Seems very odd to say the least. LAvagorger clashes with From the Depths, You never want to play Revenant for its full cost and Clash seems like a much worse From the Depths (even though it is giga-nuts off Nagaling)
I guess the idea would be that they might not have the means to kill all the tentacles before the main dude and so you're always get some kills in...but that sounds so contrived. Like....he's literally worth more in stats than as an actual effect
This just seems a worse Gigafin. Do the Tentacles literally have no other function? Because if not then what even is the point? It's too expensive for token decks, too expensive for Rogue shenanigans (it doesn't work with Sketchy Information or Smokescreen) and even Big Beast Hunter probably doesn't care unless you pull it from a harpoon or Sunken Saber it's too slow to do anything...and even if you get it just fucks your rez pool because every arm is a seperate Beast to pull from Revive Pet.
Trash I think unless there's an additional gimmick
Seems terrible. There are only a few edge cases in which you actually care about what your opponent will play on a specific turn. in all other instances it's just a vanilla 5/4.
Okani is good because the effect persists if not dealt with. This is just "okay, I guess I'll play something else then".
I mean sure, against Combo decks you can delay whatever they want to do byy a turn, but even then you just spent 4-mana just to maybe get another shot next turn. It won't save you and it's certainly not worth sacrificing a deckslot for
Could be really broken in Arena though. the ability to just completely ruin your opponent's curve while also scouting their hand is pretty nuts there.
On one hand it's nuts if your opponent doesn't have access to an easy ping, but at the same time that kind of effect is just so common in multiple classes.
Against Mage, Paladin, Rogue, Demon Hunter and occasionally regular Hunter this is just terrible. But against everything else it's just garbage.
Not like there are any Elemental decks around either so there's no other uses.
The only way we'd ever see that happening is if they just made Hearthstone 2. At this point it's just not feasible to complete rework the code from the ground up unless they took a year off just to allocate all possible ressources there and at that point they'd just lose their entire playerbase.
Right now the game functions well enough for a large overhaul to not be necessary. They won't do it unless they have no other choice and who knows how long Hearthstone even lasts as a game.
Nerfs were somewhat predictable. There was no way to nerf Drek'Thar without ruining the flavor but I think they chose the best option. Could still see play in decks that just don't have anything useful above 3-mana. Multi-Strike was warranted too and will still be one of the better cards but at least you don't just eat 6-damage on turn 2 while losing your 2-drop every goddamn time.
The Dragonbane Shot nerf makes sense but I really expected them to just slow down the Quest itself. At least this means you don't get punished as much for daring to play minions.
Now the buffs...those are really something.
Harpoon Gun is neat, but won't matter all that much I think because you can't really guarantee a Beast anyways, but at least it allows you to snowball occasionally. Pet Collector buff is neat and helps with maintaining tempo, Azsharan Saber buff is good, but I still don't think it's worth playing over just running Vanndar, but maybe I'm wrong.
[Hearthstone Card (Xhi'lag of the Abyss) Not Found] buff looks reaaaally strong and makes a good case for just ditching Drek'thar and capitalizing on the insane swing from this guy. I'm actually worried that they overdid it and might have to revert that buff down the line because now you just end up losing whenever xhi'lag drops.
Priest buffs seem kind off odd, but I bet they're done with the future in mind. priest did get some insane cards this set, they're just lacking payoff. Blackwater Behemoth is now very overstatteed which is really interesting because it means their internal data shows that it was REALLY bad before. Quest Priest is still bad but at least you now have a good 7-drop outside of Mutanus. Whirlpool won't see play yet anyways, but at least it's no longer a worse Twisting Nether. The Shadowcloth Needle buff is really strange. The card was a thing for almost a year now and Shadow Priest is basically non-existant right now so I can only assume it'll get some more suppoort down the line.
the Serpent Wig buff is really interesting though. I'd call it good enough to consider Tempo Naga Priest because it helps your minions stick. I wonder how to build it though.
The ROgue changes are just funny. Tooth should have been this way from the start (it still goes face tho, so that's worth keeping in mind), SI:7 Smuggler is literally just pre-bug fix and won't matter because Quest Rogue can't function with the current mediocre draw options. Gnoll revert is good because it means they're monitoring previously nerfed cards and reevaluating them for current power level. Tess buff is meaningless, she's still a meme card, but people love her so it makes sense to make her more playable. Burglar buff is equally strange. COuld have just put it at 3-mana if you wanted it to see play, it's still underwhelming the way it is now.
Now the Warlock buffs....oh boy I hope they know what they're doing here. The Sira'kess Cultist buff is good because it makes playing it for Tempo less terrible without increasing combo potential. The Dragged Below buff though...I get they wanted to help making the removal lesss awkward but they should have just made Abyssal Wave go to 5, that's the most awkward one because you need boardclears earlier than turn 6. By buffing Dragged Below you allow the Tamsin Roame combo to not only go off earlier but also enable 9-mana Tamsin + double Dragged (+ another one from Azshara's Ring). That's pretty fucking scary. I guess this their way of nerfing Control Warrior. I hope it doesn't backfire, but if it does...I kept my extra copies of all the Curse cards for this reason...because I could smell that they were going to buff them eventually and might regret it later.
