Card reveals for March of the Lich King continue today with new Demon Hunter cards from Roffle!
Missed any of the previous reveals? We've got Day 1, Day 2, Day 3, Day 4, Day 5, Day 6, Day 7, Day 8, Day 9, Day 10, Day 11 and Day 12 recaps available, on top of the 'leaked' cards from various Death Knight Showmatch streams - Part 1 & Part 2.
New Demon Hunter Cards
Bound Soul is what Souleater's Scythe shuffles in your deck at the start of the game.
It's worth noting that one more class card was brought up in the reveal video featured below, as it neatly fits into the context of 'no minions' deckbuilding. We've of course already seen it appear during the expansion announcement.
Reveal Video
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More March of the Lich King Card Reveals
Reveal season is here and as usual, we have an expansion guide to help you follow along with all the fun! Use it to see all the card reveals, organized by class.
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I wonder if the Bound Souls work the way they say they do or the way they should (the eternal question with Hearthstone, isn't it). What I mean is, it says discover a minion consumed by the scythe. It doesn't say, anywhere, that the minion is then removed from the discover options. What that makes me think is, what if I have 2 tech minions and a Jace in there. In the matchups I don't need the tech, or where I need more damage, I get to triple Jace the opponent. Between that and keeping your minions safe from Mutanus and Dirty Rat, it might be worth running this otherwise garbo card surrounded by a mediocre package just to protect your combo. A man can dream. It would certainly be nice to finally be able to use DH for SOMETHING in Wild.
Really wish this was for hunter... i really wanted to run both yoggsaron and rokhdelar :(
There are several small upsides, such as getting more consistent draws and being able to run minions in a no-minion deck, but at the end of the day it's a 4-mana 4/2 legendary (!) weapon that makes three of your cards cost 1 more. That's not nearly unfair enough to be fun in 2022.
I have to wonder how this works with [Hearthstone Card (C'thun the Shattered) Not Found]. Will C'thun be 'consumed' before he breaks into 4 pieces thereby eliminating the whole draw and play all 4 pieces process? I guess it is fine either way for wild although it could be problematic in duels mode.
All 'start of game' effects triggers at random, meaning if this thing eats cthun before he splits, then you'll theoretically get a full cthun. But if he splits before the scythe triggers, then you dont get cthun.
We've seen this interaction between cthun and genn greymane
While usually true, in this instance, C'Thun always splits before the Scythe tries to reap him.
Lol, I guess that's tested and found out to be dumb that you get cthun immediately.
It also practically destroys our dreams of having multiple copies of a singular minion. Well, that makes my interest in the card significantly lessened.
Sire Denathrius + Brann Bronzebeard + Bonelord Frostwhisper
oh didn't read the shuffle in your deck part... nvm
I was concerned at first about no minion dhunter, but seems like team5 have opted to do it in one of the most unusual manners, and this might actually work out to be tier 2.
So you create a deck with three good minions, and you're good with the no minion deck. The problem here being only that the payoff for having no minions seemed incredibly weak, but honestly I think the real reason why'd you be doing it is because Souleater's Scythe gives you three copies of a minion.
The three choices? Well, it can be Jace Darkweaver, Artificer Xy'mox, or a few flex options like Spammy Arcanist.
Have to say that Im interested enough that I'll give the deck a chance regardless of whether it sucks or not.
Edit: Apparently you can only get one copy of the minions eaten, confirmed by celestalon. Oh well, the makes the card very much less interesting. Even worse still you play 1 mana to get them back to your hand.
Deal with a Devil looked like hopeless garbage, even with the tease that no-minion support would be on its way. How could the DH ever function without any included minions, in this day and age? But that Scythe might really be all it takes, and I'm here for it!
That being said, what're you gonna run? It specifies "different minions", so it sounds like they can't be two of the same; meaning, realistically, that they'll be Legendaries. So....Artificer Xy'mox, Jace Darkweaver, and maybe Felerin, the Forgotten? Kind of bummed that the first two are so obvious that they undermine the deck-building a little.
Lady S'theno is the 3rd.
To be fair, (nearly) no-minion deck building is pretty linear no matter what you do with it simply due to the very limited card pool. It would be kind hard to avoid using lots of fel and Relic spells. What else could you really do with DH spells?
Sire Denathrius!
The Scythe is certainly a very neat way to make no-minion deck construction significantly more interesting. Being able to choose which order to draw the 3 minions in is also generally useful, even when you won't know which 3 minions get scythed, so I wonder if it finds a place in normal decks too. That will depend on how much the 3 mana tax to release the minions matters, and whether a plain 4 mana 4/2 weapon is good enough when you draw it.
that weapon made me want to play this archetype
Oh shit now that is a cool fucking mechanic.
I was worrying that Spell DH was just dead on arrival because stuff like JAce and Xy'mox are just too crucial to just be left out but this completely fixes the problem.
What an amazing way to allow a deck to play around its building reestrictions for only a slight detriment.
Color me interested
What detriment? You basically either increase by 50% or triple the consistency of the first card you Discover with your soul. and 4/2 for 4 is basic for a weapon. That thing has no downsides.
Edit: Right, you need to pay 1 mana to get the cards back. Small downside, but it’s there.
The 1 mana is a downside, sure, but I think a Bound Soul is a less appealing target for Theotar, et alia, and this increases the chance you actually get to play that minion.
However, I assume the Infuse minions, like Xymox and the Sire (both mentioned above) won't infuse while they are bound souls.
You have to pay 1-mana to get the card you want and you can't discount them with Relic of Dimensions anymore
Paying mana to discover minions you would normally have drawn for free is a downside, and a 4 mana 4/2 weapon is fine but not something you'd choose to put in a deck normally.