Best Highlander Shaman 72% WR

Last updated 4 years, 9 months ago by
  • Ranked

Proof (from rank 4-1):

General Strategy:

This is a control style deck that has an early tempo start that transitions to a more value/control oriented deck in the late game. Sometimes this deck has enough damage through the early and mid game to kill our opponent if you get an aggressive enough mulligan (Surging Tempest, Menacing Nimbus, SN1P-SN4P, [Hearthstone Card (Zephrys) Not Found], good Bandersmosh transform, etc) but don't try to force it too much. There have been games that I've gotten my opponent to less than 10 health in the early/midgame but recognized that there is no direct damage in this deck and transitioned to a more control style, conserving my resources and trading. 

*tip* If you're hand is empty with Shudderwock in hand, don't get too greedy with him and just play him because he generates a lot of value from our many battlecries and is great tempo



Always Keep - Zap! (except Priest), Sludge Slurper, Surging Tempest, Menacing Nimbus, Novice Engineer, Sandstorm Elemental (except Priest), Zephrys the Great, Bad Luck Albatross, SN1P-SN4P, Vulpera Scoundrel

Sometimes Keep - Lightning Storm (vs Hunter), Bone Wraith (going second or if you have a decent 1-3 curve), Dragonmaw Poacher (vs Hunter), Escaped Manasaber (going second or if you have a decent 1-3 curve), Hex (vs Priest), Plague of Murlocs (vs Druid or Priest), Zilliax (vs Hunter)


I hope you like this deck and, as always, if you have any questions or have a suggestion please comment below (I respond to all comments)!

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