Pretty insane. Scythe already proved that 4-mana 4/2 weapons are still just good if you care about face damage and this basically allows aggressive DH to very easily draw like 2-3 cards just for doing stuff you'd presumably be doing anyways.
It all comes down the the available pool of Outcast cards really.
I'm gonna say this here, but it applies to all the Riff cards:
The only possile reason for these to be THIS overbalanced is because there'S some deck that somehow uses these while breaking the game in another way (looking at Tony Warrior here), in which case, why the fuck do you pre-nerf these cards instead of the actual problem?
There's no reason for these to be as expensive as they are. They're basically worse Relics and Relics had to get BUFFED to even be playable.
Probably too slow to be useful. YOu can't rely on a 10-mana card to set you up for incremental value (unless of course there are big spells so unbelievably powerful that it's worth playing towards that endgame)
Possessed Lackey with better stats and a better target to pull. This is good and can end games if it doesn't get answered with silence.
The only issue might be building a Paladin deck with mostly spells since you can't really use your small supplementary minions with this (although I suspect we'll get some decent spells in this set considering the legendary spell)
Honestly, as long as Paladin finds a way to close out games, this is kinda nuts. If it doesn't get silenced it's basically impossible to race Paladin now. If it does gets silenced that just means something else won't be.
Maybe this just fails due to lack of overall support, but as a standalone card this is pretty crazy.
DH looks alright. Eye of Shadow implies Aldrachi Warblades leaving (because otherwise what's the point?).
Glaivetar is good and finally gives some sort of justification for running Outcast cards (although why they didn't reveal any new OUtcast cards alongside it is beyond me, maybe it's all in the Core set)
Going down Swinging is actually a pretty neat card. I would have preferred if it hit face as wel but that was probably broken with too many attack buffs. Either way, it's nice to have some decent boardclears in DH for once.
Instrument Smasher is probably bad though. Too many low value weapons and the highroll potential just isn't there. I guess it works in a funny way with the spell, but that's about it.
That's what I'm thinking. Warrior definitely has enough valuable targets for this, and you can pretty realistically stabilize at around turn 7 with stuff that aggro just cannot get past. The only issue is playing Blackrock 'n' Roll at turn 5 consistently and the only thing that helps with that is a specific tutor
JUdging by the Shaman set, they are not bound to reveal every synergistic at once, meaning there could very well be some card that actually make this worth running.
Specifically I'm thinking about possibly getting a tutor for Fire Spells (or maybe even better a card that just says "discover a Fire spell from your deck, so you can still run other fire spells). Either that or something that shuffles big boys into your deck (we have Faelin, but he doesn't work all that well with this)
Either way, just hear me out on this one. This on 5, Lor'themar on 7 and then you just one-shot your opponent with a 30-attack Trenchstalker. I don't care if it's good, I'll fucking do it.
But your entire argument seems to be "it has never worked before therefore it cannot work", which is just short-sighted (people said that about slow Hunter decks and other "meme" decks and they eventually ruled entire formats).
YOu also seem to forget cards like Cannibalize Which can turn any big minion into a massive overheal for your Heartthrob.
Undying Allies is pretty good at creating a wide early board that you can drop a Dreamboat into.
Hedanis himself could be a straight-up OTK your opponent if you have enough cards and Priest is no longer hurting for draw.
You lament the failure of board-centric Priests in the past (and conveniently forget about Spiteful Priest) but you fail to realize that the reason these never worked is because all the cards dedicated around them relied on healing damaged minions, which is pretty crap for a class that cannot reliable damage their own stuff (like Warrior can).
Now we have a keyword that not only changes that, but also gives multi-purpose to all your healing spells, which was one of the main issues with these decks. It also recontextualizes the hero power as a proactive tool instead of just something you do when you have no cards to spend mana on.
I refuse to believe for even a second that they would just dedicate not only an expansion but an entire Core set to a newly made-up keyword if they didn't have playtested it enough to actually function.
Seems a tad underwhelming. The Treant option is just bad unless you're really desperate and the Buff option is good, but requires you to have a board to begin with. Maybe it's playable with the weapon because you can just spontaenously generate a board to buff, but that seems a bit optimistic.
Honestly, sounds pretty strong. Weapon removal doesn'T really counter it unless they pull it immediately (in which case, good job, now deal with the 5/5), and the longer you let it cook the worse it's gonna get.
Honestly might even be a bit too strong overall unless your curve really sucks. All you really need to do against aggressive decks is make it to turn 6 while playing two 5-cost cards inbetween and you're just creating a massive wall of taunts.
Hopefully they don't jam yet another massive lategame combo into Druid.
I prefer when Druid is allowed to just play for board instead of folding to aggro while curbstomping anything slower than Face Hunter.
It's like the ultimate Shaman spell. It's got everything: Overload, elemental, Transform and elemental spell school. Only missing Windfury.
Pretty strong card, Schooling is still a staple so you'll never be hurting for a target, but even better you can reduce the cost of it to possibly cheat it out earlier than you reasonably should be and, perhaps even more excitingly, combo with various copying effects, but mainly Criminal Lineup. We're talking a legit combo finisher and that's not even accounting for what else we could put into a deck like this.
All of a sudden OVerload Shaman looks a lot better.
Pretty insane. Scythe already proved that 4-mana 4/2 weapons are still just good if you care about face damage and this basically allows aggressive DH to very easily draw like 2-3 cards just for doing stuff you'd presumably be doing anyways.
It all comes down the the available pool of Outcast cards really.
Could be alright. Obviously not as good as Warblades outside of that one interaction with the legendary but could still have uses.
