Wailor's Avatar


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Joined 05/28/2019 Achieve Points 640 Posts 707

Wailor's Comments

  • Wailor's Avatar
    Design Champion 640 707 Posts Joined 05/28/2019
    Posted 3 years, 6 months ago
    Quote From KANSAS
    Quote From Wailor



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    Durability should be capitalized. Appart from that, I'm not sure about having both the Battlecry and the Deathrattle. They don't seem very cohesive besides having Freeze synergy.


    Do you think it would work better if the effect interacted with something else like Murlocs or Elementals?

    If anything, my issue is that both effects don't seem related in an organic mater. This is of course very subjective and I might be the only person who thinks like this. That said, adding tribe synergy would make it seem even less cohesive.

  • Wailor's Avatar
    Design Champion 640 707 Posts Joined 05/28/2019
    Posted 3 years, 6 months ago

    I've scraped Mirror Mace, so I'll focus on Soul Eater instead. What do you think about the new wording? I think it's more accurate, but also blander in some way.



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    If you can't figure out how to work around the [Hearthstone Card (Blackwater Buccaneer) Not Found] issue, I think [Hearthstone Card (Blackwater Buccaneer) Not Found] is also neat.


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    Very minor suggestions, but I think you should drop the 's and name it Midnight Reaper (or even The Midnight Reaper, given it's a legendary). Watermark doesn't really fit the flavor, also. I'd probably suggest using a custom one.


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    I think I prefer Xal’atath, but Pocket Knife is quite strategic and interesting as well.

    If you go with the former, you should definitely clarify the targeting system in your submission, since it's not clear by reading the card alone.


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    Durability should be capitalized. Appart from that, I'm not sure about having both the Battlecry and the Deathrattle. They don't seem very cohesive besides having Freeze synergy.


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    I like the 3/3/1 Balanced Blade you suggest. It would be more… well, more balanced.

    About Blade of Souls, I don't like it because it feels like it should be a spell instead of a weapon. Also, it makes more sense as a pure DH card.

  • Wailor's Avatar
    Design Champion 640 707 Posts Joined 05/28/2019
    Posted 3 years, 6 months ago

    Very cool expansion, really enjoyed it.

  • Wailor's Avatar
    Design Champion 640 707 Posts Joined 05/28/2019
    Posted 3 years, 6 months ago

    Bump of my previous cards (which people seem very divided about) and a new idea.

    Also, I'm kinda surprised to see that several people seemed to think the first version doesn't fit Priest, since copying stuff has always been their thing. I mean, it's a weapon, but that's why it's also part Paladin...


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    A simple effect, but a flavorful one. The name isn't the most appropriate, however, since "Possessing" makes it seem so that you get the minion you're killing.


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    Not a bad card whatsoever, but I think we will see a lot of similar cards, so that might hinder it a little bit.


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    I'd say Xal'atoh is a bit more interesting, with the potential it has to go infinite, balanced by the fact you have to pay a lot of mana to do so. It also makes a lot of sense in the flavor department.


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    I think I prefer Everlast, but Worgen Fangs aren't bad at all. They also seem to be a safer option, which tends to do better overall.


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    I prefer Balanced Blade, but I don't quite understand the relation between the flavor and the effect. The art should be a little bit more zoomed in, if you can do so without losing a lot of resolution.


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    I think Savage Claw is probably your most interesting idea.

    My main issue with it, however, is that it's much better in Demon Hunter than it is in regular Hunter. In DH, you can buff your hero for a lot of Attack, go face and then equip the weapon, effectively dealing double damage. In Hunter, however, it's kind of a Heroic Strike for 3 mana, which isn't great.

    For this reason, I'd suggest giving this weapon to either of the classes and adjust the cost accordingly. I think either class would be fine, since it makes sense mechanically in both of them.


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    I think the Midnight Scythe is the most interesting, but it's a bit weird because Warlock doesn't have weapons. Since Warlock is the only class with a lot of discard effects, you can't make it dual, so I'd make it a Legendary.


