Legacy Card Spoilers & Expansion Guide

This set was originally called "Classic". It was changed in March 2021 when it was merged with the Basic set and called Legacy.

The original collectible cards in Hearthstone that were obtainable from card packs are from the Classic set (previously the Expert set).

  • This is the largest single set in the game at 240 cards.
  • One of two sets that the game launched with, the other being the Basic set.
  • The Classic set is available in both format; Wild & Standard.
  • Some cards removed from this set were put in a separate Hall of Fame set that is Wild-only.
  • Four new cards were added to the set on November 5th, 2018.
  • Many balance changes have been made to several Classic cards since the implementation of Standard format.
  • Eight more new cards were added to the set on June 24th 2019.
  • A handful of Classic cards had their art changed on July 1st 2019 bring them up to their current standards.

Hall of Fame

On April 4th 2017 a new Wild-only set was created with select cards from the Classic set in addition to the Rewards and Promo sets.

At this time, 10 collectible cards were moved to this set, leaving Classic with 239 cards:

Azure Drake Card ImageCaptain's Parrot Card ImageConceal Card ImageElite Tauren Chieftain Card ImageGelbin Mekkatorque Card Image
Ice Lance Card ImageOld Murk-Eye Card ImagePower Overwhelming Card ImageSylvanas Windrunner Card ImageRagnaros the Firelord Card Image

On April 26th 2018 with the beginning of the Year of the Raven, three more collectible cards were added to the Hall of Fame, reducing the Classic set to 236 cards:

Coldlight Oracle Card ImageIce Block Card ImageMolten Giant Card Image

On April 9th 2019 three more Classic cards were sent to the Hall of Fame with the Year of the Dragon, bringing the set to 237 cards after 4 new cards had been added:

Divine Favor Card ImageDoomguard Card ImageNaturalize Card Image

On March 26th 2020 five Neutral Classic cards were sent to the Hall of Fame, alongside four Priest Classic cards that were replaced as part of the Priest core set overhaul, bringing the Classic set to 240 cards:

Acolyte of Pain Card Image Spellbreaker Card Image Mind Control Tech Card Image Mountain Giant Card Image Leeroy Jenkins Card Image

Auchenai Soulpriest Card Image Holy Fire Card Image Shadowform Card Image Prophet Velen Card Image

New Classic Cards

During the Year of the Raven Blizzard announced that 4 new cards would be released for the Classic set.

On November 5th 2018 each class had an equal number of cards once again, and the set total rose to 240 with the addition of these cards:

Call of the Void Card ImageIcicle Card ImagePilfer Card ImageTome of Intellect Card Image

On June 24th 2019 it was revealed that several cards would be released to replace the previously rotated cards, returning the Classic set to the original total of 245 cards!

Arcane Devourer Card ImageBarrens Stablehand Card ImageBrightwing Card ImageGift of the Wild Card Image

High Inquisitor Whitemane Card ImageRighteousness Card ImageSI:7 Infiltrator Card ImageSiegebreaker Card Image

On March 26th 2020 four Priest Classic cards were replaced as part of the Priest core set overhaul, with these new cards being added to the set:

Kul Tiran Chaplain Card Image Scarlet Subjugator Card Image Shadow Word: Ruin Card Image Natalie Seline Card Image

Card Changes


Unleash the Hounds - Cost changed to 3 (was 2).
Eaglehorn Bow - Text changed to “Whenever a friendly Secret is revealed, gain +1 Durability.”.
Leeroy Jenkins - Cost changed to 5 (was 4).
Flare - Cost changed to 2 (was 1).
Gadgetzan Auctioneer - Cost changed to 6 (was 5).
Bestial Wrath - Text changed to "Give a friendly Beast +2 Attack and Immune this turn.", No longer targets enemy beasts.
Alarm-o-Bot - Gained Mech status.
Demolisher - Gained Mech status.
Harvest Golem - Gained Mech status.
Druid of the Claw - Transformations gained Beast status.


Bane of Doom - Can now summon any collectible Demon.


