so according to Trump (who tested these cards beforehand) this thing only upgrade when in Hand, meaing it's far from reliable and a pretty bad topdeck (unless you need Wisps)
I've been holding onto a couple spare Pyromancers because I can see it getting HoF'd. It didn't this time, but maybe next? Cards like this will continue to make it an auto-include in many control decks.
is that so wrong though? Pyro has always been a soft boardclear for decks that don't exactly get premium removal. It's always gonna be a 2-card clear (or more) which balances it out.
No, it's not wrong. But they tend to Hof cards that see too much play. Look a Azure Drake. However, since it's mostly Paladins and Priests that always use it (correct me if I'm overlooking anyone), it might be safe to stay.
yeah that's what I meant, only a select number of classes actuallly use it which goes against the idea of it being too common. Stuff like Azure Drake and Leeroy were run in basically any deck that supported their playstyle, whereas Pyro only really makes sense in classes that can actually use it's effect efficiently. Also the reason why Gadgetzan Auctioneer hasn't been HoF'd yet.
I've been holding onto a couple spare Pyromancers because I can see it getting HoF'd. It didn't this time, but maybe next? Cards like this will continue to make it an auto-include in many control decks.
is that so wrong though? Pyro has always been a soft boardclear for decks that don't exactly get premium removal. It's always gonna be a 2-card clear (or more) which balances it out.
If more Big spells are revealed, maybe hunters can build arround Kael'thas Sunstrider.
Rapid Fire is still a thing so maybe? Then again, the problem with Kael'thas is that he usually comes online very late in the game for most classes that aren't Druid or Mage.
On the other hand, I really want a reason to use Arcane Fletcher
Wasn't Call of the Wild a Finisher in Hunter at some Point? I mean this could easily work as such. A well placed late Game Push is often all it takes to win.
Also, just imagine how dangerous it could be to play big AoE like Plague of Death or Twisting Nether and leave an empty Board for your Opponent.
Call of the Wild completely fell out of relevance after being nerfed to 9-mana
I do agree with your second point though, big boardclears into empty boards would indeed be a scary thing to do against Hunters, but it's not like there's a lot of classes (Priest, Warlock, maybe Mage and Warrior) who actually do that on a consistent basis.
This is too much Divine Shield and Divine Shield target cards. I feel like there should be cards like Rallying Blade, Bolvar, Fireblood or Light's Sorrow in standard. That deck needs some cards that doesn't exist in game right now. Maybe in the 2nd expansion of the year or with the upcoming Adventure, who knows.
Well, Who am I to judge Team 5 at the end of the day...
this is actually pretty good for Warriors. You actiate a bunch of synergies AND make them even more resilient. Imagine this with Berserkers and then into Bloodsworn. Pretty much impossible to get rid of conveniently.
Honestly the first Dormant minion I actually believe in. works great for being buffed by Coldlight Seer, also the least bad topdeck because at the very least it's cheap to play.
Not sure if it will actually see play in Murloc Paladin because it might just be outclassed, but at least it's something to work with.
that's pretty damn good. The Alexstraza comparison has been pointed out before, but since you don't need to actually run Highlander it's a pretty solid finisher for the token deck.
It's alright I guess, definitely a solid tech against aggressive strategies, but not really that flexible.
Alright, Spell Mage isn't looking so bad now. Maybe you even run it with Quest just for the memes
oof, these ones always take forever because so many people can't seem to grasp how you'Re supposed to beat the boss.
so according to Trump (who tested these cards beforehand) this thing only upgrade when in Hand, meaing it's far from reliable and a pretty bad topdeck (unless you need Wisps)
yeah that's what I meant, only a select number of classes actuallly use it which goes against the idea of it being too common. Stuff like Azure Drake and Leeroy were run in basically any deck that supported their playstyle, whereas Pyro only really makes sense in classes that can actually use it's effect efficiently. Also the reason why Gadgetzan Auctioneer hasn't been HoF'd yet.
is that so wrong though? Pyro has always been a soft boardclear for decks that don't exactly get premium removal. It's always gonna be a 2-card clear (or more) which balances it out.
Rapid Fire is still a thing so maybe? Then again, the problem with Kael'thas is that he usually comes online very late in the game for most classes that aren't Druid or Mage.
On the other hand, I really want a reason to use Arcane Fletcher
Call of the Wild completely fell out of relevance after being nerfed to 9-mana
I do agree with your second point though, big boardclears into empty boards would indeed be a scary thing to do against Hunters, but it's not like there's a lot of classes (Priest, Warlock, maybe Mage and Warrior) who actually do that on a consistent basis.
Might be a tech choice.
Pretty strong topdeck, I guess Demon Hunters won't run out of ever.
"Do you have any idea how fast I am?"
Blood Knight :^)
I wonder if it will be worth to make it a Quest build just so you have access to Nourish + Ysiel as well as upgraded Rising Winds.
Maybe you can get away with just running essential minions like Oasis Surger and Cenarius
this is actually pretty good for Warriors. You actiate a bunch of synergies AND make them even more resilient. Imagine this with Berserkers and then into Bloodsworn. Pretty much impossible to get rid of conveniently.
Also works as a ping to kill off smaller units
And if you want to meme it up: Blood Knight
Pretty good Enrage WhIlE dAmAgEd support
that is actually pretty dope. Reminds me a lot of Elven Minstrel except much more flexible.
This also indicates that we'll get even more Stealth support, which could make it into an actual archetype.
Gilblin Stalker works amazingly with this, as does the 1-mana Worgen. Both of these are pretty decent minions by themselves.
Maybe Galakrond Stealth Rogue becomes a thing? Or maybe with Secrets. Or maybe EVERYTHING
Gilblin Stalker meta, let's gooooooo
Honestly the first Dormant minion I actually believe in. works great for being buffed by Coldlight Seer, also the least bad topdeck because at the very least it's cheap to play.
Not sure if it will actually see play in Murloc Paladin because it might just be outclassed, but at least it's something to work with.
that's just...really strong. Murloc Paladin is shaping up and this helps, but it's good even without excessive Murloc support.
I could even see this being run in the Libram builds as just a lategame powerplay
that's pretty damn good. The Alexstraza comparison has been pointed out before, but since you don't need to actually run Highlander it's a pretty solid finisher for the token deck.
Also some dragon synergy for what that's worth.