Rushing Camel Frenzy

Last updated 4 years, 11 months ago by
  • Fun

Diving Gryphon Card Image Dire Frenzy Card Image Desert Camel Card Image

Camel Hunter is back and it got some new Rush friends from Descent of Dragons!

Diving Gryphon is a great card for this deck, having multiple synergies with other cards.  If you have not played a Dire Frenzy yet, you can use Diving Gryphon to tutor the Springpaws out of the deck to make the average pull from Desert Camel better. The Rush tutor gets even better after Dire Frenzy since it can draw a 4/4 Springpaw, Lynx, or Locust serving a similar function to Desert Camel or you can use Dire Frenzy on the Diving Gryphon to chain 3 mana 7/4s with Rush! Clear the Way also fits right into the deck since there is a lot of Rush minion summoning going on anyway and it gives the deck another turn 1 play without diluting the Desert Camel pool.

You will almost always want to cast Dire Frenzy on your 1-cost Beasts, particularly ones with Rush or the cards that tutor them, Desert Camel and Diving Gryphon. This allows you to consistently get value from the buffed minions shuffled into the deck. Stitched Tracker also helps with consistency allowing you to discover buffed copies of the shuffled Dire Frenzy beasts or just to fill out curve.


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