Murloc buffs are really strong. Getting them down a turn earlier is huge for tempo, which is what the deck was presumably lacking (idk, I haven't played it yet). Turn 4 Gigafin will be disgusting, even if it happens only once every 20 games.
Nah, Lava Lurker by itself isn't a problem. It only starts to scale once you find Shoal Commander and by that point you also need the Siren or else the Lurker is your only big minion.
Rushing Lurker isn't as broken a strategy because you don't really start scaling until turn 6-7 unless you get super lucky.
Drek'thar and Multi-strike are a given I think. Nerfing Glaive as well would obviously be overkill and probably not even that useful since a single GLaive rarely procs on all 3 hits and then you're just nerfing a 1/3 weapon for no reason.
Disagree about the Warrior nerfs. Nellie is strong but balanced because even if you use Brann you rarely get a full OTK, and also in that case you can't Shield Slam the Ship so Silence will always be a counter.
From the Depths is fine too because it'll never be consistent enough to just win the game at turn 4. A random Nellie is quite literally the only truly unfair thing that can happen and it's the only thing that allows Warrior to even be reasonably proactive. If we nerf it, Control WArrior goes back to just rolling over to any lategame strategy because they can't pressure them effectively.
Shield Shatter is the only thing that makes sense to nerf just because of how easily it is to activate.
Hunter will hopefully get a Questline nerf. I dont# even care if the entire class becomes unplayable (and I'm a Hunter main), Quest Hunter is literally just Quest Mage except even easier and that deck got dumpstered while not even being a meta pick. Just add +1 to the 2nd and 3rd Quest Step, kill the deck for good and buff Big Beasts or something.
Seems very odd to say the least. LAvagorger clashes with From the Depths, You never want to play Revenant for its full cost and Clash seems like a much worse From the Depths (even though it is giga-nuts off Nagaling)
This looks really really bad. Like...what is the point of this in any deck outside of annoying the opponent with limp tentacles.
The best case scenario is plpaying it in Token Druid with Heart of the Wild because it's all beasts...
It's a better onyxia if there's two big threats, less so if you need to spread your damage out
I guess the idea would be that they might not have the means to kill all the tentacles before the main dude and so you're always get some kills in...but that sounds so contrived. Like....he's literally worth more in stats than as an actual effect
This just seems a worse Gigafin. Do the Tentacles literally have no other function? Because if not then what even is the point? It's too expensive for token decks, too expensive for Rogue shenanigans (it doesn't work with Sketchy Information or Smokescreen) and even Big Beast Hunter probably doesn't care unless you pull it from a harpoon or Sunken Saber it's too slow to do anything...and even if you get it just fucks your rez pool because every arm is a seperate Beast to pull from Revive Pet.
Trash I think unless there's an additional gimmick
5-star Druid Legendary lmao
Good luck beating them once they hit 10-mana (aka on turn 7 usually)
Can't wait to put this into Handlock.
On a serious note, good luck against Druids, they can play Onyxia twice now lmao.
Seems terrible. There are only a few edge cases in which you actually care about what your opponent will play on a specific turn. in all other instances it's just a vanilla 5/4.
Okani is good because the effect persists if not dealt with. This is just "okay, I guess I'll play something else then".
I mean sure, against Combo decks you can delay whatever they want to do byy a turn, but even then you just spent 4-mana just to maybe get another shot next turn. It won't save you and it's certainly not worth sacrificing a deckslot for
Could be really broken in Arena though. the ability to just completely ruin your opponent's curve while also scouting their hand is pretty nuts there.
Not too impresssed. Shan'do Wildclaw is basically the same and never saw play.
The best part about Keleseth was being able to come down on 2. At 3-mana you're sacrificing much more tempo by not doing something more impressive.
Maybe it goes into Paladin, most of the good mechs have battlecries and there's other stuff as well that benefits from this.
I don't think it being a beast is relevant in any way
I just can't tell whether this is good or not.
On one hand it's nuts if your opponent doesn't have access to an easy ping, but at the same time that kind of effect is just so common in multiple classes.
Against Mage, Paladin, Rogue, Demon Hunter and occasionally regular Hunter this is just terrible. But against everything else it's just garbage.
Not like there are any Elemental decks around either so there's no other uses.
Snapdragon could be core in Handbuff Paladin. THink of how many Battlecry cards that deck runs. Sweeper, Savior, the 1-drop Lobster, etc.
Feels kinda weird to finally have a fairly diverse meta and now having to hope the miniset doesn't fuck it up completely again.
Fish of N'zoth. Summon a single Deathrattle minion that died this game.
Priest Legendary of course
I like to believe you downvoted yourself
The only way we'd ever see that happening is if they just made Hearthstone 2. At this point it's just not feasible to complete rework the code from the ground up unless they took a year off just to allocate all possible ressources there and at that point they'd just lose their entire playerbase.
Right now the game functions well enough for a large overhaul to not be necessary. They won't do it unless they have no other choice and who knows how long Hearthstone even lasts as a game.