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    I like the idea and the wording is very flavorful, but Priest doesn't have that many spells that deal damage. What about having it reduce the cost of spells instead of giving Spell Damage?


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    It's very similar to Zul'jin, but I guess that's fine. If you decide to go with it, I'd change the artwork and the watermark to Darkmoon, since it's also related to the Old Gods and it's more believable for Mage to have weapons.


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    The Card of Legend is kinda funny and is also believable compared to Sphere of Sapience. The Orb of Eternity, on the other hand… is a card I don't get at all :C


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    The new version has the issue of being much better in Warlock than in Priest. Also, I'm not sure about giving an attacking weapon to two non-weapon classes.

  • Wailor's Avatar
    Design Champion 640 707 Posts Joined 05/28/2019
    Posted 3 years, 6 months ago

    Here's my first idea, which... Kinda breaks the rules (but so does Molten Blade, so I guess it's fine).

    The card is supposed to be a pun on mirror maze. The first one is more fitting in terms of class identity, while the second one allows me to put it in Darkmoon (which makes sense, because of the mirror maze thing). For the second version, I chose Shaman because they use hammers and have a lot of transform effects (Rogue would probably be more fitting, but they don't use hammers and I think the pun is the most interesting aspect of my card).

    EDIT: I'll give some feedback, since several people has posted since I started writing this.


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    The Harvester has very strong flavor, it's probably my favorite. However, such an Attack-heavy weapon might be a bit out of place for Druid. I'd also consider changing the watermark, since Druid didn't have Treant synergy until Boomsday.

    Worgen Claw is probably my second option, even if it seems a bit weak. The base form is probably worse than Fiery War Axe and the Comboed version is a 3 mana Light's Justice. I'd probably bump its Attack to 5.

    Your other cards seem too complicated for my taste.


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    It's a bit of a weird effect for a Priest card, since that sort of synergy is more common in Warlock. The fact that you can extend the durability with the sort of effects you mention seems more like an extra perk in Priest, but the fact is this card would be almost identical if it had the text "Doesn't lose Durability while attacking minions", so much that it makes the card feel a bit weird.

    About the wording thing, I'd go with the first version.


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    Very funny idea. I think it's a bit weak at 4. How about 3?

  • Wailor's Avatar
    Design Champion 640 707 Posts Joined 05/28/2019
    Posted 3 years, 6 months ago

    More feedback:


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    I'm not a fan of Unbreakable Rager. If you could find an elegant way that it dies after reaching 0, it'd be okay, but the current solution of giving him "Can't Taunt" just doesn't feel natural to me.

    Showstopper Drake is quite cool and I think it's well balanced. I'd try to find another artwork, since the current one is not very recognisable at first glance.

    About your feedback, I don't think this artwork is currently in the game… No one else pointed it out and googling "hearthstone chest" didn't show this result. I might be wrong, though.


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    The card is fine, but it's a bit too bland to my taste.


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    Such an aggressive statline and effect seems a bit out of place in Priest. I'd give it to Hunter or Rogue, since they also have Deathrattle synergy but are more aggressive. If you decide it to give it to Hunter, I'd change the flavor, since ghosts don't really fit the class.


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    The initial artwork was very cool, so I'd stick with it (even if you're losing a pretty neat pun).

    About the effect, most people seem to prefer the Armor one, so I recommend going with it (even if I'm the one who suggested changing it to Health in the first place)


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    The 0/3 statline can't participate, which is a shame because it's very elegant. I'd go with a plain 0/4 for 2 mana.


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    Too meme-y for my taste XD


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    A'tur is good, but I wouldn't go with dual class for Un'goro.

    I think Warrior is more fitting (their identity in Un'goro revolved around Taunts), but Warlock might be fitting because of the tar flavor.


