Card reveals for Murder at Castle Nathria continue today with another new card from Blizzard. This is the final card reveal for today. If you missed the Paladin and Hunter Location cards earlier, you'll want to check them out!
Sire Denathrius Revealed
Endlessly Infuse? Now that's just crazy!
Very good card.
Thats an insane amount of lifesteal if left on board.
Seems like the insane 10 mana minion trend continues. First it was Raid Boss Onyxia, then Neptulon the Tidehunter and now this big boi.
Maybe Team 5 has found inspiration in insanely overpowered 10 mana cards.
wig priest finisher against stall/control decks, if they can tutor it fast enough to their hands. i
bah ... I don't see it will be payed too much
Its almost cthun-like but it does suffer from a few drawbacks.
Firstly you need to actually have drawn it for it to start powering up. With the starting damage being a mere 5, this needs to raise upwards to 15 for it to realistically do anything useful. And secondly its 10 mana, which means its competing with the likes of nepulon and Raid Boss Onyxia. Theres definitely arguments that you'd might prefer a minion that would be good without first setting up. And like all these late game minions, its always vulnerable to a snipe from Mutanus the Devourer
That said, this card is definitely a druid card. Druids can ramp beyond 10 mana (which means its possible to brann it out for a win), raises wide boards naturally via Scale of Onyxia etc., tutor this card with Capture Coldtooth Mine, and generally bshitting everyone in the game with end game minions. In my opinion, this card will likely end with an even more obnoxious ramp druid, resulting in a nerf to other druid cards (guff, please do it) before too long. I mean, its kinda ridiculous now, its like team5 cant design druid to be anything else other than the usual feast or famine shit.
As to whether it can fit anywhere else? Im not optimistic. The sire is a good card, but most games would end way before he even wakes up.
As if we needed another reason to hate on Team 5's Druid design.
Because this card is massively better in Druid than any other deck. Druid can make 10-mana plays alongside other cards, can create stall decks that easily and safely accelerate past 10 tray mana, and can generate full boards of small minions with a single card multiple times -- twice in class, once more with Raid Boss Onyxia (though there's a complication there, see below). Druid gets all the win conditions, thankyouverymuch.
In other classes, this isn't much of a threat, though it'll be nice to try it out. Dude Pally would like to take a swing at this, I think, but unless it gets a spell to fill multiple boards with dudes (which would be very cool), this won't get enough fuel. Shaman can make wide boards with a couple of minions (Bearon Gla'shear, Coral Keeper, maybe Tiny Toys and Baroness Vashj if evolve rolls back into vogue) but gets less mana to play with. All classes can tutor this with Taelan Fordring, unless you're also running Raid Boss Onyxia.
I will be trying a terrible deck with Nobleman and this. It won't win, but it will deserve to.
Lifesteal C'Thun but with a more difficult buff condition, and he doesn’t gain actual stats…
If the endless infusion updates the battlecry itself, it would work with Brilliant Macaw and could then be boosted with Brann Bronzebeard and Bolner Hammerbeak. Surviving until turn 11 should be doable for Shaman with all the freeze cards they currently have.
What’s with the “amongst” wording here? Seems confusing. Why not stick with regular “split randomly” phrasing. HS consistency never fails
I have to think that "randomly split between" was too long for this card. Also, as the number is going to grow, that might be an extra problem with text
Edit: Finished writing this and saw this Celestalon's tweet
I'd imagine that they were trying to get the word formatting to layout nicely on the card. The "split randomly" phrasing may have resulted in too much text?
Defile + Dreadsteed activates up to twenty times...
Dreadsteed will respawn at the end of the turn: no more Defile chains unfortunately. However, you can use Gruntled Patron with minor setup!
Ancient Harbinger: "Why, hello there."
Taelan Fordring: "Not so fast!"
Because of the "start of your turn" condition, I fear that Ancient Harbinger will share Moorabi's fate: even when a deck it was designed to support sees play, it won't be in that deck.
Now all it has to do is just live for a turn.
EDIT: I see that Edit, haha.
Very strong but you need it in your hand while your minions die. So you need good tutors. Druid anyone? DK got worse way to tutor it but a single spell can summon up to 14 rush minions that die for this card gains 14 dmg with just 1 card.
It's a minion, so Taelan Fordring is still an option and you could use Tuskpiercer to tutor Taelan.
In Wild, Countess Ashmore could be used as a neutral tutor.
Not sure if this will be enough, but Druid has Capture Coldtooth Mine and in the Neutral section we still have Taelan Fordring.
Although there's no Expendable Performers-type of cards anymore, Scale of Onyxia and Flipper Friends seem to be synergistic.
I am probably overestimating this card, but we never thought we would've seen an effect like this (endless scaling damage) in Constructed - Mutanus the Devourer just received another prime meal to consume.