Have you made your way through the second Chapter of the latest Hearthstone adventure? There are eight cards available from this wing, and there's been some great experimentation with them already - including some high performance decks from the Pros!

Check out the lists below to get some ideas for how you could be using your new acquisitions to climb the ladder.

Gyong managed to reach #1 Legend with this Rogue list featuring the new Skyvateer. It's a deceptively aggressive list, and as we all know card draw is pretty good in Rogue.

Pizza piloted this list featuring the new Fiendish Servant into high Legend. While not too dissimilar to Zoo lists of old, small improvements can go a long way, and it's great to see a resurgence of classic Zoolock after Galakrond Zoo took to the stage earlier this expansion.

Oyatsu vouches for this Highlander Galakrond Shaman list, which not only has Explosive Evolution and The Fist of Ra-den from the latest Chapter, but Eye of the Storm from last week too!