Get your hunting gear, Perils in Paradise reveals continue with Hunter cards! No, Huffer, that's not foo-spit-SPIT IT!
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All the beach fun hits on July 23, so until then, here are today's card reveals!
Perils in Paradise Card Reveals for July 10 2024
Here are all the cards that have been revealed for Perils in Paradise on July 10th.
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What are your thoughts on today's cards? Let us know down below or head on over to the Hearthstone Realm to share your thoughts in each of our dedicated card reveal threads.
Sasquawk - Its a good card that will see competitive at some point. As to what it will actually do, Ive no idea because it can be anything from board reload, to a hail mary for lethal. Guess we should think ourselves lucky that this isnt a rogue card.
Ranger Gilly - A card that is good for both sides of hunter and priest. Specifically dangerous in zarimi priest, and might actually get that deck nerfed a third time.
Death Roll - I like it because it basically means any board that has one minion on it will just attack your opponent's face and die. Whether it'll see much competitive play depends on how consistent such a thing actually is because outside of that its simply too expensive.
Chatty Macaw - Useful mostly in priest because hunter spells that target opponents tend to be small and undirected.
Furious Fowls - The intention, is probably to have the other cards repeat it like chatty macaw etc. That may account for the fact that this card is so slow, and probably more expensive than its worth. Its practically Trolley Problem at twice the mana. At least it can hit face, I guess.
Birdwatching - Play this along with dorian, get two sasquawk and then the following turn do it all again. Dangerous, but thats really about it in terms of value.
Parrot Sanctuary - Its dangerous as hell. You can build yourself a really low value deck, play this and get three 1 drops on turn 2 (1 on coin). If both hunter and priest have good draw engines, this card is straight up busted and would probably be nerfed to 3 mana.
Trusty Fishing Rod - My opinion is that its not really good. 3 mana to do 1 damage and get a one drop is not exactly gone value. When you consider that desert spear has three charges, and summons 1/1 with rush, how is this better by comparison?
Pet Parrot - To be used with pet sanctuary to fill your board with 1 drops. Decent card for any aggro deck.
Catch of the Day - Its a good one drop, particularly when pulled out without battlecry. The problem? Well its not gonna suddenly start making stuff like pet parrot and fishing rod broken cards. Only thing good here is that its a 1 drop with battlecry, and its a 3/3 rush minion.
Have to say, hunter cards always have this uncanny knack of being ungimmicky and direct to the point. This certainly doesnt disappoint in this expansion. I can see plenty of potential for hunter, but more so for priest. Ironically the best set for priest this expansion are the hunter cards.
You can't play Ranger Gilly in priest as it is a Tourist card.
Seems to be that way, thanks for the clarification
Is it July 9th again? :)
There ain't no hill or mountain we can't climb
I got you babe
I got you babe
Use your Trusty Fishing Rod to get your Catch of the Day. Very thematic but a 3 mana 1/2 weapon is very weak even for that effect.