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    I think the middle Julia Celeste is my favorite, but the fact that she is 11 Attack when her effect activates just triggers my round number OCD xD


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    Very interesting twist on the Rager thingy. I like it.


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    I think I prefer Statue of the Elements, even if it's crazy AF. I'd give it slightly less Health, though. How about 5?


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    Although the card is very similar to Hordaki's, I think I like your card more, conceptually. It has several things to improve, however:
    • The "Shield" in "Divine Shield" should be written with capital S. That way, the keyword will be automatically bolded.
    • The artwork is very blurry. I'd try to find one with better resolution.
    • I feel like it should cost 6 or even 7 mana, since it does A LOT of stuff.
    • I'd change the Deathrattle to "Summon a 5/1 Magma Rager". Interacting with unofficial tribes has always felt weird to me, especially since it has only happened on non-collectible cards.
    • Since the flavor is full Rager, I'd change the name to Goro, God of Rage.

  • Wailor's Avatar
    Design Champion 640 707 Posts Joined 05/28/2019
    Posted 3 years, 6 months ago

    Here's my first idea. The Corrupt mechanic is ideal for mimic chests, even if it's not related to faires like most Corrupt cards.

    Not sure if it's a bit too weak in its regular form. In fact, it was originally a 1 mana 0/2 which gained +3 Attack, but that can't participate in this comp, so I had to rehash it the best I could. If you can think of a better statline than this, that would be very welcome.

    Quick feedback:


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    Not a fan, honestly. The Attack swap option seems too good and I can't think of a satisfying way to fix it.


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    Both are good, but not mindblowing. I think I like Imposing Bark a little bit better.


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    Carnival Rager is funny, but it's a bit too strong, like you point out.

    Haunted Spirit is more interesting and fits Priest really well. It's hard to tell if it's balanced, but I'd say it's fine.


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    I guess the body is supposed to be an extra effect (like Frostbolt's Freezing), which allows you to take advantage of Attack buffs and stuff like that, right?

    It's a bit of a weird concept, but I find it interesting.


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    Life-Binded Imp is too extreme, IMO.

    Persistent Spirit has a cool concept, but the highroll potential is too big right now. If you manage to "pass" its effect twice, you can get A LOT of stats. I'd go with 5 mana or 6 mana with Rush or Taunt (so that it is easier to activate, but it's more costly). Additionally, I'd try to find a better artwork.


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    Cool card. All three keywords fit both Witchwood and the artwork very well.


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    I originally didn't like your card because I thought it included ALL Treasures from Tombs of Terror, which would be impossible to balance by design. Given you're choosing from a pool of three, it's actually okay, even if that also makes it so that you can choose which one you want.

    Out of the Treasures you listed, I'd go with Zephrys's Lamp, Canopic Jars and Staff of Scales, since their effects are less problematic than their counterparts.


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    It's not a bad effect, but I am under the impression that it would have a different statline if it wasn't because of the comp's theme. I'd change the Armor gain for Health (to the minion), so that the body is more justified.

  • Wailor's Avatar
    Design Champion 640 707 Posts Joined 05/28/2019
    Posted 3 years, 6 months ago

    Grats, link :)

  • Wailor's Avatar
    Design Champion 640 707 Posts Joined 05/28/2019
    Posted 3 years, 6 months ago
    Quote From DestroyerR

    @Wailor I meant it should be capitalized because every second clause in Choose One cards starts with a capitalized word (see Rising Winds)

    Right... Too late, I already submitted :c

  • Wailor's Avatar
    Design Champion 640 707 Posts Joined 05/28/2019
    Posted 3 years, 6 months ago

    Thanks everyone for your feedback! As many of you pointed out, Maleficent Willow was meant to have Choose One, not Battlecry. In fact, I made a first version with the correct keyword, but I made second version to correct a minor error and screwed up the keyword in the process 🤦‍♂️

    I've already corrected the keyword and submited the card, since I was pretty satisfied with it and you guys seemed to think it was balanced enough.

