Oh well, I tried. Congratulations to all the winners, may your openings be blessed with good fortune (and no neutral epics, because all of those are terrible)
At least I have confirmation that I did in fact comment on every single card, I was actually worried I forgot one.
Warlock didn't receive any interesting cards. At least not when compared to other cards from the powercreep fiesta that is DoD. Warlock will remain the worst class for the 4 months to come and might even be completely unplayable like it was in Ungoro.
You're right that for a (too) long time Warlock was almost entirely defined by Life Tap which allowed Blizzard to not really worry about the class. Now they have to, and it's clear that they don't really know what to do with it (Paladin and Shamab have the same problem to a lesser extent). Blizzard seems to beliewed that "drawing cards" is a viable strategy and win condition on its own, but it isn't.
I don't think you can run Galakrond in Highlander, as tempting as it may be.
You will only run 4 invokers total, meaning that for a fully upgraded galakrond you'd need to play all of them beforehand (and you really don't want to play Galakrond without fully upgrading him)
that also makes Kronx much worse, since you can't play him until you've played Galakrond.
That's why I have Spirit of the Shark + Cobalt Spellkin in the deck at the first place. I've thought that I may trigger twice battlecry minions and Cobalt Spellkin might give me Praise Galakrond. That's rng tho.
So the thought behind Galakrond isn't using it for activating a combo, it is there just because of the battlecry of Kronx.
fair enough. I still believe that there's no real reason to run Galakrond, even if it makes togwaggle more consistent.
I'd rather run Candle Breath since you already have a pretty good dragon package. Add Waxadred and maybe even Gral (it's draw + a big body with all those big minions in the deck) and you have the draw 3 effect without having to run either the Galakrond package or Togwaggle (which frees up space for more lowcost minions, which will be necessary. Right now your deck is very greedy)
congratz, but I don't really get why they would promote this as a wild deck when it doesn't even contain any wild cards (and it's not like the wild meta is any more forgiving towards Gonk)
I don't think you can run Galakrond in Highlander, as tempting as it may be.
You will only run 4 invokers total, meaning that for a fully upgraded galakrond you'd need to play all of them beforehand (and you really don't want to play Galakrond without fully upgrading him)
that also makes Kronx much worse, since you can't play him until you've played Galakrond.
I don't get what you see in Ramming Speed. the only way someone would ever play it over Supercollider is in a meta where there are so many big doubles that Collider is either not enough or has you take too much damage.
I'd like to nominate [Hearthstone Card (Toxic Reenforcements) Not Found] That thing can absolutely rush down decks if you get enough pressure early...and if you want to get funky you can run Necromechanic for that sick 12-damage burst.
Actually have to reevaluate this. Could be very useful in an Embiggen-big Beast/Dragon type of deck where you want to cheat out your big minions as to not get punished by the mana increase.
Summonin an 11/11 Oondasta from your deck that then summons another big beater from your hand doesn't sound so bad
I figured that with Secure the Deck we'd just drop the Claws altogether to have more space for defensive tools.
Too many combo pieces ruin the overall consistency.
Basically the real problem behind Gonk is how it just needs way more combo pieces than Malygoss without any real benefit, so what we need to do is find a way to maximize damage with the least amount of cards.
I wonder if Elise the Enlightened could work, meaning you'd only have to run one Witching Hour, double Pounce and Secure the deck for potentially 14 damage per swing. (or run both Witching Hours for the elusive Triple Gonk)
If we manage to make it somewhat consistent Gonk couuld be a stronger alternative than Malygos as long as the meta favours filling the board with minions (Galakrond and Quest Shaman would be a good sign)
but the MAd Summoner is still kinda necessary or else you won't be able to beat control decks (which will just play a single minion and just won't let you get enough damage, even with 3 Claws)
Needs Innervates for consistency and Floop as a failsafe (if Dreampetal Florist doesn hit Mad Summoner for whatever reason you can still play him alongside double Witching Hour and get at least 4-damage from Pounce)
you better use the packs to build face hunter or else I'm sueing.
