Update: After over a day of delay, the Hallow's End celebration packs from the now finished Twitch Drops campaign finally started reaching their intended recipients. Whatever issue prevented the pack distribution must've been resolved. Make sure you have manually claimed the rewards on Twitch and then log into the game region you prefer! 

It's been an overwhelming couple of days with such a deluge of news following the next expansion announcement and a new major patch, so you could be forgiven for not actually remembering that Hearthstone still "owes" us a pack for watching the reveal stream. But in case you do - hey, we were robbed! Most scandalous. 

On a more serious note, this probably happened as the initially 'leaked' open Twitch Drops campaign put us on the trail of what turned out to be March of the Lich King. The campaign was then ultimately taken down way before the big announcement had any chance to roll by, and... apparently nobody in charge ever pressed that button back, for there were no Drops to be found during the momentous reveal. Regardless of whether you'd tuned in for 15 minutes, or far longer. You can bet that Twitch chat did not forget. Not even for a minute. 

Anyway, long story short: the Hearthstone team has decided to make it up to us, by offering 2 Free Card Packs instead: one from Murder at Castle Nathria (as it meant to be originally), and one from the upcoming March of the Lich King. The only condition? Watch any Hearthstone streams on Twitch for 4 hours total (that is cumulative, with one pack per 2 hours watched), starting right about now and lasting for the next 33 hours. Yes, this is a rather peculiar duration, but we've got no real reason to complain after all! 

Quote From Blizzard

Hey all,

Thanks for joining us for todayโ€™s announcements! We hope you enjoyed the show and the first look at our next expansion, March of the Lich King!

As some of you know, there was an issue with the Twitch Drops that were planned for todayโ€™s stream. To make up for that, weโ€™re implementing category-wide Twitch Drops from November 3 at 9am (PT) to November 4 at 6 pm (PT)! Watch for a total of 2 hours to get a free Murder at Castle Nathria Pack; watch for 2 more hours (4 hours total) and youโ€™ll get a free March of the Lich King pack!*

Because these are category-wide Twitch Drops, they can be earned by watching any channel in the Hearthstone category. Just make sure you link your BattleNet and Twitch accounts so that youโ€™re eligible to receive drops.

For those of you who missed the broadcast, you can watch the VoD here.

*March of the Lich King packs will be openable once the expansion launches in December.

Twitch Drops for Hearthstone Category - Hallow's End Celebration

Let's sum it up: 

  • Twitch Drops Return! Watching any Hearthstone stream today and tomorrow means you can earn yourself free card packs.
    • Earn 1 Castle Nathria card pack for watching 2 hours.
    • Earn 1 More Lich King pack for watching an additional 2 hours.
  • Hearthstone category means just about any streamer fulfiling the above criteria:
    • You probably cannot go wrong with the likes of RegisKillbin, Zeddy, SuperiorDavid, Feno, or BabyBear. But then everyone's got their own favorites! Okay, so maybe some of you do not. You can always AFK somewhere cozy. It's easy to find somebody broadcasting at just about any hour. 
    • Visit streamers both 'big' and 'small', tell them hi from us. Or don't, your choice. We will still appreciate you. 
    • Make sure the stream is actually Live and you are getting % progress for Drops (via the Twitch User Interface). Even if it's pre-recorded and on repeat, it should count. But it most likely won't if your channel of choice goes offline and doesn't feature anyone in their stead. 
    • Oh, and tell the content creator you're watching to actually make sure they have drops enabled on their channel, if for some reason they've slipped up and haven't set up the Hallow's End campaign. 
  • If you're having issues, words of wisdom from Hearthstone Community Manager Alkali Layke:

Quote From Alkali Layke
๐Ÿ‘€ Hearthstone drops are enabled but you may need to re-link your bnet account. This happens occasionally on Twitch when new campaigns are ran. So not seeing them? Re-link

Part 2: AFTER re-linking bnet double check that drops are enabled.

Streamers still need to have them enabled. It may be category wide but it's still their choice to enable.


Quote From Alkali Layke
Verify your bnet account is linked to twitch here: https://account.battle.net/connections, even if you have done it before, sometimes twitch breaks that link and it needs to be re-enabled.

Twitch Drops Start on November 3 at 9 AM Pacific (12 PM Eastern, 5 PM CET; 1 AM KST on November 4)

Twitch Drops End on November 4 at 6 PM Pacific (9 PM Eastern; 2 AM CET & 10 AM KST on November 5)

Don't miss it!

Other Things to Keep in Mind

To Whom It May Concern: 

  • You can see your watch time progress towards any given drop.
  • You will not receive drop rewards automatically. You must instead claim the drop on the channel youโ€™re watching or in the Drops Inventory menu on Twitch within the first 24 hours of earning it.
  • You will need to claim your first Twitch Drop reward BEFORE you can earn progress towards a second.
  • Twitch users can earn rewards before linking their Battle.net account to Twitch. Rewards will expire 7 days after theyโ€™ve been claimed if a Battle.net account has not been linked.
  • After youโ€™ve claimed your drop reward on Twitch, make sure youโ€™re logging into the region youโ€™d like to receive the drop(s) on, as the first region you log into will be where the pack(s) get delivered.
  • It can take up to ~30 minutes to receive your reward(s) in game after claiming.
  • You must link your Twitch and Battle.net accounts before you can receive a drop. Or re-link, as it happens.

March of the Lich King Reveal Stream 

Once more with a feeling. If you've missed out on the huge announcement broadcast the first time around and ever feel like catching up. No lost packs being offered for rewatching this, however! 

Added bonus behind the scenes footage from content creator Alliestrasza, who has been prominently featured in the reveal video shared above (thus setting another precedent for Hearthstone): 

See you there somewhere on Twitch! Do you approve of the Hearthstone team feeling somewhat generous with the free packs? We know it's not much, but at least it's something.