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There can be only one!

Libram and Prime Hate
My morning brain thought the Silence would be applied to the 4/4 copy. Seemed utterly pointless :P
It took me a while to understand the card, maybe rewrite the battlecry??
"Silence a minion, and become a 4/4 Unsilenced copy of it."
This becomes a 4/4 copy of a thing and silences that thing. Seems okay to me
Cool mechanic. Wondering if you'd ever pull this trick on your own minions.
If your minion has worst than 4/4 stats you probably would if not then it would be pointless unless thats the only play you have but then you probably already lost.
I really like the effect and I think it's very cool! But is this really strong? If you want to play this for value, it'll sit on your hand for a while because you have to wait for the opponent to play a strong card. But the card must not only be strong, but also useful. It doesn't want to copy Battlecry Minions. Ongoing effects tent to work better with you opponents deck, so you're probably just deny the effect instead of using it for yourself. This leaves keywords like Charge, Taunt, DS, Lifesteal, Poisonous etc. and Deathrattle. I guess the last one is the best target for this. And apart from unfreezing for lethal you'll most likely never cast this on your own minions. Will this be enough to put the card in your deck?
It's reactive not active and this prevents the card from being meta defining. I guess we'll see it mostly in Highlander decks. Or am I missing anything?
Value + Silence. It's a good card but it might be too niche. Oddly enough, it shuts down Mindflayer Kaahrj quite well.
Nameless? But I see its name on the card.
Just like when the Ancient One was printed. But... he was brand new!
Is this a powercreep to Mindflayer Kaahrj?
Not really it is better since it silences though but Mindflayer is unique because it doesn't just give you a 4/4 version of it.
I don't have mindflayer so this will be a good new replacement for me
well.. mindflayer effect is kinda delayed, and this one silence the target (preferably the enemy) too.
But Mindflayer keeps the original stats. This one is just a Spellbreaker that also steals the card's text and buffs
it's like the good parts of Mindflayer Kaahrj and Spellbreaker but without the extra steps. It's also better statted than both of them, too
So this is basically Spellbreaker. With +1 Health and copying the target's auras and Deathrattles.
What deck would you use this in? You don't want to target friendly minions, because it either Silences the beneficial effects or copies the detrimental effects. This can't fill Prince Taldaram's niche, which was primarily copying Carnivorous Cubes.
And running it against enemies is just too unreliable. Same reason Mindflayer Kaahrj and Murozond the Infinite don't see meta-defining play, despite being powerful effects on their own.
I mean, really? I would say this is basically a Snowflipper Penguin only it has +3 attack, +3 health, costs +4 mana, is not a neutral minion, is not a Beast and has some side effects.