
Last updated 4 years, 11 months ago by
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I am having a lot of fun with this in Standard, where I played only Wild all last month.  Currently climbed from 16 to 13 with it in a few hours today.  If this gets any comments or likes, I will add some substitution and/or matchup notes, and if I keep climbing, will post some stats eventually.  

Because the Archetype only allows one choice, and this is a hybrid of four archetypes, I chose Unknown Shaman.  But as the title suggests, its a hybrid of four Archetypes, three of which are included in the drop down menu of Archetype choices (Galakrond Shaman, Highlander Shaman and Shudderwock Shaman) as well as Dragon Shaman (not listed).  Thus the name: DraGalaWockLander.

Its a long-game, control oriented deck, very strong against control and mid-range decks, with various tools that work in those which also assist in boosting the much tougher match-ups against aggro decks, although those will still be difficult games.

I will have to come back and edit this guide when I have more time to go into some details for specific match ups, but for now, I will get into overall card selection a little.

Core (Must Have) Cards:

As a Highlander, it has the only two Highlander-specific cards available for Standard Shaman currently: Zephrys the Great and Dragonqueen Alexstrasza.  No point in playing HIghlander Shaman without these. 

Galakrond in Highlander requires you play one and only one of each and every of the six available Galakrond Shaman core cards: Invocation of Frost, Corrupt Elementalist, Devoted Maniac, Shield of Galakrond, Kronx Dragonhoof, and Galakrond, the Tempest.  This is not a Galakrond build intended to drop a turn 7 pair of 8/8s, but to be used either as part of your late game swing turn(s), (preferably setting up a second one via Shudderwock later), or, as emergency armor and minor board recovery if you must (relevant against agro).

The Shudderwock Shaman core card is, of course, Shudderwock.  As all the cards listed above have battlecry, Shudderwock here is a natural fit in this frame, and becomes an additional invoke card, if necessary, to get to maximum buff.  Timing depends on the matchup, though.  Obviously, the later you play it, the more battlecries you get, but one of the biggest skills with Shudderwock is knowing how to not wait too long.  If you often find yourself saying "I should have played that Shudderwock" after losing sooner than you thought, then you know you have some learning curve left on that skill (as I do).  Sometimes just playing it on turn 9 (or 8 with coin) even though it only has a few good cries loaded is the difference between winning and losing. 

With the above nine MUST HAVE cards for this mix, we are left with 21 slots, and will use several of those for the fourth Archetype: Dragon Shaman.  The reason for this is because Dragons (and their support cards) possess several of the most powerful battlecries (I can't help but think of them as Thums, for all you Skyrim players) in the meta.  First and foremost reason for going down this path IS one of the support cards, Frizz Kindleroost.  As a key Dragonqueen Alexstrasza enabler, its value increases with additional Dragons in the deck for it to impact. 

Six more Dragon package cards include Twin Tyrant, Crowd Roaster, Big Ol' Whelp, Twilight Drake, Squallhunter and Nightmare Amalgam.  The first two of these have cries that damage enemy targets only, which is good with Shudderwock.  The draw and health buff of Whelp and Drake are also good for Wock.  The last two cards have no battlecry, but are excellent tempo cards that you can play early on curve, if needed.  These bring the total (with the Queen) to seven dragons.  Notice the ONLY minion in the deck that requires a Dragon for its battlecry (including off the Wock) is Crowd Roaster.  That is because we want to use a lot of other non-dragon cards, and need to minimize loss of synergy value from variability in the Highlander build.  Seven dragons (w/Queen) may seem light, but with Crowd Roaster the only dragon dependent card and late game enough to have drawn into one, this is fine.

The Rest: 

The above is sixteen cards, leaving fourteen for other choices, most of which either synergize with Shudderwock or Galakrond, or are tech against specific match-ups, or all three, where possible.

Dragonmaw Poacher can be considered 'themed' in the Dragon Package, sort of, but it is just tech against all the other dragons out there.  It's battlecry (if a trigger is available) can make Wock a 10/10 rusher, too.  This card is very good against Mage and Druid builds that drop early big-bottomed Dragons, or Highlanders who choose Brightwing off an early Zephrys.  Keep in mind if you must play it without its buff, you still add it to the Wock package, which will look for a trigger, then, too, when there might be one, so the cry retains some value, even if not triggered on first play.  I was playing Body Wrapper in this slot for quite awhile as a Baleful Banker with value on an empty board, and just recently switched to this because the wrapper gets diluted by 2/1s late.  Consider it a good sub, if it can be played early, to get Zeph or Albatross, or Kindleroost back in the deck.

Three card choices here play to one of Shaman's strengths and are tech in various matchups, which is the ability to silence and/or transform enemy targets: Earth Shock, Plague of Murlocs and Hex.  The first and last of those need little explanation.  Plague is here as a poor mans Devolve (Wild only now)... its really situational, and best played when you have an equal or greater number of minions (the smaller or more injured, the better), but just HAVE to get rid of key deathrattle or resurrection targets.  Useful against Priest and some Rogues, it can sometimes hurt you.  It can also be sort of a poor man's Puzzle Box of Yogg-Saron in rare instances, when you just have no other answers.

Mind Control Tech and Mossy Horror are two more battlecries which are useful dealing with board issues.  Mossy Horror combos with Plague of Murlocs to make both occasionally more useful. 

Lightning Breath is a third board control card, (in addition to those in the must have section), and could be considered yet a ninth Dragon Package card, but I did not list it, as it can have value on its own, regardless of whether you have a dragon to expand its reach on the board.  Combos with Squallhunter for a potential 6 damage to three minions.

Vulpera Scoundrel is preferred here to the less reliable Firetree Witchdoctor, as the latter requires a dragon in hand (including for the Wock).  Its slightly higher cost also works to insure that the Witchwood Piper will get Zephrys every time if it is still in the deck.

Kobold Stickyfinger is the only good answer to a Necrium Blade, among all the weapon answers possible, and can be Wocked for a second steal.  

Living Dragonbreath is tech against any freeze, and great against Mage and Galakrond Shaman.  It is NOT a battlecry, so its a one shot card here.  Against Mage in Standard, is key to getting a surprise killing blow in, much like Flare against Ice Block in Wild felt.

Bad Luck Albatross is just tech.  One of the few cards with little synergy in the deck, but that is effective against everyone who can not silence it.

Bone Wraith and Khartut Defender are meant to buy time against faster decks.  Tech only, no battlecries.

One card I am not currently playing in the list, but which could make a lot of sense, is Faceless Corruptor, as it can power the Wock if you play it with a minion on board... I may work it in later.

That is enough for now, will add more later if there are comments, likes, a lot of views, or questions.

Disclaimer:  I am a daily, long time player, but not any sort of pro (highest rank. 2, never legend).  I am PTW on Americas with tons of cards, so I play them, for fun.  DONT dust a ton of stuff to make this, its just here for those who like this sort of Highlander/Control style of long game and have the cards.  


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