Looks okay, but might be too awkward at 4-mana. Paladin remains the class that wins while on board but loses whenever they start a turn without minions.
Honestly, This probably doesn't even see play because Quest Hunter doesn't care to run Nagas and Naga-Spell Hunter will be too slow, but it's decent draw.
Actually bonkers in Big Beast Hunter if it goes off. The amount of tempo you can gain if you play this on 3, dredge a mama bear to coin into and then dredge again for another fat statstick on the following turn. Probably even good in a midrange deck just because it's a decent tempo weapon that sets up your next turn.
I thought Quest hunter would be somewhat balanced out by not having access to Professor Slate anymore so big minions are an issue. Apparently we needed to give them an even better Slate for 1-mana that you can run two copies of.
They'll nerf Quest Hunter within a week, I'll bet money on that one.
Actually insane, for just 7-mana you get a full boardclear. Unironically, what are they thinking? I'd put this in current Face Hunter and it would do decently, but in a dedicated Vanndar deck this probably just wins games Dr. Boom--style. The only thing holding it back is if you summon it from the deck it loses the tempo potental but that'S probably good because otherwise it'd be broken.
That's pretty good for Ramp Druid. You now have a dedicated turn 1 play that'll allow you to recover tempo later on. Thank fuck it interferes with Kazakusan.
So you play Big Spell Druid and then this is just a free 5/5 on turn 6. Classic Druid I guess, but at least the mana cheating is hard-locked to 6-mana.
Also there'S some cost reduction Alignment bullshit just waiting to happen. let's hope that deck is dead for good.
So I guess Druid does just get good spell-based removal now. Expect to see this in every deck even if it doesn't run Nagas. Lunar Eclipse is rotating, you need the damage.
Okay, Dredge is good but it's that good. Pretty sure we don't play Arcanite Reaper in DH just to get the charge guy...or maybe we do because degenerate aggro DH is the way to go.
It's not old Eye Beam, but it's good. Makes tempo Nagas a legit consideration. Also this can go face. That alone is probably enough to have it see play
For me it's a "can't unsee" situation. It's not something that's super important but once you notice it it's hard not to be confused and disappointed as to why they aren't here in the first place, given that it's just a matter of copy + paste.
Then scrap the entrance animation but at least keep the goddamn tray and hero power effects. they don't fit any less than the default stuff but at least I'm not paying for a straight-up downgrade.
While I like this new direction of getting a bunch of themed skins for previous heroes, there's still one issue they haven't addressed so far, that being that these alternate skins for heroes that aren't the classic 10 (aka Maiev, Lunara, Liadrin, etc...) don't use the entrance animations, hero power effects and Hero trays that their original versions had, but instead just the regular classic effects. While I don't think all these skins need to come with new effects, it is somewhat stupid to have all these animations on the older FREE skins and not just carry them over to theese newer PAID versions.
I think the Bomb Warrior comparison isn't quite fair. Bomb Warrior was a deck that had to do very little to basically shuffle lethal damage into your deck and there was practically 0 counterplay to said bombs.
Curse Warlock, assuming it works, will always at least give you the ability to slow down the burn by just removing the curses. Warlock is also not nearly as good at turtling as Warrior is and they lose the ability to just run cheap removal and healthgain like they can with Mo'Arg and Grimoir of Sacrifice right now..
The way I see it is that it's probably gonna be a ramping damage threat similar to Questlock, except without the absurd midrange power spikes or the extreme damage ramp once your deck is empty and you still have Backfire in hand. It's gonna do what Warlock always does: Punish decks that rely on just hiding behind boardclears and armor while having to fight for their life against proactive decks. As long as they don't print some really insane other cards that somehow go with the curse package and make it an allrounder like Questlock I doubt it's gonna be more than a funny tier 3 - tier 2 control deck that falls in and out of meta depending on what's currently played. At best it'S gonna be a slow burn deck with predictable damage margins and if the non-curse control shell is good enough it'll probably not even outclass OwlTK
I like the creative idea of turning your chip damage into healing, but I fear he might be a bit too expensive to be reliable....unless ramping curse damage is easy, but then holy fuck, do we have a problem on our hands. Just spamming Curses that your opponent needs to spend mana on just to not die seems very anti-fun.
Huh....not sure how to judge this one. Obviously we're going to get at least 2 more Curse cards so there should be enough support...the question is, is this a legitimate win conditions. Can you just win off stuffing your opponent's hand with chip damage that also gives you healing.
Now, unlike Quest Warlock, you probably won't need to spend a large part of your deck on self-damage which begs the question. What is the shell that you put this Curse package into? I'd assume if you're going for chip damage you run Curse of Agony as well since that one also ramps up over time (unless part of the curse playstyle also involves milling cards by filling up their hand).
At the end of the day, we'll need the entire set to make a true judgement call...as well as the Core set changes to see what kind of control deck you can even build with this.
Looks okay, but might be too awkward at 4-mana. Paladin remains the class that wins while on board but loses whenever they start a turn without minions.
Probably bad because it#s just healing, but the pun is 10/10. Best card in the set. Will define the meme economy for decades.