    Alright, feedback time:


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    Flavor is really good, but I don't like the fact that it's like a better version of Maxima Blastenheimer, which is weird given it's a legendary for another class. If you manage to find a different effect while maintaing the flavor, this card could do really well I think.


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    I like the effect, but it's a bit bland in terms of flavor. Try to find a better one and you'll be good to go. I'd suggest something like Echoing Whispers, so that it ties to both the Old Gods and the fact that it's a sound that triggers twice.


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    The card is flavorful, but the maximum number of tokens is three, if I'm not mistaken. Thus, I'd drop the Waning Moon token, since it's the less iconic phase.

    Besides that, you're missing full stops in all tokens besides Full Moon.


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    I like the effect and the art is fitting, but the name sounds a bit lame unless I'm missing something. I think something like Pet Trainer would be better, especially because it ties to the learning theme of Scholomance.


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    Freak Show is quite cool and flavorful, although but it might be slightly offensive, considering these sort of degrading shows still existed not so long ago. I know Circus Amalgam has a similar flavor, but it's less explicit. Dunno.

    Arlizz Spellweaver is also pretty interesting.


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    I prefer Clithia, but someone already submited a very similar card, although yours has better flavor and balance.

    Feathershot is not bad per se, but I don't like its similarity to Necrium Apothecary.


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    The effect is interesting and the flavor is good, but I think it's a bit weak. It may be OP at 1 Mana, though.

    About your feedback, discard isn't capitalized (see Howlfiend).

  • Wailor's Avatar
    Design Champion 640 707 Posts Joined 05/28/2019
    Posted 3 years, 6 months ago

    It's a bit weird that minion tutors are allowed, since both C'thun and Yogg benefit from spell tutors exclusively. In any case, I'm not opposed to it, 'cuz last week's competition was already restrictive enough.

    Anyways, here's my first idea:

    Not sure if I should re-do the flavor so that it is Old Gods related.

    Edit: Added Maleficent Willow.

  • Wailor's Avatar
    Design Champion 640 707 Posts Joined 05/28/2019
    Posted 3 years, 6 months ago
    Quote From KANSAS

    I think I will go with Small Frog (now named Icky Toad) mainly because I couldn't find any fitting art for Zookeeper. If anybody can find good art of a Murloc or a Dragon or something taking care of some animals, please let me know.

    I am still not entirely set on the ability. Should it have more base stats and less corrupted stats? Should it deal more or less damage? Should the full battlecry be on the base version, and the corrupted version just get extra stats? Feedback is greatly appreciated.

    I think I prefer your previous version where it simply gained stats. The current effect doesn't seem very cohesive and simple cards tend to do pretty well, also. If you decide to go with that effect, I'd suggest making it a Common.

    About the statline, the previous 1/3 -> 3/3 seems a bit too strong. I prefer the current 1/2 -> 2/3 or alternatively, 1/2 -> 3/2.

  • Wailor's Avatar
    Design Champion 640 707 Posts Joined 05/28/2019
    Posted 3 years, 6 months ago

    I'm bumping my old card, along with a new iteration of it, since I'm not sure which one I prefer. I think the mechanics fit Priest more, but the flavor isn't good in any case...

    (I made the second card before seeing Kansas' card, btw)

    Anyways, feedback time:


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    This card isn't allowed, since Murlocs is a base tribe.

    It's a shame, because the flavor is quite cool.


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    Forge Elemental is probably my favorite, but the artwork is pretty bad. Besides that, it could use a slight buff (+1 Attack, for instance) and it would be nice if you could connect its flavor to Darkmoon, at least in some slight way.


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    One of the best ideas so far. I think you could make the Corrupted token as well, since finding an evil kitsune art shouldn't be difficult.

    Regarding balance, it looks a bit too strong, especially since uncorrupted cards tend to be about the same power level as average Basic cards. I would suggest a 2/4 or a 3/3 statline.


