It would make the minion have 0-Health and it would die when played. Similar to when the Spellburst for Ceremonial Maul goes off after playing The Coin or some other 0 mana spell. There is an achievement called Reflecto Failure which is to play a 0-health minion and I was trying to figure out how to do that, and it's this card!
Interested to try it out in a Wild Egg Deck of some kind, and if the Wild meta somehow slows down some perhaps a combo with Reflecto Engineer, to set up a turn 10 play of 10/5 Linecracker, Charge, and 2x Inner Rage. Maybe even a Tempo Egg Warrior that just has this as a back up finisher! But if things slow down we'll probably see a bunch of Big Priest again full of Taunts. So yeah...
I'm loving this solely because it sounds hilarious. Also, not bad for taunt decks with the fat butts to go offensive
Curious to see what it does to a minion with 0 attack, other than that, don't really care.
It would make the minion have 0-Health and it would die when played. Similar to when the Spellburst for Ceremonial Maul goes off after playing The Coin or some other 0 mana spell. There is an achievement called Reflecto Failure which is to play a 0-health minion and I was trying to figure out how to do that, and it's this card!
Interested to try it out in a Wild Egg Deck of some kind, and if the Wild meta somehow slows down some perhaps a combo with Reflecto Engineer, to set up a turn 10 play of 10/5 Linecracker, Charge, and 2x Inner Rage. Maybe even a Tempo Egg Warrior that just has this as a back up finisher! But if things slow down we'll probably see a bunch of Big Priest again full of Taunts. So yeah...