Card reveal season for Forged in the Barrens continues with a Demon Hunter card reveal from Lieutenant Eddy!
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Ahhh yesss, please reveal more deathrattle dhunter, really can't wait to try out the deck now.
The coilfang rush minion with deathrattle is still in standar for one more year, but that doesn't curve well after this effect. There is also that minion that summons a demon from your deck, but it doesn't curve well neither. There is no 5 mama deathrattle minion right now?
Aren't Vengeful Spirits supposed to be in the side of Maiev Shadowsong at the time that Blademaster Samuro shows himself lore-wise or am i wrong ? even the art is a Night Elf Warden.
I mean, how they are fighting for Illidan Stormrage by the time Forged in the Barrens happen while Maiev Shadowsong was after Illidan Stormrage and Vengeful Spirits are at the side of Maiev.
I might remember them incorrect tho.They might have been fallen wardens who changes their sides after they become spirits. It has been a long time since I've played WC III.
Or; I might even be confused with the lore tbh and mixed WC III lore and WoW lore together. :D please someone, clarify it.
You are right, the last ability of Maiev is Spirit of Vengeance (if my memory doesn't fail me) and it's de embodiment of Maiev's rage and revenge feelings on Illidan because Naisha death.
At least on a lore focus this card musn't be a demon hunter one, maybe a rogue. This card can fill a plot hole on prior to burning crusade era, Maiev just walks on her cell in the Black Temple or is she doing something else, or being tortured by Illidan? This can explain why demon hunter have access to vengeful spirits, but there is no lore behind this card.
Thanks for that. I remembered it now how it was. Also in Heroes of the Storm, Spirit of Vengeance is still Maiev's ability as well.
Wasn't Naisha the a big one of the Night elves who rides black panthers ? Damn, that was so fun to play.
Even though I don't like Vengeful Spirit being in Demon Hunter, at least it remembered good old days. :)
Yes Naisha is that hunter that died inside the tomb of Sargeras while Illidan shots to Icecrown.
Indeed, those were good times
This expansion's theme is the 4 drops, I guess. You really have to make decisions to put Kazakus, Golem Shaper into your deck.
Deathrattle dhunter. Oh dear. But so far we've haven't actually seen any good deathrattle from neutral or from the class, so I'm guessing dhunter's second legendary would have some really powerful deathrattle effect. Otherwise I can't see where we're getting towards.
Yes drawing 2 cards while having a 4/4 is really strong. Elven Minstrel have proven that easily years ago, and that was a 3/2 on 4. But the problem here is that we're drawing deathrattle cards and so far there's yet to be any revealed to make it a big deal.
Maybe in control dhunter you can play this card in hopes of getting something like Taelan Fordring, Bloodmage Thalnos, or Explosive Sheep, but is dhunters really short on draw that this card is really required? Mind that this card only draws when outcasted, so that's yet another condition to fulfill.
I love the colors on the card-art!
If you didn’t watch the reveal video, you should. It’s worth it :)
Tutors are always good! The only point is that you mainly have neutral deathrattles to work with!
it's a solid card, helps get you gas.
the outcast might be tricky to pull off on curve but then again when you need to draw you don't always need to play on curve
If deathrattle DH will be a thing, it is because of this card
So it wasn't a hunter card after all...
I guess that confirms that Deathrattles are going to be DH theme for this expansion.
I don't understand the point of revealing these support cards before some decent deathrattles, class specific or neutral. The pool is real sparse at the moment. Right now this card is terrible, but could easily become meta with the right draws.