Tip The Dragon Scales Murloc Paladin

Last updated 5 years ago by
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You heard that right. Dragon Murloc Paladin!


Descent of Dragons introduced 2 Dragon/Murloc synergy cards, Tasty Flyfish and Skyfin. They seem like a complete joke, but it got me wondering if there might be a way to make these guys work. 


So here's the deal. Tip the Scales Paladin saw some success during Uldum, even having a small window where it was really dominant. That deck's aim was to discount Tip the Scales with Prismatic Lens and pull 7 murlocs from your deck in the early/midgame to dominate. That deck often ran Zephrys the Great as a backup plan, since after one or two Tip the Scales uses, your deck was often out of duplicates. Descent of Dragons introduced more Highlander support in Dragonqueen Alexstrasza.  

So, here's the theory: You play the deck just as before, except adding in Dragonqueen Alexstrasza, Nightmare Amalgam, and the two dragon synergy murlocs, Tasty Flyfish and Skyfin. At some point in the game, you'll get one of your three dragons in hand, and those synergies will give you a powerful boost. 

Tasty Flyfish could buff your Dragonqueen, but the real targets are the Nightmare Amalgams, making them 3 mana 5/6s. 

Skyfin is a 5 mana board refill, the random murlocs can be really powerful board swings in this deck, especially if you already have Grimscale Oracle or Murloc Warleader in play, and sometimes it will even generate them itself. 

Lastly, if your waves of murlocs aren't enough to finish the job, Dragonqueen Alexstrasza and Zephrys the Great can give you two last chances to close out the game.


One of the most crucial tips to making this deck work is to remember you have to play for tempo above synergy every time. If you need to play Tasty Flyfish, Nightmare Amalgam, or Zephrys the Great for tempo, you have to do it. This deck lives or dies by board control. Every once in awhile you'll get the sweet dragon synergies and then its a bonus.

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