Uther's menagerie
- Midrange Paladin
- Wild
- Ranked
Hello, hola, bonjour, hallo fellow Hearthstone players,
I have always been a big fan of The Curator builds, since the release of Karazhan. Though I forgot about its existence over time.
With the coming release of Ringmaster Whatley in Darkmoon Faire, the thoughts in my head became all menagerie oriented again... It's reveal gave me the idea to have another look at The Curator. And since pally is my favourite class, I tried to make use of Uther's arsenal first. And with success! All Paladin only legendaries in the decklist are optional to play if you have them, but can also be easily replaced. This can be done with a card of your choice. But I would advise do try doing so with a card of the same mana cost, or near to it.
If you have the time and the cards, be sure to give the decklist a try. And leave some feedback and/or suggestions in the comments :).
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10- 00
- 31
- 72
- 73
- 44
- 55
- 26
- 27+
- 1 Grimscale Chum x 1
- 1 Imprisoned Sungill x 1
- 2 Murgur Murgurgle x 1
- 2 Sandwasp Queen x 1
- 2 Sir Finley of the Sands x 1
- 3 Bronze Explorer x 1
- 3 Bronze Herald x 1
- 3 Dragonrider Talritha x 1
- 3 Salhet's Pride x 1
- 3 Underlight Angling Rod x 1
- 5 Amber Watcher x 1
- 5 Dragon Consort x 1
- 5 Scalelord x 1
- 1 Animated Broomstick x 1
- 2 Hench-Clan Hogsteed x 1
- 2 Rockpool Hunter x 1
- 2 Tasty Flyfish x 1
- 2 Zephrys the Great x 1
- 3 Murloc Warleader x 1
- 3 Nightmare Amalgam x 1
- 4 Fishy Flyer x 1
- 4 Gentle Megasaur x 1
- 4 Scaleworm x 1
- 4 Twilight Guardian x 1
- 5 Big Ol' Whelp x 1
- 5 Skyfin x 1
- 6 Evasive Wyrm x 1
- 6 Reno Jackson x 1
- 7 The Curator x 1
- 9 Dragonqueen Alexstrasza x 1
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This honestly looks more fun than anything. I will have to give this a swing!
You should! Let me know your results.
Ringmaster Whatley is a Warrior card! If you want to try Menagerie Paladin, look at N'Zoth, God of the Deep. Not sure what other support the new expansion might offer for this archetype.
Carousel Gryphon will be a good mech to resurrect if you corrupt it
I know that Ringmaster Whatley is a Warrior card ;). It's reveal only gave me the idea to have another look at The Curator again. And since pally is my favourite class, I tried it here first. Might update the list after the release of Darkmoon Faire. But it is dependent on what cards I get from the packs, as I'm mainly F2P.