Reveal season for Hearthstone's next expansion, Into the Emerald Dream, continues today! It's another variety day, with cards for classes of all colors. Let's see what's in store!
Into The Emerald Dream Card Reveals for February 21, 2024
Here are all the cards that have been revealed for Into the Emerald Dream on February 21, 2024.
Note: Some of the cards were translated via Google Lens and the wording is not official.
What are your thoughts on today's cards? Let us know down below or head on over to the Hearthstone Realm to share your thoughts in each of our dedicated card reveal threads.
Love that Signature Xavius!
Wish they'd do something with rogue that wasn't thief but Ashmane is also too expensive.
These taunts without a tribe in warlock are interesting. I do like the Dark Gift card I've played with so far. Could be to slow to hold them for the discount though.
edit: Looking back through after the warrior stuff and these Deathrattle Dragons look even better. Dreadwing especially could be useful refill in a more aggressive Dragon deck or as a way to get a Ysondre down earlier.
Nightmare lord Xavius - Personally think this card is unplayable but being able to tutor a minion may have its uses, though generally anything thats random that doesnt also win you the game tends not to be viable. Even at its best its a combo enabler, but Im not holding my breath
Nightmare dragonkin - Would have been busted had it been a battlecry but being a deathrattle has its uses in dhunter. At least it can be reliably tutored and quite frankly dhunter's cards have been so trash for the last two expansion that anything thats even remotely decent commands respect. And this one certainly is a good start
Ashamane - Not really familiar with the lore, so Ive no idea why he has a stake stuck in him. In any case, the card itself is not very good, and its perhaps suggestible that the only way it sees play is via malorne. Maybe in thief decks, if its viable at all that is.
Hopeful Dryad - Can start praying because its a 2/5 chance to get a brick in your hand and making this card's inclusion completely worthless in competitive standard
Gnawing Greenfin - It looks ok and then you remember that scarab keychain exist. Couple that with the fact that theres an absence of murloc decks + murlocs being generally shit in standard, makes this card utterly rubbish
Tranquil treant - Good potential to be among the most hated cards, or be the most unplayable. As befit ramp in general as a play pattern.
Illusory greenwing - Works wonders with tormented dreadwing which also curves from this card. Both being deathrattes unfortunately makes them a tad slow but at least the greenwing has taunt. If the power level is slow enough to permit playing greenwing, you can bet the combo with dreadwing being explored to some capacity, that is to say, if you can create a deck with no other dragons in it.
Briarspawn drake - Its only use is to be cheated out and nothing else. That said, being able to deal face damage makes the card scary enough that you just gotta believe it'll see play at some point.
She sacrificed herself in the War of the Ancients to kill a powerful pit lord, killing him as she was impaled with his spear.
I was thinking Gwanwing Greenfin looked huge for a 1/1 and then I realized that's supposed to be a Treant, not a regular tree ๐
Fun fact: Gnawing Greenfin makes Grunty worse by existing, and Grunty makes Gnawing Greenfin worse by existing.