Update: Celestalon has confirmed he was incorrect, all cards that are craftable in Legacy will indeed be coming from Wild Packs once the patch goes live.

A fairly major update is coming to Wild Packs in this week's Hearthstone update, Patch 23.4, which changes the cards available in them. While this won't remove any cards that were already available in the Wild Pack, some additional cards will be added, namely, those from the Legacy Set. Well, sort of.

Last year, Hearthstone received a major overhaul to the Standard format with the introduction of the Core Set, which gave us free cards to play with all year long. As a part of this, any cards from the Basic and Classic sets that were no longer going to be a part of Standard ended up being moved into new set called "Legacy". More recently, we've seen some additional cards get added to this set, which were the cards that rotated out of the Core Set for 2022 and were originally created to be a part of the Core Set. Cards in the Legacy set have only been available to players through the crafting interface, making it more costly in some cases to obtain these cards.

Thanks to the rarity protection on Hearthstone's card packs, it'll now be very easy to obtain all the Common and Rare cards from the Legacy set via Wild Packs. Specific Epic and Legendary cards found in Legacy that Wild players want to use will likely want to spend their dust resources on them instead, as this will be a more effective way of obtaining desired cards without resorting to heavy RNG. 

Update: Celestalon Was Mistaken

It looks like this is a better update than it had originally appeared. All craftable cards in the Legacy Set are able to be opened in Wild Packs with the game update.

Quote From Celestalon

Update: I was mistaken; the patch note is correct. All *craftable* cards in the Legacy cardset can now drop in Wild Packs. That includes Ex-GryphonCore cards like War Cache, Ex-HallOfFame cards like Northshire Cleric, Ex-LateAdditionClassic cards like Icicle, (cont)

…and Ex-OriginalClassic cards including Gelbin (Non-Golden Only), ETC (Non-Golden Only), Old Murk-Eye, and Captain's Parrot.

Below this section you'll find our original post that has incorrect information. We've kept it, under a spoiler, for historical sake.

Show Spoiler

But Wait, Not So Fast!

Hah, you thought this was going to be easy and not at all complicated. This is of course Hearthstone we're talking about though so there are some caveats to the availability of Legacy set cards in wild packs.

Are the Wild Pack Additions a Positive Change?

It's tough to give a definitive answer on if this is a positive change or not. Overall, it's always good to make cards more accessible, but there's a certain level of complexity that has been added here as well. It was already a tad on the confusing side when Wild Packs didn't have access to all Wild cards, but now the rules behind Wild Packs are changing again, and not entirely consistently.

Understandably, the Promo and Reward set cards aren't going to be available in the Wild Pack. That has been a rule since the beginning of Hearthstone and even if we don't agree with them being harder than normal to obtain, at least that has remained a constant during the life of the game. But, the 16 cards that were created to replace Classic cards that ended up rotating out of Standard for a period of time before the creation of the Core Set not being included despite the fact they are in the Legacy Set? That just feels like a confusing call to make.

Icicle Card Image Pilfer Card Image Brightwing Card Image
Some cards in the Legacy Set that won't be available in Wild Packs.

The 16 cards detailed above, not just the three that are images, shouldn't be a special case. These are cards that are all legal to use in the Wild format and them being a part of the Legacy set should pave way for them to be easily accessible through the Wild Pack. I sincerely hope that Celestalon simply misspoke in his response, and that he will reply with an update to my request for clarification because this just doesn't make sense. Ideally, you wouldn't need to reference an encyclopedia to know which Hearthstone cards are and aren't available in packs, yet here we are.

Quote From Celestalon

Does this also include neo-Classic cards like Brightwing or Icicle, as well as old Reward/Promo cards like E.T.C, Gelbin, Old Murk-Eye?

No, those are unchanged.

What Do You Think?

Were you one of those players patiently waiting for Legacy cards to be available in card packs? Are there any Legacy cards you considered to be must-crafts for the Wild format? Is Blizzard making a mistake not including all the Legacy Set cards in the Wild Pack? Let us know in the comments below.

Hearthstone Patch 23.4 releases on June 1, 2022. Please don't open Wild Packs until after your game patches, unless you want to avoid receiving Legacy cards.

Quote From Blizzard

  • The Legacy card set (including cards that were specially created for Core and since removed from it) can now be obtained from Wild packs.