Day 1 zoolock

Last updated 4 years, 8 months ago by
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I always play zoolock the first expansion every time it's just an immortal deck that always have some variant, and it's the best the first day it's rarely ever stays at tier 1 after that so if I want to play zoolock it's now.

I actually dig the discard package they added to zoo, I mean if you run 6 discards and 2 cards you want to discard you probably never have to play the 6 mana draw a card specially since 2 of those discard cards target HoG specifically, also the scrap imp have good synergy with hand of guldan you can turn 2 play the scrap imp, turn 3 play merchant + 1 drop and if you have hand of guldan then you are buffing 3 more cards by +2/+2.

sact pact is hate vs demon hunter which I predict will be 99% of the matches and demon hunter got demons.. yes it's not great in the deck but it's anti meta.

shadow council is to get rid of those sact pacts in other matchups or when you get a really awkward hand of too many discard cards.

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