Abusive Sergeant - Attack changed to 1 (was. 2).
Ancient of Lore - Draws one card (was 2)
Arcane Golem - Health changed to 4 (was 2) + Charge removed.
Big Game Hunter - Cost changed to 5 (was 3).
Blade Flurry - Cost changed to 4 (was 2) + no longer damages heroes.
Coldlight Seer - Text changed to "Battlecry: Give your other Murlocs +2 Health.".
Force of Nature - Cost changed to 5 (was 6) + treants no longer die after a turn and do not have Charge.
Keeper of the Grove - Health changed to 2 (was 4).
Knife Juggler - Attack changed to 3 (was 2).
Leper Gnome - Attack changed to 1 (was 2).
Master of Disguise - Stealth granted now only lasts one turn.
Molten Giant - Cost changed to 25 (was 20).
Murloc Tidecaller - Text changed to "Whenever you summon a Murloc, gain +1 Attack.".
Murloc Warleader - Text changed to "Your other Murlocs have +2/+1.".


Murloc Warleader - No longer grants murlocs Health.


Molten Giant - Cost returned to 20 upon leaving set.
Mana Wyrm - Cost changed to 2 (was 1).
Nourish - Cost changed to 6 (was 5).


Cold Blood - Cost changed to 2 (was 1).
Equality - Cost changed to 4 (was 2).
Windfury Harpy - Received new art.
Secretkeeper - Received new art and voice lines.
Eviscerate - Art updated (blood removed).
Bite - Received new art.
Deadly Shot - Received new art.
Headcrack - Received new art.
Pilfer - Effect changed to add a card from another class instead of opponent's.


Shadow Madness - Cost changed to 3 (was 4).
Temple Enforcer - Cost and Attack changed to 5 (both were 6).
Thoughtsteal - Cost changed to 2 (was 3).
Xavius - Card name and art changed from Illidan Stormrage to Xavius. 2/1 tokens changed from Elementals (Flame of Azzinoth) to Demons (Xavian Satyr).

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Revealed Cards



King Krush Card Image Gladiator's Longbow Card Image Snake Trap Card Image Bestial Wrath Card Image Savannah Highmane Card Image Explosive Shot Card Image Eaglehorn Bow Card Image Misdirection Card Image Flare Card Image Unleash the Hounds Card Image Deadly Shot Card Image Explosive Trap Card Image Scavenging Hyena Card Image Snipe Card Image Freezing Trap Card Image


Archmage Antonidas Card Image Pyroblast Card Image Spellbender Card Image Icicle Card Image Blizzard Card Image Ethereal Arcanist Card Image Kirin Tor Mage Card Image Counterspell Card Image Vaporize Card Image Cone of Cold Card Image Mirror Entity Card Image Ice Barrier Card Image Mana Wyrm Card Image Sorcerer's Apprentice Card Image Tome of Intellect Card Image



Prophet Velen Card Image Cabal Shadow Priest Card Image Mindgames Card Image Shadowform Card Image Holy Fire Card Image Shadow Madness Card Image Mass Dispel Card Image Auchenai Soulpriest Card Image Lightwell Card Image Temple Enforcer Card Image Lightspawn Card Image Thoughtsteal Card Image Inner Fire Card Image Silence Card Image Circle of Healing Card Image


Edwin VanCleef Card Image Kidnapper Card Image Patient Assassin Card Image Preparation Card Image Master of Disguise Card Image Blade Flurry Card Image Perdition's Blade Card Image SI:7 Agent Card Image Headcrack Card Image Defias Ringleader Card Image Eviscerate Card Image Betrayal Card Image Cold Blood Card Image Pilfer Card Image Shadowstep Card Image


Al'Akir the Windlord Card Image Earth Elemental Card Image Doomhammer Card Image Far Sight Card Image Feral Spirit Card Image Lightning Storm Card Image Lava Burst Card Image Mana Tide Totem Card Image Ancestral Spirit Card Image Unbound Elemental Card Image Stormforged Axe Card Image Earth Shock Card Image Lightning Bolt Card Image Dust Devil Card Image Forked Lightning Card Image



Grommash Hellscream Card Image Gorehowl Card Image Brawl Card Image Shield Slam Card Image Mortal Strike Card Image Frothing Berserker Card Image Commanding Shout Card Image Armorsmith Card Image Upgrade! Card Image Arathi Weaponsmith Card Image Slam Card Image Battle Rage Card Image Cruel Taskmaster Card Image Rampage Card Image Inner Rage Card Image


Revealed Cards for Legacy

These are all the cards that have currently been revealed for Legacy.


