Mordresh Fire Eye

Card Stats
- Class Mage
- Expansion Forged in the Barrens
- Rarity Legendary
- Cost 8
- Attack 8
- Health 8
Card Text
Battlecry: If you've dealt 10 damage with your Hero Power this game, deal 10 damage to all enemies.@ ({0} left!)@ (Ready!)
Flavor Text
You're not hardcore unless you died hardcore.
Battlecry - Does something when you play it from your hand.
Mordresh Fire Eye Sounds
Play VO_BAR_547_Male_Forsaken_Play_01
Play HS_LegendaryStinger_MordreshFireEye
Attack VO_BAR_547_Male_Forsaken_Attack_02
Death VO_BAR_547_Male_Forsaken_Death_01
Mordresh Fire Eye Guides
Card Balance and Changes
Patch | Change |
Demon Seed Ban | Cost, Attack, and Health decreased to 8 (from 10). |
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Will see experimentation, but Im not sure if the deck it will be part of will be strong enough to compete with stronger decks.
A deck I would play though, as it sounds really fun
I can see a world where this is strong.
This card has enough support to make it great. Great flavour text.
Idk if this is good enough as it's really slow and doesnt ignore deathrattle but seems like fun
Kind of a quest, and i love quests
This seems quite doable.
Probably not worth throwing into just any old Mage deck, but with a decent build around this could work as a good finisher or to turn a game around if you're behind. Overall, a pretty great card.
Nice clear and pyroblast attached to a 10/10. What's not to love?!
Maybe I am over thinking this, but this seems REALLY easy to do in both standard and especially in wild. With the type of support that Mage has received in the last couple of expansions, as well as the core cards for 2021, this seems like it will be a staple in any non-aggro build.