Blizzard's card reveals for today aren't over just yet as we got another card revealed on PlayHearthstone Twitter - Huntsman Altimor!
More Murder at Castle Nathria Card Reveals
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With Brann, you get two of each, minus one due to board space, which means if you high roll, you'll have two 6-attack charge minions.
Without Brann, if you have two Castle Kennels in play, you can boost the charge to 9 attack.
... and THAT's their new legendary here? a simple stat check? ... wow... how ... LEGENDARY!
oh boy. I'm getting underwhelmed vibes ...
So 7 mana call of the wild + a 5/4...
Pretty stupid and uncreative.
Ok, so the best combo card for this will be Hydralodon, summon it, trade 2 heads, summon 4 more, when the opponent trades all 5 pieces, you'll be only missing one minion to fully charge Huntsman Altimor ...
Infused only activates if a friendly minion dies right? It's going to be pretty hard to maximize the effect but it is just straight up Call of the Wild.
Its not flashy but might get the job done in an aggro/face deck. Call of the Wild only really worked because hunters tend to pressure face alot so having to spend a turn clearing board means you're not healing face which can mean a world of difference.
The card is very slow though, and requires a setup, so I don't imagine it being a high win rate card. But if by some chance you do have it infused by turn 7 its going to win you the game, assuming you're playing face hunter.
This isn't to bad. Nothing spectacular unless you get all 8 but still. I think it's stronger than it first appears.
Basline Animal Companion + a 5/4 body. That's okay, feels about even for 7 mana.
Infuse 4: To My Side! + a 5/4 body. The spell is better because usually when you draw it it's active. Altimor if you draw it late will be harder to infuse in some game states. Still I don't think 4 is too high of a cost in most situations.
Infuse 8: Call of the Wild + a 5/4 body is fantastic. Getting to 8 however, unless you had this in your opening hand, it's gonna be tough. We'll have to see what else they release for Hunter but it does feel like a very difficult target.
The Castle Kennels will also help smooth out this card. If you miss your Huffer, er Margore, you can at least use the kennels to get some immediate presence.
Like I said not the best or game changing but feels like it will be decent enough and often cast at it's infuse 4 to be able to see play.
Always Margore...
Am I reading this wrong? It looks like Infuse 4 summons one at random, Infuse 8 summons two at random, and Infuse 12 summons all three. The last step seems to imply that the second step will be two of the three, but read on its own the second step could mean that you can get two of the same one.
Edit - Yes, I was reading this wrong. I missed the initial battlecry that summons the first one. It is just two sets of 4 infusions to get the second and third.
He will always summon at least one; Infuse (4) makes him cast To My Side!, more or less, while Infuse (8) makes him cast Call of the Wild. It could be read that the second option is fully random, and could summon two Margores, but it's probably not coded that way.
This seems kinda meh...? infuse 8 to basically cast Call of the Wild. That's a very steep price. I think any infuse above 2 or 3 is not gonna be good because it's asking for so much. Have the card in hand and have 4 minions die on your side. Hunter doesn't really have much token generation. Sure we may get some, i hope we will, but as it stands now i don't think this card will be played for the same reasons Bolvar Fordragon, Blood Herald and Nethrandamus were not played. (and bolvar was in a class that has as hero power summon a 1/1!)
The Gargon Companions have awesome names and artwork.
And then it turns out that they're literally just reskinned Animal Companions, and that's so freaking lame.
Demon Companion went downward with its stats; why couldn't the Gargons go upward? Anything but a simple reskin of Animal Companion :/
Be glad you dont have to pay for those skins ... well, actually ... :D
Ooo, look at mr. Altimor here, with his own special pets! Are regular Animal Companions not good enough for you, YE PRICK?! (I may have been watching too much Zero Punctuation)
Card looks great flavor-wise, but I feel the Infuse cost is a little high, especially if you don't get the card early.
Call of the Wild is back, who still have nightmares?:)
We finally have New Animal Companion technology.
If only we had it for Tavish as well.
EDIT: Oh and the card seems too slow in my opinion. Sure, it's jacked up Call of the Wild for 7-mana, but only if you draw it early enough and as a topdeck it's godawful (unless you can choose the companion, then at least you can get the charge on demand)
Yeah, it is kinda similar with Nethrandamus, but you cannot play it at just any time, if you want full value, but the upside is, you get a 5dmg charger and potantially buff some other beast on the board. I kinda hope it will be too slow, otherwise more face dmg, yuck.