A new Hearthstone card has been revealed by Swagnaros.
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I think you guys are looking at the wrong thing here not this card's stats or effects or any of that useless stuff.
Problem is that lategame piles of stats are usually pretty bad.
Especially if the pile is not even that tall, and it can be silenced.
100 dust.
Fair in Arena.
it cannot be silenced, but its still a bad card
Old God version of a Blubber Baron
It is a neat card but I don’t think it’ll see much play.
Humble Braggart can probably more consistently be a better stat machine for 2 mana and that doesn’t really see much play outside of arena.
Humble Braggart. Someone with more humilty than anyone, and makes sure everyone knows it.
if you're referring to Argent Braggart, that does see play in standard and is infinitely more powerful than this card.
I did humorously misname the card but I don’t know what decks actually use it. Paladins are 90% libram on ladder and haven’t seen it there.
Not even the meme dream of duel paladin can use it.
Seems ok in corrupt decks...
Grows way too slowly. Even if you have perfect luck and finesse your first 6 turns to optimize corruptions, that's still only a 2-mana 6/6. It's worse than most Giants.
True. Best case Szenarios without mana cheating is a 7/7 on turn seven. And you generally don’t curve out this cleanly in standard anymore
potentially good in arena though!
I mean, it is just 2 mana to pay to play it. I'm pretty sure some control decks or even midrange would play this.
If it is at 4/4 it is already a good 2 mana card. And a 2 mana 5/5 or bigger is pretty amazing. Sure it needs to be in hand but the cost is very good if it gets buffed beforehand.
I could see this get played, just not in aggro decks most likely.
Like the idea though I don't see it making a big splash in constructed. Still has potential in more limited formats to be a fine pick.
I will definitely play greedy and die with him in my hand as a 9/9 or something, ha.
Though I wonder how he comes back from Y'Shaarj.
The buffs are part of the card, you can tell since the attack and health is still white. This means it'll be brought back in its largest mode and can't be silenced.
Does the corrupt effect work while he is in play or only in hand?
I like it! it's a fun mechanic that adds a slightly different element to tempo decks other than board swarm. Kind of like a build-your-own Giant!
Unless its explicit, corruption on happens while the card is in hand.
Currently it’s a meme card, but if there’s ever a card that procs when it Corrupts something/when a card is Corrupted (which is highly likely) this could be genuinely amazing
Overall it seems cool, but it doesn't seem to fit any specific archetype that I can think of.
Maybe use these as some sort of power swing in a midrange deck? 6/6, maybe even 8/8 feels attainable, and if it can't be silenced like I assume then that makes it pretty decent.
Also a nice boost to the new Y'shaarj, I definitly see them being used with that.
AWESOME flavor.... but probably not going to make the cut in any legitimate decks.
Funny little card. Too bad its almost never going to be played in standard.
The fact that yshaarj can probably give you an endless stream of this card is icing on the whatever cake this card will likely be.
Edit: Forgot that yshaarj will only give you what you played. So no. You won't get to see this growth take up all your hand space :(