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Joined 03/25/2019 Achieve Points 2010 Posts 4741

YourPrivateNightmare's Comments

  • YourPrivateNightmare's Avatar
    Skeleton 2010 4741 Posts Joined 03/25/2019
    Posted 4 years, 11 months ago

    And here I thought Worgen Infiltrator might see some play again.

    Just a very strong card in general that basically guarantees that you get to remove something valueable in the first few turns. Also crazy good with the 2-drop that buffs stealth minions with Immune

  • YourPrivateNightmare's Avatar
    Skeleton 2010 4741 Posts Joined 03/25/2019
    Posted 4 years, 11 months ago

    Absurdly strong secret, and would be run even if it'S the only one in the deck.

    Basically makes it so every single minion you play has to be removed via spells or else you get some very unpredictable value out of it. The bigger the minions the greater the punish.

    I expect this to be nerfed to "costs (2) more" within the first month. We're talking about a card that basically gives you a 5-drop at turn 3 that most likely value trades. Even with the amount of possible low-rolls, just the amount of pressure and awkward playarounds this creates will be worth it. It's basically Rat Trap except no way to really play around it over multiple turns.

  • YourPrivateNightmare's Avatar
    Skeleton 2010 4741 Posts Joined 03/25/2019
    Posted 4 years, 11 months ago
    Quote From DoubleSummon

    You got sact pact too now I  know I will be running 2 of those in warlock for the first 2 weeks

    fair enough, I didn't really consider that.

    Maybe they factured that into the equation.

  • YourPrivateNightmare's Avatar
    Skeleton 2010 4741 Posts Joined 03/25/2019
    Posted 4 years, 11 months ago

    Cute in arena but too unreliable in Constructed.

    Quest Shaman could use it, but for what actual purpose?

  • YourPrivateNightmare's Avatar
    Skeleton 2010 4741 Posts Joined 03/25/2019
    Posted 4 years, 11 months ago

    What a nice Warri- oh


    Well I guess it's another good card in Demon Hunter's scizophrenic arsenal

  • YourPrivateNightmare's Avatar
    Skeleton 2010 4741 Posts Joined 03/25/2019
    Posted 4 years, 11 months ago

    The Tribal Hate card to rule them all.

    Honestly a pretty great design. Can act as pseudo AoE against Tirbal decks like Pirate or Murlocs (which rarely go above 3-health) and even if your opponet doesn't run that strategy you still have a 5-mana Flanking Strike, which really isn't that bad

  • YourPrivateNightmare's Avatar
    Skeleton 2010 4741 Posts Joined 03/25/2019
    Posted 4 years, 11 months ago

    that's dangerously close to Savannah Highmane level (arguably better because a 3/4 body is more sturdy than two 2/2s).

    Not sure if it's good enough for Deathrattle decks, but at least Dragon decks get something to play with that isn't just purely aggressive


  • YourPrivateNightmare's Avatar
    Skeleton 2010 4741 Posts Joined 03/25/2019
    Posted 4 years, 11 months ago

    Gonna be pretty hard to keep that alive for more than one turn, but hey, at least it's some sort of lategame value generator and the taunt gives it some immediate impact.

  • YourPrivateNightmare's Avatar
    Skeleton 2010 4741 Posts Joined 03/25/2019
    Posted 4 years, 11 months ago

    See, that'S the kind of card that makes me wish they hadn't rotated Auchenai.

    Not sure how to judge this, but it does fit well with the 2/3 that generates spells.


    I'M still not sold on the idea of chaining multiple spells in a class that now has no way of efficiently drawing cards.

  • YourPrivateNightmare's Avatar
    Skeleton 2010 4741 Posts Joined 03/25/2019
    Posted 4 years, 11 months ago

    Very powerful on paper but slow in executiong. Reminds of Power Word: Replicate which saw absolutely no play.

    If the gameplan of keeping a few big minions alive works out then this is probably good enough, but I fear that's an illusion.

    Stil a good card to show up from random effects though.

  • YourPrivateNightmare's Avatar
    Skeleton 2010 4741 Posts Joined 03/25/2019
    Posted 4 years, 11 months ago

    I still have PTSD from Gadgetzan days Hunter being a complete disaster.

    this is basically a slow version of Flanking Strike which is awful for tempo but could really pop off with the right build. At the very least it can also go face, which gives it the benefit of reach and lategame pressure (bonus  points if you run Stonetusk Boar to style on your opponents)

  • YourPrivateNightmare's Avatar
    Skeleton 2010 4741 Posts Joined 03/25/2019
    Posted 4 years, 11 months ago

    So basically a 2-mana 3/3 that will have an upside most of the time. Basically guaranteed value unless you're playing vanilla minions without effects

  • YourPrivateNightmare's Avatar
    Skeleton 2010 4741 Posts Joined 03/25/2019
    Posted 4 years, 11 months ago

    Man, Velen's Chosen really was ahead of its time.

