Welcome to the second installment of my series on Standard Highlander decks! (Here's the first one, in case you missed it.)

Reno, Lone Ranger is certainly a fun and powerful card, but how well can he perform with another Highlander Legendary by his side? Today we'll look at Demon Hunter's "no-duplicates" Legendary, Gunslinger Kurtrus!

Talk About Spawn-Camping!

Gunslinger Kurtrus is exactly the type of card I like to see: one that does something no previous card has done before. If his no-duplicates condition is met, Kurtrus damages minions in your opponent's hand. If their health is reduced to zero, the card is destroyed. Otherwise, it will simply have reduced health when played to the board. Additionally, abilities like Divine Shield, Reborn and Deathrattle will not take effect, as they are not considered "in play" until the minion is summoned. I view this as a fantastic and balanced card: its effect is powerful and unique as befits a Legendary, while also having reasonable chances of a total whiff!

Today's spotlight is on JohnnyStorm's really innovative take on Highlander Demon Hunter.

Don't Start a Rock Duel You Can't Finish

What makes JohnnyStorm's deck so cool is Elite Tauren Champion. As a reminder, this version of ETC, when played as a Finale, creates a card that, passed back and forth each turn, forces each player to spend all their mana or take a steadily increasing burst of damage. In JohnnyStorm's deck, first you start the Rock Duel, then you use cards like Prosecutor Mel'tranix and Reno, Lone Ranger to make it difficult/impossible for the opponent to win that duel. You'll find yourself in Azeroth's Rock n Roll Hall of Fame in no time! Bravo to JohnnyStorm for this nasty combo!

Smothering Starfish Card Image Rustrot Viper Card Image Steamcleaner Card Image
Your E.T.C. Band.

The deck runs Zola the Gorgon and one Saloon Brewmaster because there are plenty of strong battlecries you might want to play again, like Kurtrus, Mel'tranix, or even ETC (either version!).

There Can Be Only 28

The beauty of Highlander decks is that they give you space to play fun and interesting cards that you might otherwise skip in favor of doubling up on key tools. Start with Reno, Lone Ranger and Gunslinger Kurtrus, but then you can choose any other 28 cards to round the deck out and match your play style. Astalor Bloodsworn and Yogg-Saron, Unleashed are already popular Legendaries that show up in plenty of decks and are great here too. But how about Blademaster Okani? Vulpera Scoundrel? Snake Eyes and Going Down Swinging both just got buffed in the most recent patch and would be excellent inclusions in this deck.

Keep It Clean, Keep It Tidy

One card I'm going to strongly recommend for any Highlander deck is Steamcleaner, as a bunch of Plagues in your deck will grind your strategy to a halt. At the very least, you'll want one in E.T.C., Band Manager's band, but it might be worth just including in the main list. If you find yourself running into Plague Death Knights really frequently, you could even do both. In addition to Plagues, this will also take care of Snake Oil, Fizzle's Snapshot and Sunken Gardens. Just watch out for Warlocks filling their deck with Barrel of Sludge!

Huge thanks to JohnnyStorm for today's inspired deck! Do you have ideas for making the most of Gunslinger Kurtrus and Reno, Lone Ranger? Share your decks and comments below!