Pretty strong but also slow. Might be worth because of the Colossal, but primarily it sets up the Shark...let's hope no OTK bullshit comes from this.
Honestly, This probably doesn't even see play because Quest Hunter doesn't care to run Nagas and Naga-Spell Hunter will be too slow, but it's decent draw.
Maybe after a Questline nerf it becomes a thing.
Actually bonkers in Big Beast Hunter if it goes off. The amount of tempo you can gain if you play this on 3, dredge a mama bear to coin into and then dredge again for another fat statstick on the following turn. Probably even good in a midrange deck just because it's a decent tempo weapon that sets up your next turn.
I thought Quest hunter would be somewhat balanced out by not having access to Professor Slate anymore so big minions are an issue. Apparently we needed to give them an even better Slate for 1-mana that you can run two copies of.
They'll nerf Quest Hunter within a week, I'll bet money on that one.
Actually insane, for just 7-mana you get a full boardclear. Unironically, what are they thinking? I'd put this in current Face Hunter and it would do decently, but in a dedicated Vanndar deck this probably just wins games Dr. Boom--style. The only thing holding it back is if you summon it from the deck it loses the tempo potental but that'S probably good because otherwise it'd be broken.
That's pretty good for Ramp Druid. You now have a dedicated turn 1 play that'll allow you to recover tempo later on. Thank fuck it interferes with Kazakusan.
So you play Big Spell Druid and then this is just a free 5/5 on turn 6. Classic Druid I guess, but at least the mana cheating is hard-locked to 6-mana.
Also there'S some cost reduction Alignment bullshit just waiting to happen. let's hope that deck is dead for good.
So I guess Druid does just get good spell-based removal now. Expect to see this in every deck even if it doesn't run Nagas. Lunar Eclipse is rotating, you need the damage.
Okay, Dredge is good but it's that good. Pretty sure we don't play Arcanite Reaper in DH just to get the charge guy...or maybe we do because degenerate aggro DH is the way to go.
Either way, boring as fuck.
It's not old Eye Beam, but it's good. Makes tempo Nagas a legit consideration. Also this can go face. That alone is probably enough to have it see play
For me it's a "can't unsee" situation. It's not something that's super important but once you notice it it's hard not to be confused and disappointed as to why they aren't here in the first place, given that it's just a matter of copy + paste.
Then scrap the entrance animation but at least keep the goddamn tray and hero power effects. they don't fit any less than the default stuff but at least I'm not paying for a straight-up downgrade.
While I like this new direction of getting a bunch of themed skins for previous heroes, there's still one issue they haven't addressed so far, that being that these alternate skins for heroes that aren't the classic 10 (aka Maiev, Lunara, Liadrin, etc...) don't use the entrance animations, hero power effects and Hero trays that their original versions had, but instead just the regular classic effects. While I don't think all these skins need to come with new effects, it is somewhat stupid to have all these animations on the older FREE skins and not just carry them over to theese newer PAID versions.
I think the Bomb Warrior comparison isn't quite fair. Bomb Warrior was a deck that had to do very little to basically shuffle lethal damage into your deck and there was practically 0 counterplay to said bombs.
Curse Warlock, assuming it works, will always at least give you the ability to slow down the burn by just removing the curses. Warlock is also not nearly as good at turtling as Warrior is and they lose the ability to just run cheap removal and healthgain like they can with Mo'Arg and Grimoir of Sacrifice right now..
The way I see it is that it's probably gonna be a ramping damage threat similar to Questlock, except without the absurd midrange power spikes or the extreme damage ramp once your deck is empty and you still have Backfire in hand. It's gonna do what Warlock always does: Punish decks that rely on just hiding behind boardclears and armor while having to fight for their life against proactive decks. As long as they don't print some really insane other cards that somehow go with the curse package and make it an allrounder like Questlock I doubt it's gonna be more than a funny tier 3 - tier 2 control deck that falls in and out of meta depending on what's currently played. At best it'S gonna be a slow burn deck with predictable damage margins and if the non-curse control shell is good enough it'll probably not even outclass OwlTK
Could be worse, could be G'huun.
I like the creative idea of turning your chip damage into healing, but I fear he might be a bit too expensive to be reliable....unless ramping curse damage is easy, but then holy fuck, do we have a problem on our hands. Just spamming Curses that your opponent needs to spend mana on just to not die seems very anti-fun.
Huh....not sure how to judge this one. Obviously we're going to get at least 2 more Curse cards so there should be enough support...the question is, is this a legitimate win conditions. Can you just win off stuffing your opponent's hand with chip damage that also gives you healing.
Now, unlike Quest Warlock, you probably won't need to spend a large part of your deck on self-damage which begs the question. What is the shell that you put this Curse package into? I'd assume if you're going for chip damage you run Curse of Agony as well since that one also ramps up over time (unless part of the curse playstyle also involves milling cards by filling up their hand).
At the end of the day, we'll need the entire set to make a true judgement call...as well as the Core set changes to see what kind of control deck you can even build with this.
Well technically 3 standard packs can give you up to 15 legendaries, so clearly they're worth more :^)