    Good card though, I like the idea of Priest healing through minions rather than mediocre spells.

  • YourPrivateNightmare's Avatar
    Skeleton 2010 4741 Posts Joined 03/25/2019
    Posted 4 years, 11 months ago
    Quote From DoubleSummon
    Quote From YourPrivateNightmare

    Now I understand, Demon Hunter is supposed to be a card that uses Health as a ressource, draws a lot of cards and utilizes demons, and to compensate they get a bunch of efficient healing.



    "oh no, we can't give Warlock healing, that would completely offset their intended weakness and allow for abusive strategies"

    so yeah, let's completely ignore that and give a tempo oriented sm0rc class with almost infinite card draw also supreme defensive tools, what could possibly go wrong?

    The intended weakness of demon hunter is card generayion, not healing, and demon hunter is going to take way more damage.. are you really mad at a senjin with lifesteal?

    Card generation is basically just draw for classes that aren't allowed to draw (see Priest)

    I'm not so much mad at the card itself, which is mostly just decent...I'm mad because it would have fixed so many of Warlock's problems, but instead all of that support is shoved into Warlock 2.0.

    It just seems really stupid that they are obviously not afraid to print strong healing options for a class that needs to take damage to be relevant, but hold back completely when it comes to the class that's historically awful whenever they don't have solid healing options, while also continuusly nerfing said class by removing some of their most syneergistic cards (Mountain and Molten Giant for instance).

    I don't wanna have to play Dragon Warlock for the rest of the year just because they won't introduce proper healing options ouutside of Nether Breath

  • YourPrivateNightmare's Avatar
    Skeleton 2010 4741 Posts Joined 03/25/2019
    Posted 4 years, 11 months ago

    Alright, finally some actual healing for Warlock.

    Works as Questlock support on the basis of Betrug (even though Dollmaster DOrian will be missed)

    Also pretty strong with the Warlock Prime, since both parts are good summons.

    My only fear is that any Warlock deck will have to rely on a dragon package to get those much needed healing from Nether Breath

  • YourPrivateNightmare's Avatar
    Skeleton 2010 4741 Posts Joined 03/25/2019
    Posted 4 years, 11 months ago

    Boy they really like to meme with Waraxe don't they?

    Painfully slow like all dormands and a horrid topdeck.

    this one gets worse by the fact that weapons usually benefit from the element of surprise, while this telegraphs your next action to your opponent, meaning they can just take preemptive measures to rpotect their minions.


    Man I'm really not impressed with Warrior. From the looks of it we'll be playing Galakrond for the next expansion as well

  • YourPrivateNightmare's Avatar
    Skeleton 2010 4741 Posts Joined 03/25/2019
    Posted 4 years, 11 months ago

    I wouldn't overhype this honestly.

    Sure, it's powerful (and it does make Necrium Apothecary valid again) but Rogue isn't exactly known for being the class to get away with playing big statsticks. It's also pretty easily polymorphed or transformed.

    It'S great in Arena, but in Standard it looks to be a complete win-more card.

    But hey, now that Leeroy is gone Rogue will have to look for finishers, so why not this?

  • YourPrivateNightmare's Avatar
    Skeleton 2010 4741 Posts Joined 03/25/2019
    Posted 4 years, 11 months ago

    In case we had any doubt about Secret Rogue.

    It's basically 2-mana draw 2 with the upside of forcing your opponent to play around other secrets you'll also be running.

  • YourPrivateNightmare's Avatar
    Skeleton 2010 4741 Posts Joined 03/25/2019
    Posted 4 years, 11 months ago

    alright, now this one's actually pretty great.

    Premium stats demon that curves into Diseased Vulture. If you can combo those two you can get some huge swing turns (although it would be cool if we had a 0-mana way to take damage).

    Either way you can cheat out a lot of mana with this...the only problem being that we still lack healing in warlock so I'm not sure how to properly abuse this.

    At worst it allows you to Hero Power for free if it sticks, which is nice.

  • YourPrivateNightmare's Avatar
    Skeleton 2010 4741 Posts Joined 03/25/2019
    Posted 4 years, 11 months ago

    This is immensly boring.

    Warlock is already good at drawing cards, they don't need gimmicky ways to draw even more, they need either healing or an actual win condition, neither of which is currently present.

    I do believe Galakrond will still be the better version of tempo zoo, but hey, maybe in the future we get some actual Discard support instead of half baked reprints.