Cenarius Card Image
Ancient of Lore Card Image
Ancient of War Card Image
Force of Nature Card Image
Nourish Card Image
Starfall Card Image
Bite Card Image
Keeper of the Grove Card Image
Savagery Card Image
Druid of the Claw Card Image
Soul of the Forest Card Image
Mark of Nature Card Image
Power of the Wild Card Image
Wrath Card Image
Naturalize Card Image


King Krush Card Image
Gladiator's Longbow Card Image
Snake Trap Card Image
Bestial Wrath Card Image
Savannah Highmane Card Image
Explosive Shot Card Image
Eaglehorn Bow Card Image
Misdirection Card Image
Flare Card Image
Unleash the Hounds Card Image
Deadly Shot Card Image
Scavenging Hyena Card Image
Explosive Trap Card Image
Freezing Trap Card Image
Snipe Card Image


Archmage Antonidas Card Image
Pyroblast Card Image
Spellbender Card Image
Ice Block Card Image
Blizzard Card Image
Ethereal Arcanist Card Image
Kirin Tor Mage Card Image
Vaporize Card Image
Counterspell Card Image
Sorcerer's Apprentice Card Image
Mirror Entity Card Image
Cone of Cold Card Image
Ice Barrier Card Image
Ice Lance Card Image
Mana Wyrm Card Image


Tirion Fordring Card Image
Lay on Hands Card Image
Avenging Wrath Card Image
Sword of Justice Card Image
Holy Wrath Card Image
Blessed Champion Card Image
Divine Favor Card Image
Aldor Peacekeeper Card Image
Equality Card Image
Argent Protector Card Image
Eye for an Eye Card Image
Repentance Card Image
Noble Sacrifice Card Image
Blessing of Wisdom Card Image
Redemption Card Image


Prophet Velen Card Image
Cabal Shadow Priest Card Image
Mindgames Card Image
Shadowform Card Image
Holy Fire Card Image
Auchenai Soulpriest Card Image
Mass Dispel Card Image
Shadow Madness Card Image
Lightwell Card Image
Temple Enforcer Card Image
Lightspawn Card Image
Thoughtsteal Card Image
Inner Fire Card Image
Silence Card Image
Circle of Healing Card Image


Edwin VanCleef Card Image
Kidnapper Card Image
Patient Assassin Card Image
Preparation Card Image
Master of Disguise Card Image
Headcrack Card Image
SI:7 Agent Card Image
Perdition's Blade Card Image
Blade Flurry Card Image
Betrayal Card Image
Defias Ringleader Card Image
Eviscerate Card Image
Cold Blood Card Image
Conceal Card Image
Shadowstep Card Image


Al'Akir the Windlord Card Image
Earth Elemental Card Image
Doomhammer Card Image
Far Sight Card Image
Mana Tide Totem Card Image
Lightning Storm Card Image
Feral Spirit Card Image
Lava Burst Card Image
Ancestral Spirit Card Image
Unbound Elemental Card Image
Stormforged Axe Card Image
Earth Shock Card Image
Forked Lightning Card Image
Dust Devil Card Image
Lightning Bolt Card Image


Lord Jaraxxus Card Image
Twisting Nether Card Image
Bane of Doom Card Image
Pit Lord Card Image
Doomguard Card Image
Siphon Soul Card Image
Shadowflame Card Image
Felguard Card Image
Void Terror Card Image
Summoning Portal Card Image
Sense Demons Card Image
Demonfire Card Image
Flame Imp Card Image
Blood Imp Card Image
Power Overwhelming Card Image


Grommash Hellscream Card Image
Gorehowl Card Image
Brawl Card Image
Shield Slam Card Image
Mortal Strike Card Image
Frothing Berserker Card Image
Commanding Shout Card Image
Armorsmith Card Image
Upgrade! Card Image
Arathi Weaponsmith Card Image
Cruel Taskmaster Card Image
Rampage Card Image
Battle Rage Card Image
Slam Card Image
Inner Rage Card Image


