How much are you willing to sacrifice for power? All your spells will cost health instead of mana!
We've got a build-a-deck brawl this week with Blood Magic making a return for the first time in just over 2 years!
Healing-based classes are a lot of fun if your healing spells cost less health to cast than what they generate or you only receive a very tiny penalty. I'm not saying playing Libram of Hope is what I'm planning on doing, but it sure sounds fun.
Share your deck creations in our deckbuilder to showcase your blood magic skills. Be sure to flag your decks under Tavern Brawl and then the correct brawl name so they get tagged properly!
Built a Spell Druid similar to past builds, but was worried it was going to lack the big payoff damage like last time this brawl was out. I saw another Druid and assuming they’d be using the same tactic (the brawl had just opened up) I played a Fungal Fortunes and then passed. The other Druid WAS using a similar deck and as I suspected, he couldn’t do enough damage turn 1. So I watched as he basically gave me the game, and started my turn 2 with about 10-15 hp, a Swipe in hand, and an opponent at 2 hp.
EZ Game! Why worry about killing your opponent when they just kill themselves?!
Dimensional Ripper into Dimensional Ripper into Grommash into whirlwind into gg. Hard to pull of but worked once on turn 1 and once on turn 2 with ~10 tries.
Had a real good time with a DH deck. Blur OP.
played against Priest who did nothing, won turn 4 with Inner Demon, Blur wasn't necessary but I played it anyways. So ty 4 the deck.
My first play with this deck showed me how OP it could be, that's why I shared it.1st turn I had a blur, Skull of Gul'dan, into inner demon, Marrow slicer, twin slice, then dropped Glide, into chaos strike, that drew me the other skull of gul'dan, which got me 2nd twin slice, and 2nd Inner Demon. and Swung for 30.
Thanks for this - I used this on NA, EU and Asia 2 of which were first try wins.
Glad I could help.
Thank you. Did it first try.
So happy this was helpful.
Demon Hunter is completely broken. With Blur all spells costs nothing and DH has a lot of card-drawing spells, as well as spells that give the hero attack. They even have silence to deal with taunts.
I´m okay with my Libram paladin :)
Facing down turn 1 Guardian Animals into Guardian Animals into Survival of the Fittest felt a little demoralizing. Or at least, it would have... if I didn't draw Twisting Nether.
Druid is gross. Got the pack with a janky and hastily put together token list since i didnt have that many cards for the class
Every druid deck should be good enough for a quick win.
Another thought: Offense is the best defense! Let them build up their massive board for 15-20 health und just blast them down with a ton of mage spells!
Mage can kill on turn 1 though