Update: It looks like we only "officially" got 4 card reveals today. Bit of a bummer =( (Source)
We're showcasing all the Forged in the Barrens mini-set card reveals for today, May 28, in this article.
Initially, cards will be listed in their order of appearance as it looks like we'll be getting a trickle of them.
New Barrens Mini-Set Cards
These have been translated from a Russian video. Not sure if they were meant to be seen today. As such, they do not appear in our database.
Reveal Sources
1 PM Eastern
- Primal Dungeoneer - Instagram
- Mutanus the Devourer - Battle.net Launcher
- Frostweave Dungeoneer - Instagram
- Devout Dungeoneer - Instagram
Finally, neutral 7-drop that can corrupt Tickatus.
Or delete him! That's what I'll be going for... if Warlock is ever part of the meta, I'm running Mutanus in every deck. Payback time... I hope...
Yet another hand attack :'( Why. I dont even play combo decks and i dont like it.
I don't think Mutanus is any good at destroying combos unless those combos are bad to start with.
and Blizzard doesn'T like combo decks so this is on brand.
Anything that makes OTK decks suffer is good in my book. Work for your wins you lazy hippies goddamnit
Sir, I'm terribly sorry that some lazy hippies downvoted your post. May I help you with an upvote?
So... Mutanus is somewhat of a reverse Gral, the Shark, eh?
This comparison makes me wish Mutanus pooped out the eaten minion, too, but that would be a little too crazy.
Definitely considering crafting a golden Mutanus. If you're going to piss people off, piss them off in GOLD.
Mutanus looks a bit overhyped tbh.
Dirty Rat worked because it only cost 2-mana which means you didn't have to invest your entire turn to disrupt the opponent. This is only valid in control vs control matchups and even there mileage may vary.
I could see it being run in Priest if only to have a realistic counter against Tickatus and other win conditions such as Liadrin (not that they had trouble with that one anyways). Control Warrior might do the same.
We don't exactly live in a combo meta anymore.
Doesn't have to be combo. It's also good in just a midrange meta. You rip a threat out of your opponent's hand and put a threat of your own into play. No more Illidari Inquisitor? Yes please. No Taelan Fordring? No enemy Mutanus? Having potential anti-combo uses is icing on the cake.
Maybe it doesn't see play this set. But if a combo or value deck pops up, Mutanus will be in every list that's slow enough. It's good enough by itself to be a viable tech card.
yea except in a midrange meta you will never end up in a situation where you can just play this comfortably.
It's not something you put in your deck for the Midrange matchup, it's something that's still playable in that match. It's an anti-combo card with utility outside of disruption. That's what makes it a good tech card.
Overhyped? The card has just been revealed. People are still rubbing their eyes to confirm this card is real.
and yet people are already going "oh god this looks so spooky ooooooh".
The meta is always changing, though, and you'd better believe that combo will be ascendent again sometime this year.
I already hate Mutanus SO much
Mutanus will be what people will say is hearthstones answer to tickatus. But in that respect it's a joke for combo disruption you better hope you can coin it out on turn 6 against a druid that's had 10 mana for 2-3 turns already and had bad draw. Other than druid and tickatus it is pretty good in a midrange meta. Havent had that since what scholomance? For a couple weeks? It's a 7 mana 6/6 in most matchups you will see on ladder.
Wha? The average minion right now HAS to have better than 2/2 stats, so I don't buy that it's "a 7 mana 6/6 in most matchups." I'll bet the average is more like 7/8 or more.
Although that's not considering the times when your opponent has zero minions in hand. But just having that information (except against No Minion Mage) has value in and of itself.
Card draw for everyone woooo