Deathwing Card Image
Malygos Card Image
Alexstrasza Card Image
Ysera Card Image
Nozdormu Card Image
Onyxia Card Image
Ragnaros the Firelord Card Image
Gruul Card Image
Baron Geddon Card Image
The Beast Card Image
Cairne Bloodhoof Card Image
Hogger Card Image
Sylvanas Windrunner Card Image
Xavius Card Image
Captain Greenskin Card Image
Harrison Jones Card Image
Leeroy Jenkins Card Image
The Black Knight Card Image
King Mukla Card Image
Tinkmaster Overspark Card Image
Lorewalker Cho Card Image
Millhouse Manastorm Card Image
Bloodmage Thalnos Card Image
Nat Pagle Card Image
Molten Giant Card Image
Mountain Giant Card Image
Sea Giant Card Image
Faceless Manipulator Card Image
Big Game Hunter Card Image
Murloc Warleader Card Image
Blood Knight Card Image
Southsea Captain Card Image
Doomsayer Card Image
Hungry Crab Card Image
Gadgetzan Auctioneer Card Image
Ravenholdt Assassin Card Image
Sunwalker Card Image
Argent Commander Card Image
Azure Drake Card Image
Abomination Card Image
Mind Control Tech Card Image
Stampeding Kodo Card Image
Defender of Argus Card Image
Ancient Mage Card Image
Violet Teacher Card Image
Twilight Drake Card Image
Alarm-o-Bot Card Image
Arcane Golem Card Image
Imp Master Card Image
Injured Blademaster Card Image
Questing Adventurer Card Image
Coldlight Oracle Card Image
Coldlight Seer Card Image
Demolisher Card Image
Emperor Cobra Card Image
Pint-Sized Summoner Card Image
Knife Juggler Card Image
Mana Wraith Card Image
Crazed Alchemist Card Image
Ancient Watcher Card Image
Wild Pyromancer Card Image
Sunfury Protector Card Image
Master Swordsmith Card Image
Mana Addict Card Image
Angry Chicken Card Image
Murloc Tidecaller Card Image
Secretkeeper Card Image
Bloodsail Corsair Card Image
Lightwarden Card Image
Young Priestess Card Image
Frost Elemental Card Image
Windfury Harpy Card Image
Priestess of Elune Card Image
Spiteful Smith Card Image
Silver Hand Knight Card Image
Stranglethorn Tiger Card Image
Venture Co. Mercenary Card Image
Fen Creeper Card Image
Dark Iron Dwarf Card Image
Cult Master Card Image
Silvermoon Guardian Card Image
Mogu'shan Warden Card Image
Dread Corsair Card Image
Ancient Brewmaster Card Image
Spellbreaker Card Image
Thrallmar Farseer Card Image
Jungle Panther Card Image
Acolyte of Pain Card Image
Scarlet Crusader Card Image
Ironbeak Owl Card Image
Earthen Ring Farseer Card Image
Raging Worgen Card Image
Harvest Golem Card Image
Flesheating Ghoul Card Image
Tauren Warrior Card Image
Youthful Brewmaster Card Image
Dire Wolf Alpha Card Image
Loot Hoarder Card Image
Mad Bomber Card Image
Faerie Dragon Card Image
Bloodsail Raider Card Image
Amani Berserker Card Image
Southsea Deckhand Card Image
Argent Squire Card Image
Young Dragonhawk Card Image
Shieldbearer Card Image
Worgen Infiltrator Card Image
Leper Gnome Card Image
Abusive Sergeant Card Image
Wisp Card Image

Original Hearthstone Cinematic

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  • alezorc's Avatar
    Bulbasaur 175 8 Posts Joined 10/11/2019
    Posted 4 years, 9 months ago

    I am so mad that they changed Felstalker and Queen of Pain. I really loved the art for them but the power of censorship is great, ngl.

  • Hydrafrog's Avatar
    Gul'dan 1840 3268 Posts Joined 05/28/2019
    Posted 4 years, 11 months ago

    I am still working on getting my Classic set gold... specifically for Warlock.  I don't know why, other than these are staples in Standard and Wild and it's shiny 

  • DoubleSummon's Avatar
    Ancestral Recall 1585 2271 Posts Joined 03/25/2019
    Posted 4 years, 11 months ago

    It's funny looking at the classic set as an expansion there are so many strong and stample cards here..

    and too many.. wich they made a base set instead of so many pointless cards.

  • Celticshark5's Avatar
    285 36 Posts Joined 07/12/2019
    Posted 4 years, 11 months ago

    what was bane of doom before the any collectible demon?

  • Horus's Avatar
    Detective Pikachu 2575 3347 Posts Joined 05/29/2019
    Posted 5 years ago

    Nice work! Where do I leave my upvote? 

    • Mcdok's Avatar
      245 31 Posts Joined 03/26/2019
      Posted 4 years, 11 months ago

      All for the archivements!!



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