because of the unhealthy interactions it allowed.  Ice Lance provided a class that inherently can easily control a board too easy of a way to deal large amounts of burst damage for relatively cheap (Imagine Ice lance in the current meta with Wandmaker.....yea I didn't think so)

    Power Overwhelming in a similar vein was never used to trade, it was almost 100% used to find burst lethal, usually with a charge minion.  Granted they've either rotated out most charge minions, or stopped printing charge as a keyword, but the point is that Power Overwhelming still enables too much burst capability, remember double power overwhelming, double soul fire.  Yea 16 burst damage from hand for only 4 mana sounds pretty fair right?

    I'm just pointing out that while I think that Hearthstone does need a change up (like a rotating classic/core set).  It doesn't need those broken cards returning, at least not in the current forms.

  • Sykomyke's Avatar
    Grand Crusader 780 985 Posts Joined 05/30/2019
    Posted 3 years, 11 months ago

    Re: Edwin - Seems fair, considering a single previously played card turned him into a 3 mana 4/4.  Now being a 4 mana 4/4 with a single card is "fair" but often he'll still be something like a 6/6 or 8/8 for 4 mana.  A necessary nerf given the current power cards available to rogue.

    Re: Boggspine Knuckles - Not sure this will do much.  Yes lowering the attack makes it less able to trade, less able to aggressively finish an opponent (given that shaman will use loot hoarder to re-equip them, this effectively makes it so you take a total of 8 less damage over the course of a match.)  And removes the ability to combo it in a single turn with Dread Corsair, however I still think the crux of the issue is giving weapons powerful "swing" abilities instead of battlecry or deathrattle abilities.

    We've slowly seen weapons powercreep through the ages.  I think they need to go back to not making weapons crazy.  A weapon is inherently a mana investment over several turns if not removed.  Truesilver champion used to be the standard for a "good weapon".  Now it's crazy to think that Truesilver doesn't even make the cut in a deck unless it's attached to a free body.  Weapons like Wrenchcalibur and Boggspine Knuckles feel extremely overtuned, and I'm honestly surprised they haven't nerfed Wrenchcalibur (but at this point too late, considering it rotates in a few months).   

    Honorable Mention:  I'm surprised that they nerfed Elistra in BG's.  She seemed strong-ish under certain circumstances but a welcome addition to Tier 6 minions.  She was excellent at countering elemental cheeze with Whirling Cyclone (or whatever the 3-star unit is called that has windfury).  I'm more than a bit disappointed that they nerfed her stats, and they seemed to have gone overboard.  Making her a 7/7 and reducing her down to a 4/4 is a huge stat swing for a tier 6 unit, and I'm afraid that despite her excellent passives, her stats will be so poor that she won't be worth the unit.

  • Sykomyke's Avatar
    Grand Crusader 780 985 Posts Joined 05/30/2019
    Posted 3 years, 11 months ago
    Quote From anchorm4n

    . My problem is that Blizzard has not provided us with Hero Power borders for the 1.000 wins portraits and I do like to brag about my 1.000 wins with Mage and Hunter.

    I can honestly say that I don't think I've seen such a petulant and entitled post on these forums until now.  

    First off, your hero power border goes from plain to gold when you hit 500 wins.  In addition, your hero and hero power becomes an animated "gif" at 500 wins.  Then at 1000 wins you get an alternate hero portrait.  You don't need further benefits.  You don't need a "hero power border" for 1000 wins.   Your reward at 1000 wins is the alternate hero portrait.

    Lastly, your wording echoes my first statement:  petulant and entitled.   "Blizzard has not provided us" instead of "It would have been nice if blizzard updated the hero power to reflect 1k wins".   How about you enjoy the game for what it is? And if Blizzard decides to make additional rewards, great.  If not, no skin off your nose.  If you constantly need validation and digital accolades from playing a game then nothing will ever make you happy.

  • Sykomyke's Avatar
    Grand Crusader 780 985 Posts Joined 05/30/2019
    Posted 3 years, 11 months ago

    Thanks Flux!

  • Sykomyke's Avatar
    Grand Crusader 780 985 Posts Joined 05/30/2019
    Posted 3 years, 11 months ago

    Purchased a header, waited almost 24 hours and it's still not available.  Did I do something incorrect, am I misinformed, or is this an actual bug?

  • Sykomyke's Avatar
    Grand Crusader 780 985 Posts Joined 05/30/2019
    Posted 3 years, 11 months ago
    Quote From dapperdog
    Quote From clawz161

    All hearthstone needs is a way to ban classes. You don't like playing against rez priest or control warrior? You like aggro v aggro matchups? Ban warrior and priest. Don't like face decks? Ban rogue, shaman, and demon hunter. Queue times would be longer but game QUALITY would increase. I HATE playing this game most of the time, usually i don't even want to log in for the dailies. Because i know that in the hour or less time it would take me to accomplish winning 7 times. I will get shit on at least 6 times, by people luckier than me, playing netdecks.

