Rolling Mecha'bones

Last updated 4 years, 7 months ago by
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Hey there, you, yes you. Are you tired of trying to play fast decks in wild only to face Zephrys the Great into Kazakus into Raza the Chained into Reno Jackson into Seance into Shadowreaper Anduin? Well, maybe you should have played around it. No no, I mean playing around the whole game of Hearthstone by praying to our lord and savior Mecha'thun. It is His will that you play this  "uninteractive" combo deck to farm those control value decks that never seem to run out of tools. Oh, don't worry, the deck is pretty straightforward. Just follow these simple steps and victory will be asured:

0: Mulligan hard for non-Deathrattle cards (you can keep Mecha'thun if you're not facing aggro).

1. Empty your hand playing cheap Deathrattle minions. They'll give you strong board presence at the start and help you cycle through your deck with draw effects.

2. Roll the Bones and pray that you don't overdraw.

3. Find both Anka, the Buried and Mecha'thun.

4. Play Myra's Unstable Element to erase the rest of your "degenerate" deck from the game.

5. Play Anka, the Buried, empty your hand and save at least 1 Tentacle of N'Zoth, Explosive Sheep or Unstable Ghoul as well as a Serrated Tooth (in hand or in play) and Mecha'thun, obviously.

6. Play the rest of your hand (remember to play Mecha'thun last or his Deathrattle might trigger too soon), destroy your Serrated Tooth (either by attacking, using your hero power or equipping another weapon) and attack with the minion you saved from step 5 (that deals area damage) to destroy your board.

7. ???

8. Profit

See, it's that simple. Compared to playing cards on curve or generating a hundred lackeys with Galakrond, this is mere child's play. Not bad for a "children's card game", I suppose.

Updated List Explanation:

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So apparently the deck still wasn't fast enough and aggro was a pretty rough matchup so I made the following changes:

-2 Backstab , -2 Shiv, -2 Skyvateer

+2 Serrated Tooth, +2 Volatile Elemental, +2 Khartut Defender

By making the combo not reliant on spells the number of non-deathrattle cards is now 6 to 24 (1 in 4), which reduces the chances of Roll the Bones not drawing as much as intended (those 1 card draws hurt). The extra healing and reduced card draw from Deathrattles is to combat fatigue damage, which can make you draw the game even if you get your combo. Needless to say, the healing and minion damage help a lot against aggro decks.

One last remark, don't worry about Reborn effects messing up your combo, as Reborn always triggers after Deathrattle.


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  • Hydrafrog's Avatar
    Gul'dan 1840 3268 Posts Joined 05/28/2019
    Posted 4 years, 7 months ago

    I've been able to get this off on turn 8 thanks to The Coin

    • HyperOrange's Avatar
      860 65 Posts Joined 05/30/2019
      Posted 4 years, 7 months ago

      Wait, what? That's insane. I haven't even come close to getting it off so soon. How did you do it exactly?

      • Hydrafrog's Avatar
        Gul'dan 1840 3268 Posts Joined 05/28/2019
        Posted 4 years, 7 months ago

        Fat fingered the 5 instead of the 8 on a keyboard...  Fixed now :D 

        • HyperOrange's Avatar
          860 65 Posts Joined 05/30/2019
          Posted 4 years, 7 months ago

          Ah ok, that's still pretty good though.

  • ZoppoHS's Avatar
    95 6 Posts Joined 05/29/2019
    Posted 4 years, 7 months ago

    Stupid Deck, no fun


    • HyperOrange's Avatar
      860 65 Posts Joined 05/30/2019
      Posted 4 years, 7 months ago

      I'm sorry you didn't enjoy the deck, I'll admit it had a few rough matchups, and that's why I updated it. With the new changes you should expect better results.


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