We've got some hotfixes heading to a Hearthstone near you this evening with dust refunds, portraits, and Mercenaries being targeted. This addresses a few of the problems that have popped up since this week's patch.

Please note that this hotfix only just started to roll out so it might take some time to be active in all regions.

Dust Refund Issues Resolved

When Patch 22.2 hit earlier this week, it brought with it several balance changes. As these things go, any collectible card that ends up being nerfed can be disenchantable for its full crafting value for a period of two weeks following the game update. Erroneously, Blizzard cut the refund period early.

This has now been resolved, but just in case the change isn't fully out yet, double check that the disenchant value of the card is the same as the crafting value. Generally speaking, this is good advice for any dust refund period! For ease of access, this is how much dust each card can be crafted for.


If you're looking to disenchant cards, here's all the cards you'll want to consider. Remember, you can always disenchant all the cards, save the dust for a while, and craft them again if you want to play with them.

You can find all these cards very easily by typing "refund" in the collection manager. This is a shortcut to seeing cards that are disenchantable for their full crafting value. We're expecting the full dust refunds to end on February 8, 2022.

Mercenaries Training Grounds Fixed

There has been a nasty bug, details below, which was causing players to have to restart their clients to fix the Training Grounds. While not being very lucky to encounter the bug, at least it was only a small inconvenience. Don't forget to stick your Mercenaries in the Training Grounds if they need an XP boost!

Quote From Blizzard

  • [Added 1/25] There is a bug where if you don’t own a Mercenary, but do have enough Coins to craft the Mercenary, the game will offer you the option to put that Mercenary into the Training Grounds. But since you don’t own the Mercenary, the server rejects that selection and nothing happens. We’re investigating this bug. In the meantime, you can restart your client to remove the Mercenary you don’t own from your Training Grounds slot and put a proper selection in there.

1000-Win Portraits Return

Upon the patch, players notifed that you were no longer able to use your 1000-win portraits. This was resolved in an update earlier today. Here's Blizzards original post acknowledging the bug.

Quote From Blizzard

  • [Updated 1/25] We are aware of a bug that made 1000-win portraits no longer available after the patch launched. We’ve identified the problem and are working on a how to resolve it in a future update.

Quote From GnomeSayin

1/27 Hotfix: We are in the process of rolling out a hotfix that will:

1) allow players who placed a Merc they don’t own in the Training Grounds to exit to the main menu or restart their client in order to reset the Training Grounds; and
2) re-instate the full Dust refund period for eligible cards that were changed in Patch 22.2. Please confirm dust values before disenchanting any cards, to make sure that the hotfix has been rolled out in your region.

Earlier today, in a separate update, we also addressed the missing 1000-win Portraits. That update should be completing soon.