Alec Dawson has shared more insight into the world of card unnerfs in another series of tweets. This finalizes the list of class cards from the past couple of days which contained cards for Druid, Hunter, and Mage and yesterday's Paladin, Priest, and Rogue. Today we get to see the Shaman, Warlock, and Warrior unnerfs. Neutrals tomorrow!
- Nerf reverts are taking place in Patch 20.0 which is live later this month.
- The reverts will come shortly before the expansion launches. Huge meta swing!
- Some cards were not fully reverted but were instead "soft" reverted. This is because these cards may come back to Standard in the future.
- Cards like Level Up!, which would only add strength to archetypes already doing well are not being unnerfed.
Read on for all the newly announced changes, divided by class. If you're looking for the new core set that is coming this year, head on over to our Core Set 2021 guide. If you are interested in the new expansion, you can find the currently revealed cards in our Forged in the Barrens guide.
- Spirit Claws now costs 1 (Down from 2)
- Corrupt Elementalist now costs 5 (Down from 6)
- Invocation of Frost now costs 1 (Down from 2)
- Dragon's Pack +3/+3 (Up from +2/+2)
- Flametongue Totem (2 mana, 0/2)
- Fiendish Rites now costs 3 (Down from 4).
- Scion of Ruin now costs 3 (Down from 4).
- Bloodsworn Mercenary now has 3 Attack (Up from 2). Also has 3 Health (Up from 2)
- Charge now costs 3 (Up from 1). Regains original +2 Attack and Charge text.
Quote From Alec Dawson 20.0 nerf reverts. Shaman, Warlock, Warrior. Shaman: Spirit Claws Corrupt Elementalist Invocation of Frost Dragon's Pack Flametongue Totem (2 mana, 0/2) Warlock: Fiendish Rites Warrior: Scion of Ruin Bloodsworn Mercenary Charge (3 mana, +2 attack and Charge)
Yep, neutrals tomorrow
Is Wild going to be TOO broken with all those unnerfs?
These cards didn't break wild before they were nerfed so I doubt they will break it now. I guess you could make an argument for Even Shaman making a comeback, though.
With the Galakrond shaman cards and Spirit Claws unnerfed, all of my class wild cards unnerf wishlist has been fulfilled. If they unnerfed Undertaker and Dragonqueen Alexstrasza, then I'll be the happiest man alive.
Shame that the spell damage totem is being replaced, which makes Spirit Claws much worse, but ah well.
Charge has been restored. Worgen warrior can now come back.
They are unnerfing Galakrond completely for the rotation. Four classes had at least one of their Galakrond cards hit with a nerf with Shaman taking the heaviest blow. The cards should be fine in Wild so this is a good thing but people on Standard ladder will need to deal with the high power level of these cards one last time before they are finally out. Btw, Galakrond Priest was the only one who dodged all nerfs even though some people wanted it gutted as well. And it will probably be the one that will leave with a quiet note and not really have any possibilities of having an impact in Wild.
Wild is gonna suck with all the hyper aggro and OTK combo decks...
So basically, nothing changes?
Oh no! Anyway it was that way already, so nothing changes really...
Wait for this week Gala Shaman can be used to climb standard for a short while... hmmm
That's the only Warlock Un-nerf? really?
well they say dint really want to buff alreayd good decks, and reno and cube are pretty alright so that would lower chance of lackey/darkpact unnerf.
And bloodbloom obviously isnt gonna happen.
And aslo just could be that theyre planning to bring back some stuff to core set next year and thats why wanna keep it nerfed (for now).
Also casue doesnt happen now ,doesnt rule out that wont be revrted in future.
Well there is also Sacrificial Pact
Aslong zeprhys is a card i dont think it will ever be unnnerfed.
Even more with Dh being a class so ar e2 demon using classes where zeph would be 2mana 3/2 destory a minion restore 5hp to your hero
Yeah, kinda bummed about this one considering the Jaraxxus change. It was only broken while he was a Demon. If he's a hero with no tribe, it should be able to target enemies.
Jaraxxus wasn't the reason for nerf. reason was that Galakrond warlock was abusing it a lot, especially destroying all those enemy demons that got printed in AoO
Gurubashi Berserker + Charge + (2X Inner Rage) = GG
Cute, you must be new around here. I raise you Raging Worgen, Charge, Inner Rage, Bloodsworn Mercenary. GG
Little sad totem is 0/2 instead of 0/3 but i gues thats becasue theyre gonna bring it back in future to core set.
But im happy abotu unnerfs, and neutrals are tommrooww so hopefulyl bonemare,chain gang and alexstraza.
But charge is the1card i never expected them to unnerf espcially after nerfing bluegill and boar.
I think the Charge revert signifies that they don't intend on having the card in the core set ever, so they want to have the card in a form that allows it to be played in old deck archetypes in Wild (Worgen OTK if I'm not mistaken).