Probably too many weak weapons for this to be good, but if you hav enothing better to run a free weapon is never terrible
I'm gonna say this here, but it applies to all the Riff cards:
The only possile reason for these to be THIS overbalanced is because there'S some deck that somehow uses these while breaking the game in another way (looking at Tony Warrior here), in which case, why the fuck do you pre-nerf these cards instead of the actual problem?
There's no reason for these to be as expensive as they are. They're basically worse Relics and Relics had to get BUFFED to even be playable.
Probably too slow to be useful. YOu can't rely on a 10-mana card to set you up for incremental value (unless of course there are big spells so unbelievably powerful that it's worth playing towards that endgame)
Pretty good. It triggers on-attack effects, which could be pretty useful and obviously it scales with attack buffs.
Depends on how decks are built, but I could see this being run alongside relics as a comeback tool.
If there's a tutor this can be quite good.
If not, then this is basically unplayable outside of meme decks
Voidlord on crack with a Possessed lackey already printed for well as their own Skull of the Man'ari. If they put Cube in Core I'm gonna flip.
Possessed Lackey with better stats and a better target to pull. This is good and can end games if it doesn't get answered with silence.
The only issue might be building a Paladin deck with mostly spells since you can't really use your small supplementary minions with this (although I suspect we'll get some decent spells in this set considering the legendary spell)
Honestly, as long as Paladin finds a way to close out games, this is kinda nuts. If it doesn't get silenced it's basically impossible to race Paladin now. If it does gets silenced that just means something else won't be.
Maybe this just fails due to lack of overall support, but as a standalone card this is pretty crazy.
DH looks alright. Eye of Shadow implies Aldrachi Warblades leaving (because otherwise what's the point?).
Glaivetar is good and finally gives some sort of justification for running Outcast cards (although why they didn't reveal any new OUtcast cards alongside it is beyond me, maybe it's all in the Core set)
Going down Swinging is actually a pretty neat card. I would have preferred if it hit face as wel but that was probably broken with too many attack buffs. Either way, it's nice to have some decent boardclears in DH for once.
Instrument Smasher is probably bad though. Too many low value weapons and the highroll potential just isn't there. I guess it works in a funny way with the spell, but that's about it.
That's what I'm thinking. Warrior definitely has enough valuable targets for this, and you can pretty realistically stabilize at around turn 7 with stuff that aggro just cannot get past. The only issue is playing Blackrock 'n' Roll at turn 5 consistently and the only thing that helps with that is a specific tutor
So this is what he does at 10-mana.....
alright, I'm gonna be optimistic here:
JUdging by the Shaman set, they are not bound to reveal every synergistic at once, meaning there could very well be some card that actually make this worth running.
Specifically I'm thinking about possibly getting a tutor for Fire Spells (or maybe even better a card that just says "discover a Fire spell from your deck, so you can still run other fire spells). Either that or something that shuffles big boys into your deck (we have Faelin, but he doesn't work all that well with this)
Either way, just hear me out on this one. This on 5, Lor'themar on 7 and then you just one-shot your opponent with a 30-attack Trenchstalker. I don't care if it's good, I'll fucking do it.
The entire Nathria expansion was basically just midrane carrds with a focus on board and it worked fine. Don't see why it can't work for Druid.
But your entire argument seems to be "it has never worked before therefore it cannot work", which is just short-sighted (people said that about slow Hunter decks and other "meme" decks and they eventually ruled entire formats).
YOu also seem to forget cards like Cannibalize Which can turn any big minion into a massive overheal for your Heartthrob.
Undying Allies is pretty good at creating a wide early board that you can drop a Dreamboat into.
Hedanis himself could be a straight-up OTK your opponent if you have enough cards and Priest is no longer hurting for draw.
You lament the failure of board-centric Priests in the past (and conveniently forget about Spiteful Priest) but you fail to realize that the reason these never worked is because all the cards dedicated around them relied on healing damaged minions, which is pretty crap for a class that cannot reliable damage their own stuff (like Warrior can).
Now we have a keyword that not only changes that, but also gives multi-purpose to all your healing spells, which was one of the main issues with these decks. It also recontextualizes the hero power as a proactive tool instead of just something you do when you have no cards to spend mana on.
I refuse to believe for even a second that they would just dedicate not only an expansion but an entire Core set to a newly made-up keyword if they didn't have playtested it enough to actually function.
Leads me to believe that Nourish might not be in Core, otherwise this is just awkward competition.
Very strong turn 5 play, especially if you ramp into it. Easily sets up future plays and allows you to function without having to turbo ramp to 8.
Seems a tad underwhelming. The Treant option is just bad unless you're really desperate and the Buff option is good, but requires you to have a board to begin with. Maybe it's playable with the weapon because you can just spontaenously generate a board to buff, but that seems a bit optimistic.
It does buff Convoke with the Spirits though
Honestly, sounds pretty strong. Weapon removal doesn'T really counter it unless they pull it immediately (in which case, good job, now deal with the 5/5), and the longer you let it cook the worse it's gonna get.
Honestly might even be a bit too strong overall unless your curve really sucks. All you really need to do against aggressive decks is make it to turn 6 while playing two 5-cost cards inbetween and you're just creating a massive wall of taunts.
Hopefully they don't jam yet another massive lategame combo into Druid.
I prefer when Druid is allowed to just play for board instead of folding to aggro while curbstomping anything slower than Face Hunter.
It's like the ultimate Shaman spell. It's got everything: Overload, elemental, Transform and elemental spell school. Only missing Windfury.
Pretty strong card, Schooling is still a staple so you'll never be hurting for a target, but even better you can reduce the cost of it to possibly cheat it out earlier than you reasonably should be and, perhaps even more excitingly, combo with various copying effects, but mainly Criminal Lineup. We're talking a legit combo finisher and that's not even accounting for what else we could put into a deck like this.
All of a sudden OVerload Shaman looks a lot better.