Card reveals for March of the Lich King resumes today with this reveal from Tesdey!
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So one expansion we are getting Evolve mechanics, then the next one we get Deathrattles which have no synergies at all?
Well, let’s just put this in the “bad Shaman archetype for now, but will be busted in like 3 years” category
I'm probably gonna get shit for this, but I actually really like the direction that they're giving to shaman in this expansion.
While thematically this is more like a witch doctor type of kink, it's clearly a callback to cards like Ancestral Spirit and Big Bad Voodoo. It's very interesting design-wise how they will go about this archetype, whether it's a big cheaty deathrattles or a swarm type. I feel like they can go in any direction they want with this archetype.
Whether or not it's broken or if it's ever going to be used again entirely depends on the balance and the developer's decision and not strictly on the design. I would rather have a new archetype with an interesting direction rather than just a support for an archetype that already exists because newer ones tend to give a more unique experience to the gameplay.
Lmao they never know what to do with Shaman.
Lets just forget the nature, fire, frost spell theme and totems lol
It's a wild bet :
There's 6 chaman cards in wild (and two neutral) that can give deathrattle to minions.
Amongst them two are nature spell; one support murloc; and one support totem.
So that new deathrattle package may actually fit alongside some preexisting archetype.
Ancestral Spirit Big Bad Voodoo Soul of the Murloc Primal Talismans Spirit Echo Vivid Spores Rustsworn Cultist Corpse Raiser
also, depending on consistency Spirit Mount
i dont think i like a deathrattle archetype on shaman out of all other classes that already specialize on deathrattles. if they wanted to have that but not use hunter or priest again they couldve gone for Warlock which has some overall recurring archetypes using the keyword.
its especially weird for shaman when you consider its pretty much the ONLY class that has an entire archetype focused around transformation which is the opposite of what works well with deathrattles. i still like the keyword so i will probably have fun with this but i dont think it was a good class choice.
Honestly, I dont quite like shaman's theme this time round, because it seems very highrolling. Plenty of ifs, and shaman being what it is today I dont like its chances in the new meta. Seems like if they get the exact curve then they have a good advantage or otherwise they'd just fold.
The current one seems to be Scourge Troll into Deathweaver Aura on turn 2. That's two very exact cards, but the end result can create non-games against certain classes to the extent that the correct move would be to ignore their board until you can starfish on 4. In fact, that might as well be the theme for shaman, just play Smothering Starfish and end the game.
Rotgill may easily be the worst legendary Ive seen so far. Only a board deathrattle trigger can elevate it, and even then not by a game winning amount.
Shadow Suffusion: For those who want to play Tamsin's Phylactery + Humongous Owl, but want their cards colored blue instead of purple :D
The cost to have blue colored cards = -5 damage from each minion and Deathrattle.
Guess it's a fair price for merging a 2 card combo into 1
Pretty disappointed with these cards. My least favorite Hearthstone expansion schtick is 'design a new flavor for the class that'll never be used again'. I'd rather have mediocre cards that fit the class identity. At least those could fill some gaps in existing decks.
What I'd love to see is card draw or generation. Shaman always relies on powerful swing turns because they can't draw much. Currently, though, it's looking like another expansion of Multicaster hell. Wee.
Not only will this flavor never be a part of Shaman again, it directly contradicts an existing Shaman archetype and makes no attempt to harmonize the two. (Transformations do not play nice with enchantments.) This is typical of Shaman and Demon Hunter both and it's aggravating.
There's a missed opportunity here to make Shaman -- big on nature, and the undead are mostly unnatural -- have a hostile or controlling take on the undead, with anti-Reborn and pro-Reborn stuff both.
as ex-shaman player, i don't like this ,,garbage".
Oh cool, Shaman gets the "if you don't remove me turn 1 you lose the game" card. I guess it's tradition at this point.
I like Shadow Suffusion though, especially with the Totem card from the miniset. Could easily do some whacky stuff with that. Do we have a way to blow up our own stuff right now?
I'm sorry, did any of you people even remember that Shaman has a spell that gives a minion Deathrattle: Summon two 3/2 Zombies? Do you not realize that if you don't yeet this fucker on turn 1 they'll have 12/8 worth of stats shoved up their bumhole on TURN 2?
I dont know, but it sounds very much more scarier on paper than it likely would in practice.
Because most decks that run removal can deal with 3 health on turn 1 and even if you see four 3/2s on turn 3 there's still ways to deal with it, I dont see the game ending just because of this combo.
And of course, if starfish is everywhere then this just does nothing. Or are we imagining shaman running Lightning Bolt just to crack their own stuff?
Not every deck can afford to just not play any cards for 3 turns straight and not every deck can afford to run Starfish.
This is the same type of defense people used for unnerfed Irondeep Trogg "just play minions lmao".
Irondeep Trogg is in a class of its own, because its good on turn 1 with or without buffs. This card however, is reliant (currently) on one very exact card to replicate half of that power level. Not to mention that the buffs tend to make trogg difficult to remove so it snowballs, and starfish wasn't even available in standard at that time.
Its not that the combo doesn't have any merits, but it needs more than just one combo before Im convinced.
And then cast Shadow Suffusion on them :D Shaman looks much funnier now :D
Not on turn 3 at least because of overload, but yes, there is tons of follow up. It makes Implock look like a Control deck by comparison
Deathweaver Aura... That's a pretty sick opener indeed.