AoO updated Twistygos Warlock

Last updated 5 years, 2 months ago by
  • Fun

Warlock got some great Dragon synergy cards Nether Breath and Crazed Netherwing this expansion and I have decided to use them in a Plot Twist deck. Zzeraku the Warped also has some Plot Twist synergy since you can Life Tap or play a Kobold Librarian if he is summoned by Fel Lord Betrug or Dollmaster Dorian to get a free 6/6.

Since Nether Breath can go face, I decided to include Malygos as well since spawning him or a Deathwing, Dragonlord from a Plot Twist combo can leave you with a lot of mana to burn the opponent's face.

Ashes of Outland Update:

-2 Doomguard / + 2 Enhanced Dreadlord.

-1 Skull of the Man'ari / +1 Kanrethad Ebonlocke.

-1 Mortal Coil / +1 Soulfire.

Doomguards weren't as good in this deck as they have been in my experiences with other Plot Twist decks. Since this deck is limited on healing options and you have to choose between using Nether Breath defensively in the early game or saving it to combo with Malygos, you always want to be getting something defensive out of your Voidcallers. Enhanced Dreadlord looks to be a much better option in this deck and it even has nice synergy with being Plot Twisted, leaving behind a 5/5 Lifesteal minion once the summoned copy from Betrug or the 1/1 from Dorian dies.

Kanrethad Ebonlocke gives the deck some board presence in the early game and curves nicely into a 3 mana Voidcaller as well as having similar Plot Twist synergy as Enhanced Dreadlord because once the twisted copies die, you get extra copies of Kanrethad Prime shuffled into your deck, and you can even tutor them with Sense Demons. I left Bloodreaver Gul'dan and N'Zoth, the Corruptor out of the deck initially because I found them to be too slow or unnecessary with the Malygos win condition, but there were still games where I missed having some kind of rez effect and Kanrethad Prime will fill that hole without being a dead card in your hand for the majority of the game. Skull of the Man'ari gets cut to make room because I found it to be too redundant with Voidcaller and I was often only getting one or two demons summoned by it per game.

I have started running one copy of Soulfire to add some more burst from Malygos when I have to play him from hand. With an Emperor Thaurissan tick you can squeeze the 0 mana Soulfire in after playing Malygos and two of Nether Breath or Darkbomb to push for lethal.

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