Last updated 4 years, 8 months ago by
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Proof (at Diamond 3):


Hey, everyone! My  name is Funki Monki and all I do is create off meta, homebrew decks that hopefully break the meta!  Recently, I've been playing this Freeze Mage that has been crushing Demon Hunters, Rogues and Warriors. It all started when I noticed how fast the meta was (with the exception of Gal Priest) and most of the classes I saw were DH, Rogue, Warrior and occassionally Hunter. All of these classes, I also noted used their face to attack so I thought the perfect counter to your opponent going face is to freeze them! This deck originally started out as a meme, as I put in every single card with "freeze" text into my deck. I went 5-0.  I started to realize it wasn't so much a meme and refined it to where it is today. 

I hope you all enjoy this deck! This deck guide took me some time to write up, so if you found this helpful please upvote so others can find out about it as well!

* Khadgar/Conjurer's Calling is not in the deck because the meta is too fast. It may look appealing to have Khadgar because of Deep Freeze, Power of Creation, but waiting for the extra 2 mana on Khadgar is game losing.  And Conjurer's Calling is a massive value spell but against Rogue, DH, Hunter, etc it is hard to play from behind and is often a dead card in hand. Against the slower decks, this list already does well vs them so we don't need the extra value.

*I also do not use Puzzle Box of Yogg-Saron because it is just too random, and in the cases where I'd want to cheat out a spell with Dragoncaster, If I had to choose between Deep Freeze, Power of Creation, or Yogg Box I'm never choosing box because it is too inconsistent and the other plays are consistently better. If you want to go for the memes, then by all means throw 2 boxes in! (by taking out 1 Blizzard and 1 Power of Creation)



Demon Hunter -

Mulligan:Arcane Breath, Ray of Frost, Astromancer Solarian, Doomsayer, Arcane Intellect, Frost Nova, Ice Barrier, Azure Explorer (if you have Arcane Breath), Rolling Fireball (if going second)

Druid -

Mulligan: Arcane Breath, Learn Draconic, Ray of Frost, Astromancer Solarian, Doomsayer, Arcane Intellect, Frost Nova, Azure Explorer, Malygos, Aspect of Magic, Dragoncaster

Hunter -

Mulligan: Arcane Breath, Ray of Frost, Astromancer Solarian, Doomsayer, Arcane Intellect, Frost Nova, Ice Barrier

Mage - 

Arcane Breath, Learn Draconic, Ray of Frost, Astromancer Solarian, Arcane Intellect, Frost Nova, Azure Explorer, Malygos, Aspect of Magic, Dragoncaster, The Amazing Reno

Paladin - 

Mulligan:Arcane Breath, Ray of Frost, Astromancer Solarian, Doomsayer, Arcane Intellect, Frost Nova, Ice Barrier, Azure Explorer (if you have Arcane Breath), Rolling Fireball(if going second)

Priest -

Mulligan: Arcane Breath, Learn Draconic, Astromancer Solarian, Arcane Intellect, Azure Explorer, Malygos, Aspect of Magic, Dragoncaster, The Amazing Reno, Power of Creation (if you have Dragoncaster)

Rogue - 

Mulligan:Arcane Breath, Learn Draconic Ray of Frost, Astromancer Solarian, Doomsayer, Arcane Intellect, Frost Nova, Ice Barrier, Azure Explorer, Rolling Fireball

Shaman - 

Mulligan:Arcane Breath, Learn Draconic, Ray of Frost, Astromancer Solarian, Doomsayer, Arcane Intellect, Frost Nova, Azure ExplorerRolling Fireball (going second)

Warlock -

Mulligan:Arcane Breath, Learn Draconic, Ray of Frost, Astromancer Solarian, Doomsayer, Arcane Intellect, Frost Nova, Azure Explorer, Malygos, Aspect of Magic Rolling Fireball

Warrior -

Mulligan:Arcane Breath, Ray of Frost, Astromancer Solarian, Doomsayer, Arcane Intellect, Frost Nova, Azure Explorer, Malygos, Aspect of Magic Rolling Fireball



If you do not have any legendaries, replace with a Puzzle Box of Yogg-Saron


I hope you like this deck and, as always, if you have any questions or have a suggestion please comment below (I respond to all comments)!

Watch me stream live - https://www.twitch.tv/funkimonki

Subscribe to my Youtube-  https://www.youtube.com/channel/UC5JSDPfmvo1bfpG6438Qg8w

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  • boinkydoinky's Avatar
    180 25 Posts Joined 03/20/2020
    Posted 4 years, 8 months ago

    I'm a bit confused as to how to play the control matchups - it feels like this deck just gets outvalued too easily and isn't capable of being agressive enough to find the damage before you get blown out.

    What has your experience been like? I'm specifically talking about Galakrond Priest, because it feels like that matchup is just unwinnable.

    • FunkiMonki's Avatar
      260 79 Posts Joined 06/03/2019
      Posted 4 years, 8 months ago

      Great question! In the control matchups like against Priest you'll never outvalue them so you have to find some way of killing them before fatigue happens. Your best win conditions are a big swing turn with Dragoncaster + Deep Freeze/ Power of Creation, an early completed Learn Draconic, and your Solarian Prime. Fortunately, Galakrond Priest doesn't have as much healing as Res Priest so we're more easily able to kill them over 2-3 turns. Because we have so many freezes in the deck, go face as often as possible unless it is to stop more potential healing (i.e. Sandhoof Waterbearer).  If you're facing a ton of Priests you could even swap out 1 Doomsayer for an Alexstrasza to help set up those 2 turn kills easier. 

      Hope this helps!


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