A new Tavern Brawl is up and its the Brawl of Gaudiness! Winning this week's brawl gets you a Classic Pack.
Gaudy? You? Never! You look marvelous in that! Choose a class to get a random deck, all cards cost half but you can only play 2 per turn!
There isn't a whole lot to say about this brawl as it is random and quite simple. Let us know what you get in that Classic Pack in the comments below so we can see who is the true random god.
When did Reno lose his left hand??
He's a magician, he made it disappear
Holy complainers. Its a tavern brawl. If you want something more serious and competitive play ladder or something. Brawls are just fun with a free pack! Relax and have the fun!!
Are people rating this article or the brawl itself ?
I'd say the brawl, but then again maybe some people really wanted more description
Well, I got a Golden Illidan Stormrage in my Tavern Brawl pack. How's that?
Another random deck brawl, but in my opinion far from the worst. My games were swingy and interesting, the odds turned quickly. One of my opponents had two Zilliaxes and many mechs, well try to beat my Embiggen and triple Bonemares. In the end I managed to win with The Ancient One no less.
Maybe the decks aren't that random? I've got to check this, but me on my first match and my second opponent were Paladins, and both decks seemed mech-focused. And my Druid deck had too much high-cost minions for a ""random"" deck.
i think at some point it was mentioned that the random brawl decks were using the same system the autocomplete function in the deck builder does, which does take into account card synergies to some extent when generating a deck. So yeah, as of a few patches ago brawl decks have definitely gotten at least a bit more consistent than they used to
Another bad brawl due to the RNG. In the first couple of turns 1 player gets way ahead and the other players has poop cards. Get the pack and after that get the hell out of there.
Agree. Some people might find this fun, but for me there is absolutely 0 fun in these type of brawls.
Very nice brawl, especially for budget players. Most games are fast, some ridiculous, and the RNG can favor both.
And then I got a Millhouse Manastorm in my pack.
I cant tell if the last line is supposed to be good or bad. =)
It would have been nice to be able to build your own deck.
I also tend to agree, but like others have pointed out on previous thread - given a wild deckbuilding brawl - it limits those without extended collection or minimal deckbuilding aptitude. Its a hit or miss ; can't please everyone ! But if you ask me, with a brawl like this week, it would have been crazy interesting to see that meta unfold.
A brawl that might have been jolly good fun turned sour by randomness. As with every random brawl, I get absolute garbage while my foes get nothing but great plays. Now I'm not saying a build your own deck would have been better but it might have been slightly more enjoyable than rolling the dice.
I haven't played HS for about a week now since I started Legends of Runeterra. I might check out the occasional Tavern Brawl, but not when they're almost 100% RNG. LoR is a lot of fun and very generous about free cards and free runs in the draft mode.
One would think that turns would go faster but people are taking forever thinking out moves on random decks...
this is actually fun brawl much better than all star squad: (Pogo-Hoppers or bust)
even though you get deathwing turn 5 its still an enjoyable brawl