same as the other one. This is not a realistic way to build your deck and the payoff isn't enough. Not to mention that a 4/2 on turn 4 isn't exactly resilient and won't net you much tempo
Cute, but tell me which Paladin deck could even afford to go without neutrals. Certainly not Highlander, and that'S the only deck I could imagine running this.
yeah it'S pretty good. Paladin now has access to a lot of low-cost mechs so maybe we can get some pure token Mech Pally going (using magnetize for big swings in the midgame)
This is excellent. It's basically that one Secret from TGT (I don't remember) except instead of having to have your minions survive a turn you decide when it goes off. COmbine it with Stuff like Hench Clan HAg or Microtech and you have a pretty solid tempo play.
This might make Elemental/aggro/OVerload Shaman a thing and overall improve the Overload package because you can actually get something on the board early.
Also he'S somewhat playable as a solid midrange dragon for decks that need the synergy (I would consider it in Warlock, if only for consistency's sake)
simple does it. Would be pretty OP in any other galakrond class but Priest has the lowest value hero power (in the early game)
Still it's good to have an alternative turn 1 to Cleric.
absolutely love the design. I wanna see it roll down an entire field of 1/1s
Also notably improved by Spelldamage
Welp, Shaman gets the best Galakrond. Pretend I'M surprised.
Makes for a strong midrange/control archetype. Summoning tokens is always good in a class with access to Bloodlust.
this triggers my Saronite PTSD
not to mention this will probably drop on curve so you better have your Flik Skyshiv ready
Arena fodder, the return Bomb Lobber: Electric Boogaloo
same as the other one. This is not a realistic way to build your deck and the payoff isn't enough. Not to mention that a 4/2 on turn 4 isn't exactly resilient and won't net you much tempo
Cute, but tell me which Paladin deck could even afford to go without neutrals. Certainly not Highlander, and that'S the only deck I could imagine running this.
Sweet artwork though.
alright, they're memeing at this point.
It's a good activator though. Stalling an enemy for a turn while advancing your gameplan can't be bad
yeah it'S pretty good. Paladin now has access to a lot of low-cost mechs so maybe we can get some pure token Mech Pally going (using magnetize for big swings in the midgame)
This is excellent. It's basically that one Secret from TGT (I don't remember) except instead of having to have your minions survive a turn you decide when it goes off. COmbine it with Stuff like Hench Clan HAg or Microtech and you have a pretty solid tempo play.
OpOp with Thunderhead I think? Or do the summons spawn afterwards?
(Mild Tunnel Trogg flashbacks)
Also a great target for Earthen Might.
This might make Elemental/aggro/OVerload Shaman a thing and overall improve the Overload package because you can actually get something on the board early.
I guess that makes Shaman the best Galakrond class by default then...
this is the support I've aways dreamt of.
If only Prep hadn't been nerfed....but it's still works for a six pirate combo.
Oh and also it's a decent one drop that gives you combo activators I guess...
looks like a filler, but could be a better yeti in the right deck.
not impressed, Big Druid doesn't really have a build right now and Dragon Druid seems to be battlecry focussed.
SI:7 is pretty strong, although most of its strength comes from coining it at 2 or comboing with Backstab.
This is a decent card for dragon decks that need to tempo
mostly an arena card, but good with handbuffs
uhuhuhuhu, he's a chunky boi
I love him already
Also he'S somewhat playable as a solid midrange dragon for decks that need the synergy (I would consider it in Warlock, if only for consistency's sake)
yeah no, unless your deck is 90% dragons and you know your opponent'S isn't this is Russian Roulette with dragons