Oh well, I tried. Congratulations to all the winners, may your openings be blessed with good fortune (and no neutral epics, because all of those are terrible)
At least I have confirmation that I did in fact comment on every single card, I was actually worried I forgot one.
lol same, I thought "yes, this dumb mechanic will finally adressed"
but I guess they still want Mogu to steamroll games at turn 3.
because you don't look ok
Probably gonna get Veranus as well as Waxadred and Flik Skyshiv.
Hoping to open some good Mage Stuff and either Alex or Frizz so I can justify crafting the rest of Highlander Mage (or Tempo Mage)
Gonna also get Warlock if I don't open them in my initial pack drop.
The difference between Netherwing and Enforcer is huge though. If you drop this on 5 to clear a board you're suddenly the one dictating tempo.
And I would hesitate to call Zzeraku "not interesting". That thing can lock down games by itself as long as its set up correctly.
fair enough. I still believe that there's no real reason to run Galakrond, even if it makes togwaggle more consistent.
I'd rather run Candle Breath since you already have a pretty good dragon package. Add Waxadred and maybe even Gral (it's draw + a big body with all those big minions in the deck) and you have the draw 3 effect without having to run either the Galakrond package or Togwaggle (which frees up space for more lowcost minions, which will be necessary. Right now your deck is very greedy)
Floop's Glorious Gloop
I rest my case
congratz, but I don't really get why they would promote this as a wild deck when it doesn't even contain any wild cards (and it's not like the wild meta is any more forgiving towards Gonk)
that sounds like a euphemism for jacking off.
I don't think you can run Galakrond in Highlander, as tempting as it may be.
You will only run 4 invokers total, meaning that for a fully upgraded galakrond you'd need to play all of them beforehand (and you really don't want to play Galakrond without fully upgrading him)
that also makes Kronx much worse, since you can't play him until you've played Galakrond.
I don't get what you see in Ramming Speed. the only way someone would ever play it over Supercollider is in a meta where there are so many big doubles that Collider is either not enough or has you take too much damage.
I'd like to nominate [Hearthstone Card (Toxic Reenforcements) Not Found] That thing can absolutely rush down decks if you get enough pressure early...and if you want to get funky you can run Necromechanic for that sick 12-damage burst.
fo shizzle my Wizzle
Actually have to reevaluate this. Could be very useful in an Embiggen-big Beast/Dragon type of deck where you want to cheat out your big minions as to not get punished by the mana increase.
Summonin an 11/11 Oondasta from your deck that then summons another big beater from your hand doesn't sound so bad
What if you just run it with Unstable Element and raiding Party + the other efficient pirates (like Dread Corsair and Parachute)
Cheat out a bunch of Pirates early and swing face with weapons, then Element for the finish. Could probably even run Prep again despite the nerfs.
Rumor has it that the devs were moved to work on another Skyrim port.
I figured that with Secure the Deck we'd just drop the Claws altogether to have more space for defensive tools.
Too many combo pieces ruin the overall consistency.
Basically the real problem behind Gonk is how it just needs way more combo pieces than Malygoss without any real benefit, so what we need to do is find a way to maximize damage with the least amount of cards.
I wonder if Elise the Enlightened could work, meaning you'd only have to run one Witching Hour, double Pounce and Secure the deck for potentially 14 damage per swing. (or run both Witching Hours for the elusive Triple Gonk)
If we manage to make it somewhat consistent Gonk couuld be a stronger alternative than Malygos as long as the meta favours filling the board with minions (Galakrond and Quest Shaman would be a good sign)
but the MAd Summoner is still kinda necessary or else you won't be able to beat control decks (which will just play a single minion and just won't let you get enough damage, even with 3 Claws)
Needs Innervates for consistency and Floop as a failsafe (if Dreampetal Florist doesn hit Mad Summoner for whatever reason you can still play him alongside double Witching Hour and get at least 4-damage from Pounce)