The balance of the Wild format has been a hot topic in the community in the past week due to the newest round of Warlock nerfs, which didn't really impact Wild much. In the end Alec tweeted that the team will be looking at additional nerfs and buffs, including Wild, later this month.

Enough nerf talk, let's take a look at what kind of funky decks our community members have come up with this time.

Mill Druid

Not a week goes by without me spotlighting a combo-ish Druid, but at least Celestial Alignment has been left out this time. Fallugaloog utilizes Lady Anacondra and Elise the Enlightened to create an infinite amount of mana and Naturalizes to mill your opponent in one turn (if your APM allows it).

Maxima OTK Hunter

Not a week goes by without MarkMcKz bullying Blizzard's spaghetti code. This has to be one of the weirdest bugs out there, as blasting C'Thun at your opponent's face with Maxima after playing a single Beckoner of Evil will make the Old God buff itself A LOT "mid-air" before crushing your opponent's hopes and dreams of winning.

Mark has also bullied his opponent's with 40+ minutes worth of animations with near-infinite Corrupted Blood draws.

Highlander Warlock

Blackiron has had it with all the (Questline?) Hunters out there and teched this highlander list full of cards that make their gameplan a lot harder. Dirty Rat the reward, Skulking Geist the cheap spells - this deck can certainly ruin someone's day.

Questline Shaman

It seems frosthearth has been tinkering a lot with this Questline Shaman after the expansion launched, and the current version is certainly fast and furious. If the spells alone aren't enough to get the job done, some cheap Giants should help.

Light Shadow Priest

This last deck comes from Twitter where a Chinese player has reached high legend with this curious take on the aggressive Shadow Priest, ditching Darkbishop Benedictus and the Shadowform Hero Power altogether.

Leaving Stormwind for an adventure in the Wild? Replenish your supplies with more community decks.

Found something awesome yourself? Create a Wild deck and share it in the comments below. Don't forget to include a guide!