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    It's a bit bland for my taste. Its Corrupted form is a bit underwhelming, especially considering how hard it is to corrupt a 9-cost card.


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    Not sure if I like it. The base form seems stronger than the Corrupted one, but swaping them doesn't feel right either. I guess you could always make it a 10/10 Taunt with the Corrupted effect being the 7 damage, but that would be too similar to Fizzy Elemental.

    I don't know, I think I'd try a different idea.


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    I personally prefer the first version, but people tend to dislike disruptive effects like this.

    The other version is also fine. I think Warlock is the appropriate class for it, especially since multi-corrupt seems to be their thing (Cascading Disaster).


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    My favorite card so far, although it should probably be a bit weaker, since its base form is a better Fire Elemental.


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    I agree with other people that it should only count spells, since that would make both forms more balanced.

    In terms of flavor, it has the problem that it depecticts a humanoid animal, which are not Beasts (see Worgen Infiltrator or Tuskarr Totemic)


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    The first minion needs a tribe tag in order to be allowed.

    The second one needs a class, as you pointed out. I agree that Warlock would probably be the best fit. Plus, it should be a Common card, since the effect is very basic.

  • Wailor's Avatar
    Design Champion 640 707 Posts Joined 05/28/2019
    Posted 3 years, 6 months ago

    I had a pretty nice Corrupt idea, but the tribal part screwed it. So, here's my second idea:

    EDIT: Found a new artwork. Its flavor might look kinda out of place in Paladin, but I dunno... Snack Run exists. Might still want to find a less stupid flavor, however.

    Just in case you are interested, here's my previous iteration of the card:


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    Yes, they're Pokémon

  • Wailor's Avatar
    Design Champion 640 707 Posts Joined 05/28/2019
    Posted 3 years, 6 months ago

    Dang, so close.

    Congrats, Mefist!

  • Wailor's Avatar
    Design Champion 640 707 Posts Joined 05/28/2019
    Posted 3 years, 7 months ago

    Arathi Weaponsmith cries in a corner.

    In reply to Sword Eater
  • Wailor's Avatar
    Design Champion 640 707 Posts Joined 05/28/2019
    Posted 3 years, 7 months ago

    I've received a couple comments (out of 4 since I posted the token) that said the token isn't really a Fel Orc, which is weird, since... Well, it's the first image that shows up after googling "Fel Orc".

    Back when I played Warcraft 3, Orcs were green until they drank Mannoroth's blood, when they became red.

    I know that in Warlords of Draenor, orcs were originally brown, but became green after drinking Mannoroth's blood...

    As far as I know, green and red are different stages of corruption, but after reading this comments, I wonder if red orcs stopped being canon or something. Can someone confirm, please?

  • Wailor's Avatar
    Design Champion 640 707 Posts Joined 05/28/2019
    Posted 3 years, 7 months ago

    In reply to Inconspicuous Rider
  • Wailor's Avatar
    Design Champion 640 707 Posts Joined 05/28/2019
    Posted 3 years, 7 months ago

    New version of Mannoroth given some of the feedback I received. Rush reflects Mannoroth's blood rage more than Taunt, but it's even less of a Warlock thing (only two Warlock minions have this keyword). However, the fact that it summons tokens is a zoo effect, so that might make it Warlock-y enough.

    Let me know if you prefer this version or the previous one where the Orcs had Taunt. A third version could be one Orc with Taunt, another one with Rush and another one with Lifesteal, albeit I'd have to submit a token without the keywords (or a GIF featuring all three of them, if that's allowed).



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    Simple but effective. I think I prefer the first version's effect, although the image of the second HP is cooler.


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    The 6 mana Liadrin is much better. I'd say you're good to go.


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    The Hero Power doesn't look that much better than a basic one (it's basically very similar to Warlock), but I guess that's fine because Ol' Faithful is almost on par with 6 Mana weapons.