Nerfs were somewhat predictable. There was no way to nerf Drek'Thar without ruining the flavor but I think they chose the best option. Could still see play in decks that just don't have anything useful above 3-mana. Multi-Strike was warranted too and will still be one of the better cards but at least you don't just eat 6-damage on turn 2 while losing your 2-drop every goddamn time.
The Dragonbane Shot nerf makes sense but I really expected them to just slow down the Quest itself. At least this means you don't get punished as much for daring to play minions.
Now the buffs...those are really something.
Harpoon Gun is neat, but won't matter all that much I think because you can't really guarantee a Beast anyways, but at least it allows you to snowball occasionally. Pet Collector buff is neat and helps with maintaining tempo, Azsharan Saber buff is good, but I still don't think it's worth playing over just running Vanndar, but maybe I'm wrong.
[Hearthstone Card (Xhi'lag of the Abyss) Not Found] buff looks reaaaally strong and makes a good case for just ditching Drek'thar and capitalizing on the insane swing from this guy. I'm actually worried that they overdid it and might have to revert that buff down the line because now you just end up losing whenever xhi'lag drops.
Priest buffs seem kind off odd, but I bet they're done with the future in mind. priest did get some insane cards this set, they're just lacking payoff. Blackwater Behemoth is now very overstatteed which is really interesting because it means their internal data shows that it was REALLY bad before. Quest Priest is still bad but at least you now have a good 7-drop outside of Mutanus. Whirlpool won't see play yet anyways, but at least it's no longer a worse Twisting Nether. The Shadowcloth Needle buff is really strange. The card was a thing for almost a year now and Shadow Priest is basically non-existant right now so I can only assume it'll get some more suppoort down the line.
the Serpent Wig buff is really interesting though. I'd call it good enough to consider Tempo Naga Priest because it helps your minions stick. I wonder how to build it though.
The ROgue changes are just funny. Tooth should have been this way from the start (it still goes face tho, so that's worth keeping in mind), SI:7 Smuggler is literally just pre-bug fix and won't matter because Quest Rogue can't function with the current mediocre draw options. Gnoll revert is good because it means they're monitoring previously nerfed cards and reevaluating them for current power level. Tess buff is meaningless, she's still a meme card, but people love her so it makes sense to make her more playable. Burglar buff is equally strange. COuld have just put it at 3-mana if you wanted it to see play, it's still underwhelming the way it is now.
Now the Warlock buffs....oh boy I hope they know what they're doing here. The Sira'kess Cultist buff is good because it makes playing it for Tempo less terrible without increasing combo potential. The Dragged Below buff though...I get they wanted to help making the removal lesss awkward but they should have just made Abyssal Wave go to 5, that's the most awkward one because you need boardclears earlier than turn 6. By buffing Dragged Below you allow the Tamsin Roame combo to not only go off earlier but also enable 9-mana Tamsin + double Dragged (+ another one from Azshara's Ring). That's pretty fucking scary. I guess this their way of nerfing Control Warrior. I hope it doesn't backfire, but if it does...I kept my extra copies of all the Curse cards for this reason...because I could smell that they were going to buff them eventually and might regret it later.
Murloc buffs are really strong. Getting them down a turn earlier is huge for tempo, which is what the deck was presumably lacking (idk, I haven't played it yet). Turn 4 Gigafin will be disgusting, even if it happens only once every 20 games.
Nah, Lava Lurker by itself isn't a problem. It only starts to scale once you find Shoal Commander and by that point you also need the Siren or else the Lurker is your only big minion.
Rushing Lurker isn't as broken a strategy because you don't really start scaling until turn 6-7 unless you get super lucky.
Drek'thar and Multi-strike are a given I think. Nerfing Glaive as well would obviously be overkill and probably not even that useful since a single GLaive rarely procs on all 3 hits and then you're just nerfing a 1/3 weapon for no reason.
Disagree about the Warrior nerfs. Nellie is strong but balanced because even if you use Brann you rarely get a full OTK, and also in that case you can't Shield Slam the Ship so Silence will always be a counter.
From the Depths is fine too because it'll never be consistent enough to just win the game at turn 4. A random Nellie is quite literally the only truly unfair thing that can happen and it's the only thing that allows Warrior to even be reasonably proactive. If we nerf it, Control WArrior goes back to just rolling over to any lategame strategy because they can't pressure them effectively.
Shield Shatter is the only thing that makes sense to nerf just because of how easily it is to activate.
Hunter will hopefully get a Questline nerf. I dont# even care if the entire class becomes unplayable (and I'm a Hunter main), Quest Hunter is literally just Quest Mage except even easier and that deck got dumpstered while not even being a meta pick. Just add +1 to the 2nd and 3rd Quest Step, kill the deck for good and buff Big Beasts or something.
IT ALLOWS ME TO DRAW TWO- no wait, wrong one
Not sure if I like Flat Tusk being replaced. Had some really interesting synergies with Pirates.
The new one just feels like "another Charlga in case you don't find Charlga" (or the other way round if this ends up being better)