Galakrond Secret Rogue (Legend from Diamond 4, 31-12)

Last updated 4 years ago by
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Arcane Tracker Stats

Legend Proof

Hello folks,

I used this list to climb from diamond 4 (3-star) up to legend, going 17-7. I then continued to play the deck at legend, going 14-4 overall and therefore thought I would share it (I am not the best player, so the deck must be decent!).

The deck has game against most meta decks, with a positive win rate against Galakrond Warlock and Tempo Demon Hunter (the most common matchups faced). The deck controls the early board through Tempo plays, Lackeys and Secrets, and provides mid and late game value through the Galakrond package and Toggwaggle.

Card choices:

- I run 2 x Dragon's Hoard despite not having any Underbelly Fences or Vendettas. These act as good Combo starters, as well as providing huge flexibility, and also act as a solid '1-drop'.

- The secret package provides some proactive things to do on turn 2, and the payoff cards are so good. A lot of secrets from other classes through Shadowjeweler Hanar are very strong against Demon Hunters such as Misdirection,  Noble Sac and Ice Barrier (a highlight being a Misdirection back on to an Imprisoned Antaen followed by an immediate concede).

- Yes, there are no Eviscerates or Saps. I always found these cards underwhelming despite the widely accepted high power level. 4 hp is not such an important break point, and Sap is outclassed by Blackjack Stunner 

Rough Mulligan Guide

Always keep: Pharaoh Cat, Evil Miscreant (if on Coin)

Against Aggro / Demon Hunter: Backstab, Ambush, Shadowjeweler Hanar (if you have a Secret and are on Coin)

Against Control: Dirty Tricks, Blackjack Stunner, Ambush

Stats from Arcane Tracker and Legend proof to follow.



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