    Also, since the actual Ol' Faithful is a Warrior card, I'd make a custom version of it which is a Hunter card, while keeping the effect.


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    The current version of Cenarius fits Druid much better. I'd go with it, since Anub'arak not being a Rogue card is a bit weird, as other people pointed out.


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    I think I'd make it cost 6, because the weapon can hit face for 7 and the weapon itself has a lot of durability. I don't know, it's hard to tell without playtesting it, though.


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    Out of your cards, the last version of Aegwynn is definetly the best one.


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    The Hero Power is very interesting, although "Passive Hero Power" should be in a different line than the rest of the text.

    The Battlecry is incredibly OP, however. I think I'd reduce it to 5 damage/healing and only target minions.


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    The card looks much better now :)

    There are a couple of things you could improve: the Ribbon of the Hero Power should be Neutral (see The Four Horsemen and you should probably use the Rise of Shadows watermark for both the Hero and the token minion, instead of Classic/Blank as it currently is.

  • Wailor's Avatar
    Design Champion 640 707 Posts Joined 05/28/2019
    Posted 3 years, 7 months ago

    As a general note, Hero Powers are always neutral, even when associated with certain classes (see Fireblast, Tank Up! or The Four Horsemen).

    That said, some more specific feedback:


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    I like how both cards convey their class expansion flavor much better than the actual DK we got, but unfortunately their Battlecries offer no tempo, which is a killer for expensive cards, especially Liadrin. If you manage to reduce their costs in a balanced way, both of them would be solid picks.


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    I think it's quite balanced, and it's also interesting. Control DH is an interesting concept that hasn't been yet explored.


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    I like the idea of a temporary transformation. The problem with your current iteration is that the condition seems more fitting for Warrior. Warlock would only have that card as an Armor generator.


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    I'm not a huge fan of how both the Battlecry and the HP have very similar effects (equiping weapons). Also, neither of them strikes me as particularly Hunter-esque. However, simply changing the HP could solve both issues quite nicely.


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    Overall, I'd say I prefer Anub'arak because the flavor is better, but Cenarius is not bad either. However, both cards have the same issue: one of their tokens don't fit their class.
    • Cenarius: the Wrath option doesn't fit Druid too much, since they're not supposed to have big AoE. About the watermark, you could use a custom one (like the Book, for instance) or Darkmoon Faire (because of Cenarion Ward exists, I think Cenarius himself would fit the expansion).
    • Anub'arak: albeit not as bad as Cenarius' Wrath, Web Spin feels a bit weird in Warrior. Also, I think the Battlecry should read "Summon two 4/4 Nerubian Guardians that attack random enemy minions."


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    They're both quite interesting. I'd say I prefer Aegwynn because Sargeras is a bit too one-dimensional.

    Plus, you should correct a couple style/grammar mistakes you have:

    • A bolded "Hero Power" must appear above your Hero Power. You'll probably have to shorten both HP texts so that they fit, since they're both quite wordy.
    • The Hero Power ribbon should be neutral-blue, not belonging to your class.
    • It's "Deal 5 damage", not "Deals 5 damage" or "Deals 5 damages".


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    I'd say it's a bit weak right now. 5 Illidari should be more balanced, IMO.

    You're also missing a couple capital letters: Rush (in Illidan's text) and Fuel (in the HP name)


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    Cool effect, although it doesn't strike me as particullarly Hunter-esque (beyond the minion types).


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    The HP right now is kinda confusing. My advice is to:
    • Word the HP as "Hero Power Summon a 1/10 Underbelly Rat."
    • Make a token called Underbelly Rat which has the same text as the token in the Heist boss fight.

    I'm not keen on it being a Neutral Hero card, either. Since it plays with Mana and its flavor is related to Beasts, I'd make it a Druid card.


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    The Battlecry is absolutely superb, but the HP is too wordy, unfortunately. Either shorten it or go with the swapping HP idea.

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