    Probably impossible. Not least because classes are designed to have some intrinsic weakness against one another, like how hunter has an intrinsic advantage against most rogue and mage decks. So if your wish comes true, then all I need is to make up some hyper face hunter and ban warrior, paladin, shaman and maybe dhunter. Or ultra late game value rogue deck, with hunter and dhunter bans.

    Logistics aside, it's not impossible.  Warcraft 3 let people ban maps that they didn't like.  There's not much difference there.  And IF (big IF) a ban system were put into place it would most likely be "ban the 2 classes you don't want to see".  This still leaves 8 other classes to counter your deck.  With a big enough playerbase, this wouldn't even really affect queue times to be honest.  It's not the best solution, but it is a viable solution..

  • Sykomyke's Avatar
    Grand Crusader 780 985 Posts Joined 05/30/2019
    Posted 3 years, 11 months ago
    Quote From griffior
    Quote From Topandito

    I feel that would allow a lot of older cards to see play in a meta that doesn't have all the insane crap that wild offers.

    That's really it. Everyone who plays Standard plays like they're at Grandmasters and must always run a meta deck at all times. In Wild it feels like players are trying to get into the Wild Open (RIP). I just want a format that utilizes other cards than what's dominating Wild and what's meta defining in Standard.

    I didn't really agree with the suggested formats in your first post, and angry shuckle pretty succintly explained the problems with the suggested formats.  However, the bold part above I do agree with 100%.  I'm a bit tired of every.single.player playing tier 1 meta decks like they think they're gonna get an invite to a tournament invitational.  The one thing I enjoy about Legends of Runeterra is that MANY decks are viable, and (currently) there's a fairly healthy meta with very little win percentage differnces between the decks.  Simply put, games in LOR play out differently because you have to constantly evaluate for tempo.  

    I also often wonder if a hero power (which was supposed to be something you played to fill turns) detrimentally affects the game by forcing certain decks to synergize with a hero power, while other decks may not use theirs much, if at all.  (Namely certain classes are defined by their hero power, like warlock and hunter...and other classes just use their hero power to fill turns but don't feel very impactful or strong, like shaman)

  • Sykomyke's Avatar
    Grand Crusader 780 985 Posts Joined 05/30/2019
    Posted 4 years ago
    Quote From Fluxflashor

    There is zero chance we'll ever let anyone see who is upvoting and downvoting content. In my experience, it just leads to harassment when people go after those that downvoted them. It creates a toxic atmosphere, especially when you downvote someone trolling and that troll now knows who "got their jimmies rustled" so they can go after them. Preventing that scenario from even happening is A+ in my book.

    Upvoting yourself is an odd one, I will agree. The reason behind it though, which I know I've mentioned in the past somewhere but since we have a fresh thread on it let me repeat it, is because it gives us more flexibility. If you go through the deck database, not many people upvote their own decks. I'm willing to wager if a person doesn't upvote their own deck initially, there is a higher chance it isn't a deck worth looking at. Maybe someone is using the site to catalog decks they like. It's sort of a power-user feature so people that know it exists and are writing good deck content can make use of it to get themselves higher in the initial rankings.

    Now, upvoting your own comments just comes from the silliness that is us using the same voting system for everything on the site. It might be a bit strange, but honestly, we'd just be starting everyone at +1 anyway without it so its another opportunity for people to signal boost themselves if they think they wrote something worth seeing.

    Ultimately though, the points don't matter much and its just something fun. It's super easy feedback to give since it is low effort and if people really need to upvote themselves, I'm okay with it =D

    I mean is there a possible realm where we move away from the current internet meta of "liking/upvoting/reacting" to everything?  Can we possibly go back to a "good ole days" era where there were no likes/upvotes on comments.  People make comments, and people respond.  If people don't like the comment, they can reply and say "you are wrong and here's why".  If people troll, we just use the report button to report the people who troll.  

    The problem inherent with "liking/voting/etc" systems is that it panders to , frankly speaking, the Facebook type of crowd that can't be bothered to respond to a picture of a family member, so they just like it instead.

    Maybe if the downvoting is the problem, we just get rid of "liking or disliking" comments altogether.  After all, comments are opinions:  sometimes they are wrong, sometimes they are right, but they are opinions.  And people are allowed to make their opinions heard if they so wish, correct?  As someone mentioned earlier, there was a problem with someone or some people mass downvoting news thread comments.  And they most likely didn't contribute to the thread themselves.  If we removed the ability to like/dislike a comment, wouldn't that solve the issue? It would force the people who don't want to contribute, and instead just want to downvote people they disagree with to actually formulate an opposing opinion and write it down...

    And if the mass downvoters/trolls/whatever they are get pushed away by a new environment that doesn't have like/dislike buttons, then that's better overall for the community anyhow isn't it?

    Just a thought.